How do I wear a politically incorrect/redpilled graphic tee in public without looking like a pathetic incel? I like the designs, insignia, and potential of signaling to other woke people, but I don't want to push it too far
How do I wear a politically incorrect/redpilled graphic tee in public without looking like a pathetic incel...
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Needing to signal shows weakness. Why do you think there is so much discussion of hiding your power level?
be a role model, retard, not a fucking billboard.
get fit and work on your rhetoric.
Just wear your underwear on your head
Just dress how you always dress. Never discuss your political beliefs even around those who share the same views. A lot of crazies out here.
Don't. Just wear vineyard Vines
>and potential of signaling to other woke people
Until some real skeezy autistic fat fuck comes up behind you and whispers "So I heard you like mudkips" in your ear. You'll quit signaling to other "woke" people.
Social anxiety from NEETs and aspies. I'm an aspiring alpha male, I reject plastic water bottle self-consciousness
Don't become what you hate.
>I'm an aspiring alpha male
Sure thing.
I think that's the biggest faggot I've ever seen. I mean, like, it should be criminal to be that much of an absolute faggot.
>hai gaiz I'm alt right! look at my edgy t shirt that my mom made! I hope Lauren Southern notices me!
If you need fashion tips and approval from Sup Forums you at a lost cause.
Why would you want to dress up in clothes with logos and slogans on them. Its so low brow.
Just dress yourself like a respectable white man and that should be enough to ward off the degenerate scum and signal to others of your thinking. If you're over 20 and don't work a blue collar job but still wear jeans as casual wear then you need to grow up, drop the kids and niggers fashion, be a respectable man.
>dress like reviewbrah
I kinda like this, wish it didn’t have infowars logo shit all over it
Also anyone that wears a tshirt saying they are training to X and Y is certainly not going to do X or Y. Its just cringey kekistani virtue signalling that they used to rage at Ess Jay Dubba Yous over.
>wish it didn’t have infowars logo shit all over it
What a low-test Beta. I'm embarrassed to have someone like him call himself a member of the Alt Right.
Don't wear something dumb like that.
Japanese Hero from Redbubble is a good shirt. I wear it often. It looks really good in person.
>Pic Related
That moment was pottery.
>wearing pjw on your shirt unironically
>GTFO redditfaggot
signaling through clothes is the gayest shit ever
even band shirts
fuckin lol
There is nothing wrong with jeans potato nigger.
That guy looks like he's been pulled straight out of the 70s
>Skinny neck, arms and narrow shoulders
>Soft in the middle
>Little boy eyes
You might be able to hurt some unarmed and restrained prisoners, which is all the rage these days, you look like the type to stab a middle-schooler over an argument, but in a fight you'd be disposed of right quick.
>Dressing formally or professionally means you're reviewbrah
Spoken like a true degenerate. Stop emulating rappers or whoever the media told you was desirable.
Nothing you wear looks good in person.
You can get pretty much anything printed on tees online I don't wear tees much unless under a collared shirt. Weather where I live requires layer dressing 10 months out of the year
try contributing to society. you'll stick out
This cuck would be one of the first people tossed out of the helicopter
If you're over the age of 18 you shouldn' t be wearing any tee with a graphic on it. What the fuck are you in middle school?
Also half the mouth breathers I see that are in their 20s or 30s wearing graphic tees with almost witty shit on them are almost always manlets or fat fucks. They have to rely on signaled humor to reflect their quirky personality. It's the male equivalent of fish eye glasses, septum piercings, or neon colored hair on a lame basic bitch.
Pick up heavy things and put them down. Don't eat the global kike processed food. Eat meat thats lean and veggies that are green. Earn your manhood and masculinity.
After that, wear clothes that are neat and fit you. Invest in a steamer if you can't fucking be assed to iron your clothes or you can't find a woman to do it for you. Classics are classic for a reason and if you're in shape and manly it'll look good.
Thats all there is to it you beta fucking faggot.
Or you can get a Rick and Morty tee, get high with your bro, and laugh so hard you end up face down in your bro's cockpit with a tube steak in your mouth you absolute faggot.
Stop doing that. Stop dealing in absolutes.
Biggest problem with Sup Forums and all of Sup Forums.
There is an absurd amount of middle ground between a full suit and total degen.
Guess I'll just have to throw out my murdoch murdoch tee because user said so...
This is why I don't signal.
There's nothing wrong with layering
I hate plain whites because they seem to wear out and yellow quick
I've wanted 1 of these for a while so when I hang out with the bros if I get stains on it won't really show
Also thrift stores are good if your under 6ft and have an average build
>How do I wear a politically incorrect/redpilled graphic tee in public without looking like a pathetic incel?
Dont, you pathetic incel.
that shirt's gay as fuck.
"helicopter rides" is a dog whistle, so you don't need to literally say "communists"...
even the video of soyboy from the tiki march was shared with helicopter references in the end by liberal media, and they didn't "get" the reference...
so maybe just "free helicopter rides" would be better...
I've made myself a good nazi friend at the gym by wearing a mjolnir. And I like to piss off muslims and marxists by wearing christians or fascists symbols. I guess it depends on your look and on what you are wearing.
This one is good, not cringy and subtle enough.
this one is much better. =)
reminds me of Thor Steinar's "save the white continent"
everyone post that guy with the "pooftas fuck off" sign
Do what you want, you're a fucking American. Fuck everyone else.
Be a Chad
Dress nicely and treat people with respect and call your elders sir and maam
By looking like you're actually capable of lifting someone over your head and tossing the out of a helicopter. Don't be a pussy.
no it's not.
it's a good way to make friends for something esoteric, like anime.
>the virgin clothing dilemma
I would wear that ironically to myself and other right wingers and unironically to SJWs
Polos look like absolute trash unless youre a legit Chad or 200lbs and 10% bodyfat
Nothing makes a beta male look as pathetic as a polo shirt to accentuate what a skinnyfat piece of genetic garbage he really is
Exactly this. I am an aging punk rocker and I like to wear printed shirts in public places and piss people off - especially Muslims. Destroy Islam and Mohammed Fucks Pigs come to mind... but hey, each to his own. Keep in mind, whatever happens - you own the situation you create.
best not to wear memes son its tacky big fella
save your money and buy a solid pair of boots
A good fascist dresses well, without nigger logos.
>being older than 14
>wearing a graphic t shirt
Get fit and have good posture, that's it really.
Why not be a bit low key. I hear Samwal Bin Hayid needs the money too.
wear them while out in public with your g/f
>vinyard vines
>t. preppy high school kid from 2008
>How can I visually oppose lefties without having them using their ad-hominem tactics on me?
Stop looking like a pathetic incel; Stop being skinny-fat or just fat, try hitting the gym for a few years.
I dress like a fucking loser in starcraft t-shirts and girls come up to me asking what the my shirts are about. I then sperg out, but hey, I look like a chad at least.
So shut up, don't talk with trusted friends about your political views, and go along with everything that you secretly don't believe. A lot of shills behind fake flags.
I second this. If you want to push the word of Man, you must be a Man.
When you don't speak English but computer tard and think you're contributing.
Blue jeans are the most American pants that exist. Jeans, a polo, and boat shoes are the best white man casual weekend gear.
I dress kinda hipsterish because I'm not a faggot who stops dressing the way he wants just b/c people of a different political ideology also dress that way. Pic related is best fashion
>dress in jeans and plain shirts
>live life as a background character
>decide to switch to khakis + button-up/polo shirts with cheap dress shoes
>random people start conversations with me now
There is nothing wrong with wearing comfy band teeshirts as PJs.
>plaid dress shirt
>with a tie
fucking hang yourself faggot
>not sleeping naked
Are you a woman ?
It's ok. I was wondering this myself. I bought pic related shirt last night. I understand it can be difficult and feel lonely in modern society. With rampant degeneracy abundant searching for likeminded people can be a slippery slope.
This user is right. Become the best you possible. Work on yourself. Participate in (sig) threads and the rest will come in time. God speed.
Every one of these tees will get you fired
Fashion and expensive/nice clothes are a (((trick)))
I have 2 pairs of the same shorts, I wear them everyday with a t-shirt. I waste no money, and I'm always comfortable.
Straighten up that noose, I mean tie, slave boy.
me too bump
Some of us enjoy vaginas tho.
Like this?
Rhodesian camo tee
I'm a slav man, I can wear anything. Fashion rules are for anglo faggots
>How do I wear a politically incorrect/redpilled graphic tee in public without looking like a pathetic incel?
By not being one? If you're ugly don't use politics to be an attention whore because you'll make us all look like subhumans.
I can smell you from here.
fascionclothing (dot) com
It's called a washing machine. They work.
Already have a wife, not worried about it.
If you don't look like a man when naked, you won't look like a man clothed.
Do NOT wear edgy non-PC stuff if you're a beta faggot, you'll just get your ass kicked, at least be ready to physically defend yourself if some libfag wants to start shit.
>How do I wear a politically incorrect/redpilled graphic tee in public without looking like a pathetic incel?
Then don't fucking do it. It can't be that hard to restrain yourself
You don't fag
Here's how to do it in correct order
>Be attractive
>Don't be a faggot
>Nvm, be a faggot
>Wear this
Is it that hard?
I would love a "jews fear the samurai" fash wave T shirt.
Being alt-right isn't about wearing stupid graphic tee's
Just buy a nice shirt and lift.
Don't. Wear something subtle like patches or less obvious symbols.
>Wear something less obvious
>Like a nazi patch
Hit the gym you fucking stick.
Something subtle like this swastika armband
Well... it doesn't have a swastika. I wear it all the time.