Recently alot of you have been shit talking the police response at the Mandalay Massacre with "muh 72 minutes". A security guard and two officers arrived at the room within 12 minutes. Paddock then proceeded to rain fire through the door and into the hallway. After that he stopped shooting. At this point it was a standoff and not am active shooter. If he had began firing again they would have stormed the room. He didn't so they cleared the rooms on the hall and waited for SWAT. They literally did exactly what they should have and should be honored, not criticized. Especially by a bunch of no nothing trolls that make up fairy tales and jack off to cartoons all day. Let's be thankful that men like these are willing to put their lives on the line.
Don't criticize shit you don't know anything about
Israel will burn to the fucking ground.
Im not saying that the mainstream narrative is the truth or that this doesn't stink to high heaven, but the police response was by the book, and they saved lives.
are people criticizing the cops? I havent seen much of that.
>talking to these retards like they are adults capable of reasoning
Kek you're like a bright eyed white on girl on her first day of teaching in the ghetto
eat shit you worthless fucker
get a real job faggot
I haven't heard anyone placing blame on the cops. All I've heard are talks of the Left bitching for gun control again.
But there was gunfire on scanner for much longer. Shooters in other casinos. This is all fucky
Hey taters.
Tits or gtfo
Listen to the scanner feed for that night, they breach the door much earlier than 11:20. Something doesn't add up with their timeline of events. Dig anons.
I con't wait for cops to get replaced with drones so they can stop trying to get sympathy points...FUck you know what I'd buy the excuses of a robot over you lame excuses user.
so your timeline is...
"open fire on crowd for ~10 minutes"
"sec. guards arrive in ~12 minutes"
firing stops
Shooter shoots through door at sec guards. Maybe sec fires back.
****Paddock shot in chest and is bleeding out.
*alive* sec guards wait for swat
swat breaches and shoots (already dead) paddock for good measure?
higher ups tell swat to move body two feet down and leak NVPD pics to public to make it look like suicide?
STFU. We want to hear what the LVPD know about the situation that the FBI aren't letting them say.
Leak it, faggot.
I think that is a very apt description user.
You work for a pension and nothing else.
You can make way more money as a cop then just what you get for your pension.
>Don't criticize shit you don't know anything about
"You can fuck yourself right in the ass you faggot." - Experts on Sup Forums
Seriously, telling people on Sup Forums to not talk about shit about they "don't know anything about" would result in a complete empty board.
I was jerkin my merkin to a comic, what'd I miss?
Cops forced people into the line of fire. Concert goers were ambushed in the parking lot by a second shooter. Police stopped anyone from going a safe direction, forcing them into the line of fire.
Dont worry. The feds were right around the corner in a fusion center and watched every bit of it. Cops did what they were told to do. Obedient and expedient.
But yeah, cops are really fucking brave when they write speeding tickets, but take an hour to respond after shooting stops. Guess all that body armor and military hardware isnt much use. Why do the police need it again? They cant get a team over from 1/4 a mile for over an hour. They really pushed the lie of "ran towards the gunfire" didnt they.
The government had a harvest at the harvest festival. Now they can blame trump for the violence and get guns banned by forcing trump to do everything they want.
I'm actually not a cop. I'm a degenerate who has hated cops most of my life, but I'm starting to have a change of heart.
>A security guard and two officers arrived at the room within 12 minutes
>Implying even that is acceptable when someone is auto firing rifles continuously in the middle of a fucking hotel room.
I pay these pampered faggots excessive salaries and benefits so they put themselves in danger to save people, not wait 12 minutes and 500 bodies later to do something about it.
No you are the faggot.
You are the coward.
You have never been in a life or death situation and you have never been tested.
You probably have never had a fucking job or had to display any courage... So you are the faggot... Faggot.
Your kind of a sick fuck senpai. You need therapy bro for real. I hope you joking. If not, for real find friends and a good therapist.
That's actually really quick considering that's how long it took them to locate the shooter, get to the hotel, and get to the 32nd fucking floor. I'm sorry they can't teleport faggot.
>how long it took them to locate the shooter
>auto firing rifles continuously in the middle of a fucking hotel room
The cops weren't in the hotel numbnuts. They had to figure out which hotel he was in. Which they did quick enough to be on the 32nd floor in ten minutes.
I guarantee there was a 911 call that said exactly where he was within five seconds.
This is why you don't eat the brown acid.....
Still had to get to the hotel. And the 32nd floor. ten minutes.
Cops are clearly useless. This decides it. Everyone should be armed and we should get rid of public police forces. There is no need for police to get there 10 minutes late, a private firm hired for the purpose would arrive at the room immediately
>i'm a warrior, i'm a warrior, every day is like a battlefield
gets chance to actually get into a firefight
>there's 8 of us in this hallway, we're going to wait for swat
the entire police response, not just the hallway, was atrocious. 12 minutes in one of them says "hey, it's coming from 32nd floor", and these assholes continue to chase ghosts for the next hour
Uh huh.
But here is the lie in his post tho?
they don't breach earlier. they report that a security guard got shot, and then EIGHT OF THEM WITH ASSAULT RIFLES sit there and "wait for SWAT" because muh warrior
1005 first shots
1121 room breach
76 minutes so no. shit security work. totally inefficient. that police were there within 12 minutes is hearsay provided by a department trying to cover it's ass.
>Took 40% longer for american police to get there, then it does for our unarmed police to slot a couple of terrorists
>1005 first shots
>1121 room breach
>76 minutes so no. shit security work. totally inefficient. that police were there within 12 minutes is hearsay provided by a department trying to cover it's ass.
It's because they are lying. They breached earlier than that.
hurr durr maybe they teleported behind him but, it wasn't personal
I failed plenty of times at my job when I should of took charge too but didn't because of procedure. KYS faggot.
at that point it was a standoff between a squad of SWAT officers and a guy who ate a bullet soon after he shot the security guard. not that I blame the SWAT team for being cautious
the only thing worth criticizing the police over would be their complicity in covering up the facts of the incident. assuming that there's shit to be covered up
British police are an embarrassment to the profession worldwide, please refrain from reminding me that they exist.
Dead and injured = almost 600
10 minutes of shooting = 600 seconds
1 person every second hit with at least one bullet for 600 seconds.
By the book? Got body cam footage?
This does eliminate the LVMPD from suspicion, thanks user.
automatic ar-15 fires at 600rnds/minute
he was firing for half the time so about 3000 rounds fired
Fuck the police
600 injured, dumb ass, not 600 shot. A lot of people were probably trampled by the crowd, or were injured in other ways.