True if big.
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
His brother said Steve could walk into any hotel in vega so and stay for a week for free because he spent so much money gambling.
>so no need to book hotel rooms through air BnB
He was set up for a fake arms deal by mossad
If true big.
this is comps
i've been to foxwoods maybe four times and they comp me rooms. i spend nice but nothing crazy
if true, big
WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.
"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.
>implying no one else involved did escape
BREAKING: Shooter had planned to cause so much chaos and trigger Civil War
but I thought he was a super hero... i mean... uh i dont recall... yeah thats it... NO FURTHER QUESTIONS!
he means to big an op to do alone.
mentioned multiple houses with weapons/explosive material. contacts abroad being investigated. been amassing guns for years... not just months, years.
That was akward
yeah i go to winstar in oklahoma and get comps every month
You had one job antifags and you failed your comrade
what the fuck is going on?
Is this from a press conference? do we have video and/or full quotes?
They were probably just there to document the event.
Said twice the note was not a suicide note. Wouldn’t say what was on the note. Stumbled twice when trying to formulate an answer.
Something important is on that note.
rewind about 30 min
Real life is beginning to feel like pic related
i hate our government
>He was set up for a fake arms deal by mossad
This theory no longer makes sense in light of new information that he looked into booking a room overlooking the Life is Beautiful festival -- either as his initial planned attack, or as a dry run.
fuck off media, do your fucking job
they concealed everything not just the note, fuck them
What timeline is this, of every police department in the country its fucking metro ending up being the ones actually standing up and doing the right thing in the face of organizations that topple entire governments...
Yeah that part was kinda funny in its own way tho
>girl starts texting
god that shits scary get down dumb bitch
((((Their)))) narrative crumbles before our eyes
His brother said Steve could walk into any hotel in vegas and stay for a week for free because he spent so much money gambling.
>so no need to book hotel rooms through air BnB
He was set up for a fake arms deal by mossad
>he looked into booking
Was he successful?
Yes he DID book it, they confirmed. So he had two hotels booked.
So sad. I don't know if people were in shock, denial or what. It doesn't look like the shooter had a great vantage point on the front rows, but staying there clearly wasn't the right idea.
holy shit someone needs to explain this
he gets so nervous after he says that it's ridiculous
45 minutes before the shooting started, a woman was going around the crowd warning people and even got up on stage to say a warning.
The police didn't even question her. In this time of "if you see something, say something" they did not take a report or even ID her, as far as we know. They have not spoken with her again.
That sounds like help right there. From authorities responsible for security at the concert, or possibly other authorities who stepped in to make sure this woman was not interviewed properly.
src? I'm out of the loop
sounds like a dry run to me then - or for you conspritards, business as usual.
After what?
I think the sheriff is spoked because they have zero idea if there is an active terror cell in las vegas that decided to allow Paddock to do this attack himself, allowing the others to go uncaptured.
Holy shit
Well I don't think he picked his assault rifles off an assault rifle tree.
Someone sold him the explosives. Someone else in Vegas that night knew about this, per video of the little women telling people they were going to die. Someone killed him if he had an escape plan.
Nothing is adding up.
During the conference they asked if they were still looking for that woman and they mentioned having global leads, many which may go no where but they have to check.
>2 shooters on scanner is confirmed just now
>nothing about the suspicious hispanic looking male in the parking lot escaping
Well wasnt that dry.
I think maybe his team mates realized he would be successful on his own, so it would be a waste for all of them to die that night, instead opting to go another day.
OMG Bill NYE was going to be at life is beautiful. Does this mean he was one of o-ourguys?
She probably saw the shooter carrying all the guns into the hotel with his super human strength. She probably has key information but now shes disappeared.
That was 2007 bud
Based on the evidence I've seen, I believe he had at least one person helping him.
>Infowars - Incredible Must See Video Documents Multiple Shooters In Vegas Massacre (footage starts @ 23:50)
>Vic Vega - "Mandalay Bay worker posts #LasVegasShooters meal receipt. Places him at hotel day before Feds say he was there. & he ate with someone? Who?"
Sure showed pyramid alot
The sheriff was stumbling and nervous obviously not relieving information. He slipped up and said the shooter might of been a super hero to carry all those guns alone.
Scott Adams got btfo, he was on the "hurr just bad medication" meme
There is an active terrorist cell running around vegas and the fbi is playing word games.
He wanted to start another Civil War
>His gf was in Tokyo, er I mean the Philippines.
>Woman told people in crowd "they are all around us"
>Car bomb at the Luxor
>Multiple shooters
Thats why hey wont say where the gf is
They are all around us. You are all going to die. 11
Another 9/11 if those were indeed her words.
Fuck off. Can you shills just die already.
They thought it was fireworks because it was coming from overhead. Fireworks aren't rare here so I can see why they thought that.
Reminder that Michael Chertoff, the guy "john" predicted would capitalize on a Vegas happening, is the same kike who requested the five arrested "Dancing Israelis" of 9/11 be sent back to Israel.
He now runs a security group:
Travel Ban needed for Israel
>even got up on stage to say a warning.
Source? We heard from a couple people about the latino couple who were taunting "you're all gonna die" near the front of the concert, but I haven't heard anything about anyone jumping the stage. Not a ShareBlue shill, just trying to make sure we keep our information accounted for.
underated post
He was a super anhero.
If you dont mind me asking, about how much do you spend on a trip?
In prior General, the LVMPDanon said the note was a personal bill of sale for firearms, confirming a transaction. He said the LVMPD knows this but Feds have them cockblocked.
>be singer in front of huge audience
>realize someone is emptying a clip somewhere too close for comfort
>run away without saying a peep, giving the shooter that much more time to fire into the crowd before they realize
What a piece of shit.
I heard it was just one woman, has that changed?
Why is msm trying to ban guns when this guy had his fucking car rigged with a bomb.
Nothing drastic. Just people saying the same thing on social media, and the guy that was with her vouching for the incident. It might have just been people being drunk and silly, but it did cause a little bit of a scene.
How did they get that information considering dudes dead and they say that nobody else can provide any information on him. He was always in vegas gambling. Even if it's true that he rented a room during a RAP CONCERT, we would need to see what other rooms he rented and when to see if that's even unusual.
ExCIA guy has same theories we do. Lefty and or ISIS.
Also said it was spooks that did it.
This. Why not shine spotlight, or say get down.
They all think alike
Oh ok, yeah it's pretty amazing timing for her to say that right before.
>”evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. ... It's classified information”
I’m surprised Carl Cameron didn’t get Mossaded but the video never officially aired (because ADL and others email crashed fox’s servers in protest). It was indeed Michael the jew Chertoff who classified it and had the dancing Israelis deported safely back to Israel. “Evidence linking these Israelis is classified” still means there is evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11.
The event staff is just as guilty here. Notice how they just shut everything off right after he exits, rather than making an announcement over their audio system.
Aint this the older man foaming at the mouth in the dead body video?
Fucking this. They all bolted as if they were the only ones present.
Could be, fat bald guys with beards are very common in America though. The clothes look similar though.
The 2nd amendment gave him all of the help that he needed.
Shall not be infringed
Top story on Drudge:
>Police now seeking "Mystery Woman" who confirmed met with Poddack in Vegas, and was not the Filipino GF.
Is this "Mystery Woman" the one who ominously warned the crowd before the shooting? The one described as petite and Hispanic and average? The one mentioned by witnesses before Poddack's GF was even identified?
Was this "Mystery Woman" the second guest listed on Poddack's room service receipt on 09/27 (not 09/28)? Might explain the order of a bagel, a smaller meal for his guest. Was this a handler of Middle Eastern descent? Jewish maybe?
I don't have a source. Someone said it yesterday, probably on Sup Forums but not necessarily, and I don't know more than that. Thanks for the question.
We should know. What are cops for, if not to act on such clues? Not much we can do if the defenses of effective police procedure are cut out from under us like this. /end_of_rant
I've only seen this posted on Facebook and by Shareblue shills. Where is the sauce for this?
Also nobody knows what a real gun or rifle sounds like since they’re used to Hollywood sound effects that sound nothing like the real thing
Possible relation between these. Thanks for linking the story, user.
Didn't know the second amendment allowed him to fill his car with explosives and have a escape plan for another attack that night. we should ban assult bombs.
Have they ever official confirmed that he committed suicide?
Or have they just been dodging the question? (Like simply saying he was dead before the breach)
Hmm high stakes gambling would be a good way to launder gun running money
Come to think of it, the cutting out of effective defenses reminds of of 9/11. The Air Force was grounded. Those heavy jets off course would have gotten nowhere near WTC if F-16's had been scrambled, as was most certainly routine procedure. Except on the day it mattered.
She was probably muslim and they just thought she was mexican.
in the interview that just happened they said it wasn't a suicide and he had an escape plan.
Ban assault casinos.
a thousand dollars maybe. they mail you shit nonstop offering comped rooms and anything else. they did this before i ever spent more than a few hundred dollars between food courts and table games, too. they just want to entice you to come back
a guy like this who is seemingly spending thousands of dollars will be treated like a god by the casino. at that point they're competing for his business.
>he turned the room into a snipers nest
Question for gunfags. Why wouldn't he have an actually sniper with him?
Arms deal theory makes no sense since the rifles are modded AR-15s. Who would illegally want to buy those from a Vegas hotel room suite? Californians?
Oh ya he also confirmed he had know knowledge of a note. But that the note that was there deffidently wasn't a suicide note.
Blig if poo
Sherof said paddock did not book the room
Someone claiming to be an FBI user said he died from being shot in the chest, presumably shot by someone else (I guess that's not how one commits suicide normally, not as guaranteed effective) and the blood collected in the head and came out the mouth.
Nothing suggests he had help.