Gun Confiscation seems right now

I am a hardcore gun rights activist and republican. After las vegas shooting I totally changed my mind. It's time to ask for everyones gun and afterwards there will be no more murder in America.

Basically before I was okay with it, but now I kinda want murder to end. So lets confiscate guns and then enjoy an America with no mass deaths or murders.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kys shill. Fpbp

So much obvious shilling since Paddock.



Dont let le fbi get to us. We must strike back.

You didn't get the memo? Yeah, that's been cancelled and we're keeping them, and buying additional guns and gun accessories.
>Botach (in Las Vegas) has 30 round Lancers on flash sale for the next few hours. 6 translucent smoke/$69.95 shipped.

Let freedom ring, mo' fo.

Kys, i'll enjoy watching you die.

Try to change up the wording a bit, add a link or something else to show that you aren't the same little fgt who posts this every 15 minutes, then get back to us with some better b8 m8.

Full statement from shooters girlfriend:

sage, reported and hidden
also kys shill

I'm a democratic socialist who thinks every citizen should be forced to carry a fully automatic machine gun, regardless of age, criminal record, race, or gender.

> robo sage

I hope you get AIDS faggot.

Fucking idiot.


So hardcore

>|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
1. No one needs a commercial truck this large.

2. The Founding Fathers never envisioned large commercial trucks, and did not intend for people to drive them.

3. These “assault trucks” are designed for killing large numbers of people quickly, and that is their only use.

4. We need a “no truck” list immediately, one that does not require due process to get on or off.

5. No where in the Constitution does it mention the freedom to own these killing devices called trucks.

6. Large commercial trucks should only be owned by the police, military, or politicians, NOT normal citizens, who can use horses.

7. We already have licensing, registration, titles, inspection, and multiple taxes on large commercial vehicles, and STILL they are used for mass killing. Enough is enough. We must ban them entirely.

8. We must follow Australia’s example – we must have a massive government buy-back of all trucks currently owned by American citizens, then, they must be destroyed.

9. We must empower the police and military to go door-to-door to forcibly remove these “assault trucks”. Deadly force is reasonable when “disarming” people of these killing devices.

10. If it will save the life of even a single child, we must rid our society of trucks.

11. And lastly, we must continue to resettle enormous numbers of Muslims throughout the United States, primarily in rural, white, Christian areas.


px. kys fagit

Is there something in the air tonight? I mean, how many of you false flagging faggots are we going to suffer through on Sup Forums before night's end?


Literally all of them I imagine.

>you're not a guns right advocate and you never were
>also not a republican
>you didn't change you mind.
>you are a shill, and a super obvious one too because this thread pops up every fifteen minutes.

You have never owned guns.
You're realizing tht your narrative is falling apart and you want to try to sway public opinion and get that legislTion passed before all the men and women of this country find out the truth about your operation.
That's just not gonna happen.

This info is ours now.
Unironically kill yourself.

It must be so hard to come here to shill and the entire hivemind telling you to get fucked. Anonymity takes away your ability to psychologically manipulate.
Expect us.

Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chávez took the guns. And I am here to tell you, 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS

Clearly not.

KYS, shitbag

by the way they have rapid response teams of shills ready to jump on any occasion:

"And if we did not suspect it, we have confirmation that the “Media” is indeed working directly with MAIG and Bloomberg. Kenneth Lerer is co-founder, with Arianna Huffington, of and Chairman of Betaworks and BuzzFeed. During the same time frame he is advising the head of MAIG on his efforts. I am not sure who might be the “Colin” refered in the communication but it might be either Colin Weaver Deputy Executive Director New Yorkers Against Gun Violence who was in Intergovermental Relations Dept (Criminal Justice Legislation) New York City Office of Management & Budget or our old friend Colin Goddard of Virginia Tech reputation now working with MAIG."

and Shannon Watts / Troughton was a PR executive for Monsanto. She's a professional liar for big corporations.

kill yourself faggot

>Gun rights activist
>It's time we give them up
Shoot yourself

sure gun confiscation will be about saving lives but many will die during it as they refuse to give their guns up...everyone knows its not about saving lives is it?

How many times am I going to have to close this pasta today

>tfw you will never beat your qt brown gf

The guy was a pussy like all pussy faggots who target weak targets because they are scared little cowards.

Pray for his eternal torment...

You're not a "hardcore" gun rights activist or a republican. You're a shill.

Molon Labe

Nice shill job Share Blue.

You know this doesn't change anyone's mind right?

>Australia has no violence since its ban
>I am a gun owner like yourself yet even I the famous gun owner am now moved to support ending the Constitution
are spam and redundant, even with changes of image and phrasing. We are getting six of these at a time. This is ckearly a paid campaign that is in plain violation of multiple posted rules.

0/10 bait. please try harder next time.

Is she white?
She's half Mexican half white .

I look forward to the day that I can openly kill leftists with no repercussions.

>I am a hardcore gun rights activist and republican. After las vegas shooting I totally changed my mind.

sure you are buddy.

Love the idea of confiscating guns seems like it will solve all the problems. While we're at it let's tell teens not to have sex, tell drug dealers to stop selling their llegal drugs and tell dipshits like you to stop posting stupid ideas. I'm sure it will work..

Reported and saged.

Stick a power drill through your eye socket.

this is explicitly the reason there so many guns in america. every time someone tried to restrict guns in america more people go out and buy guns.
just this week more people that saw bump stocks as a mere novelty went out to actively seek out bump stock ownership. every god damned time you fucking idiot. Your thinking is the reason america will always trend towards more gun ownership not less

>It's time to ask
You're welcome to ask. But good luck getting them.

so much this. every red blooded patriot will gladly hand in their guns to prevent another a tragedy like this. if you are still against gun control after what happened at mandalay bay you are not a real american and blood is on your hands.

same. i used to think murdering innocents was OK and patriotic. but after watching Jimmy Kimmel Live (tm) i think we should make murder illegal


You are the world's worst troll faggot. Any who owns and shoots guns won't puss out so easily. Please kys so we can be free of your degenerate tricks kike.

90%euro 10% native from dna test

mostly spanish european dna though

Criminals will never willingly give up their guns. If someone wants a gun bad enough they'll just buy it on the black market. A gun ban will do nothing but disarm law-abiding citizens and make us less safe, not safer.

I hope you get raped by Somalians

fuck you

mass shootings are not a reason to ban guns

Read: You are an idiot shill. Die kike.

Saged. You cianiggers glow in the fucking dark.

Propagandist are really pushing hard today with this shit


Change "guns" to "jews" and I agree with everything you assert.

Fucking shill. Just kill yourself.

Fuck off shill.

>I am a hardcore gun rights activist
>Who wants to ban guns.

God, you people are fucking retarded.

Leftist memes, people.....


There is always a surge of gun sales after a mass shooting. It's not because of the desire to emulate the killer. Oh, no. It's not that at all. It's not because it's about fear of needing self-protection either. Nope.

It's because the liberals step up the gun control rhetoric, and people want to get theirs while they still can.

Ok why don't you volunteer? Go up to a home and confiscate their guns.

Low effort bait 0/10

Too bad, kike. Does it anger you I own an evil Nazi rifle?

The gun the guy used was illegal to own, tell me how conviscating guns from the Law-abiding citizens is going to stop law-breakers from just hiding/burying their gun(s) and ammo for future use?

Plenty of fuckin pot heads despite its illegality. A gun control Law is about as effective as toilet paper, perfect for whiping my ass with.


It was happening before Paddock, too. Guess the shills were getting adjusted to the posting style.

>No STG-44

Hans, pls


God, I want one. But an original one is ridiculous, and my wallet won't allow it. Plus the ammo is non-existent. But K98 ammo is abundant. Or it was, until guys like me bought all the surplus shit.

fucking commie

Again with this, user.

Please, stop $#¡t posting propaganda.


We already know, brother.

Eat Shit.

I would rather have a few mass shootings than millions butchered by a Communist regime.