

I dunno, that's pretty hot.


still cooler than the liberal numale look

i don't see any cringe you cock sucking liberal faggot

have you looked in the mirror today?

Veteran """culture""" is so fucking embarrassing.

god he looks like shit with that balding hairline

They're so gay.

Found the "MAGApede"


that picture is cringe you trap loving faggot

I love JRE and the reactions.

Just looks like a typical lughead jhock who defaulted to the military. Probably a coin flip as to whether or not you can hold a decent conversation with him without him wigging out about some political bullshit.

Don't get whats cringe about it tho. The kid in the back maaaaybe.

found the non-white

They look like some great lads desu. I'd pick them over our liberal faggots and niggers any day

Found the nigger

Hows your first year been?


hows being born a shitskin?



have any more :^)

Not to bad actually.





I bet the little one fucks the big one. A couple of cucking faggots.

Found the gay nigger baby.