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>nwf it was North Korea
Fits into what Anon5 was saying.
>1 off tho
Can you faggots stop. It was Israel.
Paddock worked for Lockheed Martin and was an associate at NASA.
Wonder if they picked up some chatter and this is why Trump added NK to the travel ban. Better theory than most I've stumbled upon.
NK have been WAY to quiet after practically announcing they are at war with USA.
everything cant be fucking Israel
Activates my almonds user. So either way Stephen got kilt first.
oh yes it fucking can.
Kim's fucking bantz. Truly the master.
>everything cant be fucking Israel
Sorry to disappoint you then
oh fuck I remember this
I discarded it with all of the other NK larps
if real don't expect the FBI to be releasing the asian gf anytime soon
I want more damn details on the autopsy. What time did they take his liver temp and what was it and how long was that picture taken after they breached the door. The capillaries in his face were already depleted so the blood had time to pool downwards. Also, his hands look like they are stuck in a jacket or long sleeve something. Assuming body was moved or dragged by leo or not?
Oh my word I need to start time stamping again there was this cop who talked about vip black vans and something in the sky.
You can't have a serious investigation if you are just going to believe everything is mossad.
Sure they do a lot of shit, and are behind even more shit, but that is still not a reason to forego investigatory discipline.
You should perhaps establish a motive first before constructing their method, or do you really think Israel would use their covert ops to make a single American Jew rich(er) off of security apparatus sales?
Perhaps if you can somehow figure out how this specific jew getting a security contract helps Israel realize their goals of land expansion.
Is the part about Asian male reports true? Do we have a source(s)? It sounds familiar but I can’t remember.
This actually implicates Israel more than anything. Remember it is the jews who are obsessed with North Korea and mentioning it in their movies. It’s been a bad jewish joke for over a decade and a half. The jews want war. If you remember the urban moving systems guys on 9/11 were dressed up like Arabs and tried to blame Palestinians. This could be the same shit. Israeli Mossad and trained Asians to set up North Korea and it went bad.
Now that you mention it. I just figured they got muted out with the hurricanes.
It is more likely that Mossad did everything to make a single American Jew richer than Anon5 being anything but a LARP.
his hands were stuck in gigantic gloves that were much too big for his hands, which kinda makes it seem like he didn't purchase said gloves.
cops mentioned AMAs on the scanner
WASHINGTON -- Twelve Israelis who were unaccounted for in Las Vegas amidst a massacre there on Sunday night have been identified and are safe, an official with the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles said on Tuesday.
"All of the Israelis that we were looking for has been located," the official told The Jerusalem Post, confirming that their diplomats on the ground in Nevada were on their way back to California.
Bottom right, symbols are circled. What do they spell out?
Alright someone help, I cannot for the life of me figure out the triangle on the map.
Holy shit, senpai. Wasn’t the ship that rammed into the USS Fitzgerald a Filipino merchant ship? What does Duterte know? Is he working with Best Korea?
those were gloves?
looks like some asian language, maybe このポストに返事しらないとあなたのお母さんが今夜寝ながら死ぬ
just a guess
Yeah, barrels and aluminum handguards get super fucking hot during rapid fire. So after he finished a 100-round mag his barrel and the handguard would be burning hot. Those are usually the same kind of gloves that mechanics wear... when they are working on hot engines.
If you take your car to Jiffy Lube, they don’t wait for your engine to cool down to 72 degrees, they start right away and that shit is pretty hot, so they wear gloves.
>Fucking Columbine all over again.
poor bastard.
I wear mechanics gloves but that isn't what I saw. I'll grab the pic and look again.
That is an ugly looking woman.
I wonder what role Dennis Rodman played in all this.
second shooter.
I'm lost can someone help fill me in?
More inclined the government might use this as an excuse to attack North Korea. Since this results in war. I would need hard evidence.
holy shit. will you /x/ posters fuck off, you're making us look like idiots
Mossad is an arm of the Jewish tentacle and the Jewish tentacle can be linked back too (((bloodlines))). The rest of us are (expected) to be lined up like sheep to slaughter on Nov 4; brace yourself lads, this ride is gonna get bumpier
we really need to end this rumor that we- I mean the jews are behind everything
>ASIAN MALES running around
Jesus, Toronto must be in for a big one then
>the rod and the ring will strike
>dennis RODman
Would help explain the radio silence that night
I remember this, there were several threads about military coms going silent the day before the shooting.
Sup Forums you funny funny bastards.
Best news I've heard all day
Oh look, Australia is up. Drink some coffee and get to work you worthless cunt.
Kim 1
Trump 0
Sup Forums. never ever frickin change.
This. I hate to say it man, but this crazy speculation has gone too far. And I'm probably more of a conspiracy theorist than most of you. But we really need to tone down the 'weird coincidence' bullshit until we get a real weird coincidence. Adding up the numbers in his birth date, or identifying triangles in arbitrary features related to the shooting isn't going to get us anywhere near the truth. And when it does come out that the dude was a nutso leftist, the nutso leftists will just point at all the weird speculation threads and call us crazy.
I'm a firm believer that insane theories get floated online to distract people from the truth. I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but come on guys... don't discredit us all with this shit.
You guys do realize this was because the ATF painted themselves into a corner with bump stocks and shouldering pistol braces right? With Gorsuch and Trump's next appointment if he gets 2 terms would have ended them. We were supposed to have a House vote on deregulated suppressors the same week. Guess who's suddenly relevant again? Don't try to tell me the US government has never run a black flag operation either because you're just stupid of you believe that.