What does my country need to do to be great?

>>just jungle and jungleniggas
>>a bunch of lazy retards who support one of the greatest assholes of our country (Lula)
>>niggas and sertanejo(shit like country music)
>>'i'm the best part of this country so I should be independent urr durr'
>>'we should be independent because... uuhh because... uh... because we can!!!... i think..'

>90% of the politicians are corrupt and the 10% left will be.
>75% of the population does not even know how the government works, including me.
>Religion is a big deal here, a big amount of politicians are hardcore christians and sometimes even priests...
>Not to mention Lula, Dilma and all that shit involving presidents...
>Niggas, fags and 'travestis' (idk the translation, basically traps) are a common thing now, we can spot them easily
>The difference between regions is huge, economically, culturally, health-wise...

I like my country, but fuck, we could be far better than this shit.

So... What you Sup Forumsfags think about this situation? What Brazil need to be great?

And, if you are a brazilian, o que caralho tu acha que o brasil precisa fazer? viadjinho do caralho

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Kill all commies. No different from anywhere else.

How to spot them?

They'll be poor, and Brazilian.

Your not great but at least your not as fucked as India.


So I'll kms

Yeah... :/ Take care user

Maybe, I think it could work

Bomb Fórum de São Paulo.

Bolsonaro? I know he seems like a Brazilian version of Trump, but we may still need to shake up the system after these corruption investigations are done. (or maybe I just want to see it all burn in a reactionaries hands idfk)

Honestly I think Henrique Cardoso set the country straight when he created the Real, but he got people pissed by privatizing a bunch of gov corporations, and so they elected Lula, that proceeded to ride the wave of good economy while taking all the credit and fucking everything up.

Whatever we do there will be no imediate changes, so no one is willing to plan for the future and give up all the credit for it.

The mass will only see what is in front of it.

Cool idea pai

Honestly... I think Bolsonaro will fuck up with this country even more. Trump does all that shit cause of personal interest, but Bolsonaro seems to really believe in all that shit he says.

He does indeed seem worse than trump.

O brasil precisa exterminar os países vizinhos

Como popular e Olavo de Carvalho em Brasil? Eu aprendo um poquinho de portugues.

both the north and the south hate eachother's guts.
it's a win/win for both the north and south.

too racemixing. brazil is the ultimate proof of why different races should not procreate
most people here have skin color that looks like brown shit
and yes, if são paulo or santa catarina could become independent they would definetely be high tier country
just nuke hueland. i'm moving to italy anyway

100% Agree

Isso seria locão lol Império do Brasil

"Como popular e Olavo de Carvalho em Brasil?" I can't understand this part / Não consegui entender : /

"Eu aprendo um poquinho de portugues." That's cool and rare as fuck, and I keep going user / Isso é massa e raro pra caralho, continue se esforçando user xD

Nah, this wouldn't work. Each state depends on other state's resources. Even if São Paulo become independent, it wouldn't be shit.

I was asking how popular is Olavo de Caravalho, he's a learned intellectual in Brazil. And I heard he's gaining in popularity down there. He speaks constantly of how to fix Brazil on "O Antogonista."

do not use "como", but "quão" in this case
OC is becoming increasingly popular here.
that mother fucker is kind of prophetic, i can give him that. he foresaw long time ago that the ultimate object of commies would be pedo legalization
and now they are pushing it here. i am a fucking degenerate, but what they did last month here in hueland was too much even for me (kids touching a naked pedo and they are calling it "art")

my friend, freedom is what we don't have. We can't even buy a toy gun without state's permission

>oth the north and the south hate eachother's guts.
>it's a win/win for both the north and south

We need to build a wall that looks like a snake around commifornia, southern texas (also known as north mexico)

Then we need to ship all fat ugly feminists with pussy hats there along with blm, ms-13 and muzlims and all libtards.

step 2: cut water supplies to said region. and give free guns to muslims so they can feel like they are at home and not offended by anything.

step 3: wait two months, retake the area and push all survivors down to mexico for divercity training.

Portugal is the one to blame, they brought tons of slave ships from Africa cause natives didn't feel like doing any work. We are inherently a lazy country, but was there really need to basically annihilate 99% of the natives?
Now is too late to stop race mixing.

>ywn have a kuruminha daughteru

How about giving back Acre to us plz

Less niggers

Oh... Lol, "How" means both "Como" and "Quanto", in this case you should say "O quão popular Olavo de Carvalho é no Brasil?", but keep going, portuguese isn't easy but it's a cool language.

Now, answering your question, he's quite popular, even on Youtube, I'm not a fan of him neither a hater, but I heard he's spreading bullshit using trash tier arguments on both science and political related shit. But Yeah, he's quite popular here, mainly on web.

Yeah... sadly.

i exchange it for a horse

Maybe a mass starvation so the poorest people and favela niggers are killed off?
I don't know aye, and how to prevent corrupt politicians is beyond me too.. Maybe a new government organisation should be set up separate from their intelligence agency and federal police, with the sole purpose of investigating and arresting government officials and politicians due to illegal activity and corruption?
But then who's to say that organisation wouldn't be corrupted as well to turn the other way?
How do/did other countries fight government corruption?

Yeah, man... that was too much.

Que e "hue" em ingles? I'm not up to date on this shit.

All my Brazilian friends (I live in Pompano Beach Fl- more Brazilians in this area than anywhere else in my country) they say there was never a racial problem in Brazil but it wasn't recently imported to justify some of the policies of Lula & co.

É verdade?

Impossible the people on the south/whites are extremely productive, the government would rather turn them into slaves than let niggers starve.

LMFAO, how about no?

no joke

Hue is the sound that people make when they laugh, it is like a "hahaha" with steroids.

lol "hue" started being only like "lol" like huehuheuhueheu...
Then started to spread and now is like a mini virtual culture just like the Kek.

And yeah, we don't have that much problems with racism here, but after they made educational quotas for niggers and poor people, it started some debates and shit here. But yeah, in general we don't have racial problems here.

1. Create some downright medieval laws to crack down on corruption. Brazil is a pretty rich country, what fucks us up is these fucking politicians using money on useless shit. Arresting them isn't enough, since they always find a way to slip out of prison, or they simply enjoy some vacation in their house arrest time. Hang 'em.
2. Remove useless laws that are only used to send our money down the drain (Rouanet, for example).
3. Cultural Marxism needs to go. We're spiralling down further down the degeneracy hole and it's getting ugly, fellas. (granted most of the West is going down the same hole)
4. Exterminate the communists. They are a cancer on our nation and have plagued our universities and schools, and are filling our youth's heads full of toxic shit, which spawns even more braindead lefties that only know how to vote for similar people. You identify as a commie? Hanged and thrown in a ditch. You sympathize with the commies? Take a heli ride. You're from a commie country? You're not getting in.
4. Invest tons and tons into proper education, not lefty indoctrination as we see today. The amount of shit the fork over to students in schools is scary, plus it's not nice living in a country full of people that are just slightly smarter than a monkey.
5. Do your fucking job when you go vote- research who you're voting for, see if it's really who you want leading our country, and be smart about it.
6. Drop the vira lata attitude and man up, the only people who can make this country great again are us, it's citizens. "Goddd I hate this country I wish I could live in Europe ;'((((" doesn't help at all. Our country has many, many issues, and that is undeniable. But under that mountain of shit we're currently standing on is something great, we just have to work for it. That's my six cents.

brazilian "democracy" has failed. brazilians don't know how to vote, they don't know their own laws*, they don't hold politicians accountable**, their institutions don't have checks and balances and so on.

* the laws are purposefully too complicated and created to be in conflict, so the people in power can choose whatever suits them. not necessarily just the population's fault, but some of it is
**again, this is somewhat by design. there aren't enough ways to do it since the politicians have 20 different ways to slip out of every possible control mechanism (eg what's currently happening with aecio)

the problem is that a centralized government hasn't worked here either, because the people below in the chain are corrupt. but at this point, i think it could work, at least better than what we have right now. democracy where there's no viable alternatives to elect and the majority of people can't understand shit because they're uneducated will never work. we'd be better off with whatever form of government china or russia have

after lula, everything became a racial, gender and social problem, you name it
we were reasonably peaceful before that mother fucker, and now everything turned into dust
hueland is literally the most dangerous place on earth

hue is everything. quite like "osu" in martial arts, hue

Fuck, I don't support this, but I would like to see this guy having a erection. Imagine: Which argument they would use? lol

Why? You said yourself that the people in the south are more productive than the niggers in the north. What have they got to lose by making them starve off? They have everything to gain - less welfare checks = more government spending money, right?
I don't know much about the politics and how the government works but what I said makes sense to me..

This, but brazilians have an nice ass, so I'm cool. jk

I want this man killed.
Many people are killed in Brazil, why can't he be one of them?

The North and Northeast are great sauce of resources and the North have one of the most valuable things on Brazil's territory, so I don't think it would be a good idea at all.

always look on the bright side of life
prostitution is legal in HUELAND. i fucked barely 100 pussies only this year. it is cheap and nobody gives a fuck
in fact, i am a bit annoyed of so much pussy fucking. i strongly recommend to any burgers to come here and fuck like a greek god


Stop logging the forests and genocide all the brownies

It's sad what happened. Brazil is a really big country and the big booty there showed potential. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Big booty can solve most of your problems but not all of them it seems.

You guys don't go "kkkkkkkkk" anymore?

One thing I know about Brazil (my numbers may not be exact) is that in 1920 you had 30 million people. 30 years later, in 1950 there were 52 million people, a 40% increase.

30 years after that in 1980 there were 120 million people, a 117% increase.

That's where your problems come from. Where do think all that pullulation originated- the coast or the favelas?

>What have they got to lose by making them starve off?
The government would never allow that, which by the way is kept in power by the overwhelming majority of niggers in this country. About 30% of the people are really productive, the rest is a bunch of lazy niggers living on handouts.

As someone who has deep knowledge on the state of the north, brazil has absolutely no power there, there's nothing preventing any sort of invasion from anyone.


man, this was so fucking crazy and disgusting. i mean, unthinkable
there are no limits for these degenerates


bolsomito is GOD
he is the only one that can save us all

Our best bet right now is Bolsonitro or the army taking over. God, it'd be glorious seeing the army rolling up to Brasilia and kicking those jew rats out on their asses. My guess is that the next ten years are going to be shaky, lads.

lmfao, if we tried to genocide the brownies we would have to kill 80% of the population (including descendants), me included, not a good idea to me lol.


lol We have a lot of lol's here. Some use "kkkkk", some use "auahsuha". "hueuhueh", some people just type random shit like "askoaksokasoaskoasaskp"....

Man... I don't know exactly, but my guess is favelas... They just grow and grow...

Really nice point, this overpopulation is a big problem

Really? omfg, our liders are retards

You guys know about Carlos Lacerda? I'm a big fan. Um Profeta verídica.


I went to Vitoria in march to visit a friend and all I could talk about was MITO taking control... THE STREETS WILL RUN WITH THE BLOOD OF VAGABUNDOS PRETOS

Oh no... Bolsotards here? Just try to be civilized, please.

Stop creating threads about your country on Sup Forums. Nobody here will help you and we will only laugh about the disgrace of your favelas.


First time I heard of... I'll watch.

>Portugal is the one to blame, they brought ton

Yea, blame the whithey for your own problems..... how typical. Tyrone does the same in america

illiterate pedofag detected

The white part should kill the black part, those lazy fucking disgusting semi negros are the problem.

Wow, I'm so ofended by this neonazi and his 7-1 old joke, I'll kill myself.


>one of the greatest assholes of our country (Lula)
What are you talking about? Lula was based

I know right, brings me deep shame to know it happened in São Paulo, the city my mother was born and raised and the place I want to leave Australia to live in with the rest of my family.

>Really nice point, this overpopulation is a big problem
Yeah I agree. Thing is, how does a government fix overpopulation in favelas without violence? How have other countries dealt with the issue?


lol, impossible
think harder

That shithole is sending those negros all over the placer, they don't fit brazil anymore so they keep spreading like rats.

Provide a better option, please

It was the kikes who brought the slaves, actually.

Abortion clinics in every single favela. I say 5 for every 1,000 residents. Tudo gratis.

Just fuck my country up senpai

Ever since Lula our army has been massively underfunded, soldiers in many places have to pay out of their own pocket for equipment, so no I don't think they are retarded, I think they were making it easier so that the military wouldn't have enough power to make a coup again.

Yeah yeah

Maybe education? Idk : /

lmfao, yeah.. lula is a cool guy... yeah, of course...

We don't have any, that's the problem.

lol, hardcore solution

Mandatory abortions is a great solution

Could work but you gotta remember that many Brazilians are religious, poorer places even more so.
So what about their source of drinking water? Could they somehow put in hormones or shit to decrease libido, male sperm count, etc?

>kill all browns and non-whites
>literally surprise nuke all favelas
>kill all politicians
>full fascist conservative right-wing dictatorship/monarchy

Kill em all, kill all the fucking negros

We are a conservative country, contrary to popular belief
Abortion laws will never pass in this country

Hm.. Nice point. We had problems here with too much militarism.

>Niggas, fags and 'travestis' (idk the translation, basically traps) are a common thing now, we can spot them easily

Are travestis guys who dress up in girl clothing but don't inject themselves full of hormones like true traps? The word is transvestite if so

This gets me hard af
Bring back the old Brazil, Brazil.

Yeah, this wouldn't work.

The problem in our country is that when it comes to voting to elect a president it's always a matter of choosing the lesser evil. Personally, I'll be voting for Bolsonaro, because I don't see the other possible alternatives working. PT is out of the question, they're scum that should be shot. PSDB and PMDB are also corrupt scumbags, the only difference between them and PT is the colors. The rest are irrelevant.

Makes you think

>We had problems here with too much militarism.
Actually no, militarism happened because our military leaders back then warned that the exact scenario that is happening right now would happen. They predicted this over 50 years ago.

With a population as stupid as hours, democracy will never work.

*every part beside killing off non whites. Mulatto women are hot af, leave them alone k

I'm the guy with abortion clinic solution.

It's one place where I and the right-wing part company. I never bought the feminist argument (it's my body) I sympathize with the religious argument. Mas a hora e tarde. Unwanted children, excess population, the overbreeding of the poor, pose far greater threats to society than the acceptance of abortion.

Now, I respect your opinion, I thought you were just another retard saying Bolsonaro because it's cool and all. Exacty what I think, but I don't really know my vote yet... That's sad.

We need some sort of pinochet

Democracy isn't going to solve our problem, because most people don't understand basic economics and would rather vote using their feelings.

Most countries suffer from this problem, people think that somehow you can make everything free as long as it is the government that handles it

negros are such a scum, filthy monkeys

>With a population as stupid as hours
oh, it shows

But dictatorship isn't the answer.


i saw a men being killed yesterday in são paulo
the nigger tried to rob one off duty cop and got BTFO by five shoots
such is life in brazil

Click the ID of the dude you're replying to and read his posts, a literal brainlet

Reinstate the monarchy.

>as stupid as hours
Joke's on me,apparently I'm retarded too