I have reason to believe that I contracted genital herpes from a prostitute. I feel suicidal...

I have reason to believe that I contracted genital herpes from a prostitute. I feel suicidal. I have sex with prostitutes because I am physically unattractive and women do not want me. However, if I have genital herpes, that means it's over for me. Not only am a physically unattractive but I am disgusting and diseased. I have been consumed by degeneracy and the only way out for me is the rope.

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biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm 1&version=KJV

do a backflip pussy

The only way out is back to r9k >>>>

Tfw found a cure

you reap what you sow


Its ok o.p.

Engage your mind and give up pleasures of the flesh

Read psalms and stop being emo
>biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm 1&version=KJV

that is what happens when you burn the coal, you pay the toll

ever fucked phat ass chinks? they are my favorite

A large percentage of normies have herpes, get over it faggot. Herpes is only forever if you have an Aidsy immune system, otherwise it goes away like chicken pox

>play stupid games

>I am physically unattractive and women do not want me

Sup Forums in a nutshell


There, fixed.

I shit my pants in walmart a couple of times

please paddock an antifa rally

disclaimer: this post is satire

who the fuck cares if all you bang is whores and fleshlights?

well obviously go get tested you degenerate

that's a filipina

asians are easy, you should prolly try them if all else fails

Stop being a degenerate and become a monk. It's the only way God may pardon your lust.

Gender reassignment isn't a cure fag

Kek, stop being such a faggot.
I've got Gentile warts, herpes, and several other diseases.
Just go with it, spread them to dumb roasties, they deserve it.

t. Chad

Did you fuck a prostitute without a condom?

Did she have a fucking breakout?

Was she black?

If the answer to all three of these questions is "no", then you probably don't actually have herpes.

The problem is that I'm not a normie. Yeah, Chad and Stacy have herpes and they can just "inform [their] partner about it" and "let them decide if they want to pursue the relationship." For a guy like me, it's not quite that simple. There is hardly a reason anyone would want to have sex with me if I was completely healthy (hence why I've been fucking prostitutes for a year now). No amount of betabux is going to compensate for my disgusting diseased body now. It's more over than it ever was for me. It's time for the rope.

Go with helium.

Does she shit her panties regularly?


>genital herpes
Stop fucking niggers.

your only hope maybe is to marry a hooker

This is your moment OP.
Kill the prostitute.
Kill anyone else you don't like.
Suicide by cop.
Be sure to leave a short message in writing.

I thought I had the herps for 2 weeks but it was just an allergic reaction to detergent. However, I am physically attractive and did not want to die. You'll probably die if you don't find something to love.

>timescab or it didnt happen

Go to a fucking doctor you retard

>Gentile warts

Some of you are alright. Don't come into the prostitute tomorrow.

I got mine from a Puerto Rican former Playboy model.
Worth it

do they fuck jamals too?

you cant be this nigger

a lot of people have it chill out

Jews don't get Genital warts, look it up.
That's why I call them Gentile warts

chink gook flip it all the same every damn thang

I raw dogged a girl I randomly met one time in my life two weeks ago and I'm scared as fuck lads. What are my realistic chances of having herpes or HIV

Yeah, do that if you want everyone know what a worthless pussy you are. Or, idk, maybe don’t kill yourself like a worthless pathetic beta pussy

Special place in hell for you

First get tested. If positive, then give the name of the prostitute and dox her so other anons stay safe. Please donate to South African Boers with your money if you have no immediate family to take care of in case of potential suicide.
But try and make it through. Good luck user

STD clinics here don't test for herpes and I haven't seen my family doctor in over a year since she got pregnant by Chad and stopped taking my appointments. I am also a wagecuck and I used up all my vacation days.

>sleeping with a prostitute


Wait- why is it over? You can still have sex with prostitutes. Also sue the bitch

Life is more than getting your dick wet. Be more about spiritual truths, not the pleasures of the flesh. I know we all struggle with it, but there is alot more to live for.

That butt looks like a great pillow

Did you get igg test done or pcr swab? Dose on valtrex 3x a day for the first 2 weeks or so. You will likely only have 1 outbreak. You will feel better after the first outbreak, both physically and mentally.

Why? Roasties deserve it

I thought I had herpes for years because I had a breakout, and I never use a condom.

Then, I caught chlamydia and got fully tested (swab & blood). Turns out, no herp.

For what it's worth, I'd rather have herpes than go through the agony of chlamydia again. It's miserable.

did u get it by not using condoms? what kind of sex do u have? I also use prostitutes but i only get blowjobs with condoms on

All of you are degenerate mongoloids, incompetently risking life-long genital diseases.
Just fap or use toys until you're with someone you actually want to fuck, when you know they're clean.

>Buys prostitutes in 2017
>Doesn't expect genital disease
What are you, an autist?

HIV is very low unless she was black, your foreskin ripped and you bled, or you did anal. Like less than a 1% chance if you answer no.

Just go get tested in about 2 months. That’s when your antibodies would start showing up. Don’t forget though, some people show no symptoms for years and years.

Why do nigers still use this board? Don’t you know we want to hang all of you

HIV is so low it's not worth worrying about. But blood test will detect it by now if you're worried.

HSV would have shown signs by now. Get IGG test done in 2 months to confirm.

Congratulations! You've discovered why casual sex is terrible and everybody promoting it should be chemically castrated.
Read the books of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs and cultivate the desire to deny your flesh. Learn that seeking Wisdom is infinitely more profitable than any other pursuit in life.

This thread made me check my url header because I thought I was on Sup Forums.

Kill yourself OP and your terrible thread.

Holy shit kek

I got genital warts from a dirty chink slut

I was depressed initially but it cleared up and hasn't been back in about a year. Don't worry about it fatty. Just take medication and wait for it to clear up

Take the meds, maybe a few outbreaks to start with but they stop all together eventually. Don't sweat it. Your life is t over. Like 1 in 4 people have it. Give it a year

OP answer the fucking question:

Was she black?

Did you wear a condom?

Did she have a breakout?

stink poop drip it all the same every damn kang

This isn't true. The frequency of outbreaks slows over time, but the virus will always exist in it's latent form, possibly shedding without symptoms, giving your partner heiress herpes. Like what happened to OP

if your in california 99.99999999%

all other states? 99.91%

There are dating services for people who have Herpes.

HPV Warts are different from herpes HSV boils. What medicine did you take?

HPV is preventable via gardasil vaccine. Obamacare covers it for free.

>banging a prostitute raw dog
u have death wish?

Take your shit to Sup Forums fag unless you you got fucked by a Dindu then wanna critique race realism...and how niggers should be gassed

about 30-40%

daily reminder that 15% of sexually active females in the US have genital herpes

Meh. Not really a big deal, pussy.

theres dating websites for herpes

if you are america you are lucky herpes has been meme'd into public thought with college kids litterally believing 1/3 people has it.

if you are in a non-degenerate part of the world then you are probably fucked, but at the same time you can just hide it or be honest and find a chick who has it too.

Or just stick to escorts anyway dude, if your too uggo for normal chicks why you worrying. Herpes flares then goes away right? just see escorts when its away.

Lol only the dirtiest of dirt prostitutes get near a nigger you got something for sure blackie!

chop off your dick

Le flammable negress

Or just don't tell your partner you have Herpes, retard.
Teaches them a valuable lesson

At least 15% of men have it as well. Vast majority show no symptoms. You user reading this likely have HSV1 or HSV2 in your body anyway, if youre freaked out get a test done for HSV1 and 2 antibodies.

If she was a roastie, pretty fucking high.

I never use a condom for blowjobs. Oral herpes (HSV 1) rarely migrates to the genitals and I have been exposed to HSV 1 before when I was a child. Never had cold sores for as long as I can remember. If you have been exposed to HSV 1 as a child you are likely to 1. be asymptomatic and 2. be immune to the infection spreading to other parts of the body, unless your immune system is compromised.

Pffft, who has that? Gays? \

Just commit suicide. Easy solution to an easy problem.

u can also get it by rubbing balls to pussy, condoms only help reduce it by 30% better than nothing i guess

absolute savage

pussy so dank you remained in son's life

Exactly...I fuck hookers all the time when I'm out of town. 90% of hot ones on backpage or any other site refuse service to blacks.

It always say no AA on profile.

lmao wow you are a massive degenerate fag. kys definitely right call


Actually it's a good thing if you're really unattractive. Now you have a much better chance with a girl who also has herpes as she won't feel the guilt or embarrassment of explaining her secret to you. Is there an std dating service? There should be.

post a pic of your willy m8

Female doctors were a mistake. What a waste of time and resources of universities and hospitals training them only for them to quit when they get knocked up.

show us your dick for proof OP!

Certainly the drug addicted pieces of meat I pay to fuck will detect that I am diseased

Most genital infections of HSV are now HSV1 ("oral") from oral sex rather than HSV2 ("genital"). You can have 1 or 2 in any part of your body. If you had HSV1 as a child you won't get HSV1 on your cock unless like you said your immune system is broken.


Don't kill yourself, kill liberals.

First of all, physical unattractiveness is NOT what holds you back from getting laid, believe me I know. Most roasties will bang anyone with a chad personality & Joe Pesci looks. Do some inner work & get your finances straight, lazyfag.

Second, herpes is hugely normal. The official stat is 1 in 3, but we all know that's conservative. It's not aids or any of the other foul shit & I'm sure there will be a cure within 5-10 years if not sooner.

user, don't use herpes the same way you use being ugly - as a fucking excuse to not be a man. There is no loophole valid enough to not at least try before you off yourself.

I've used a whore a time or two in my life, but I'm not Judeo-Christian & don't allow such hang-ups to interfere with my libido. Yes, promiscuity is gross & leads to STDs & unwanted children. But to hate yourself because of natural human propensities is to play the game that (((they))) want you to play - hating yourself & then killing yourself.

There is still time for redemption but you have got to want it more than being a suicidal whoremonger. I learned these things the hard way & my lessons aren't done yet because my life isn't done yet. When I'm ready to check out I'll have no problem taking the easy way out but not before it's my goddamn turn & not at the behest of despair.

It's your choice. Die a chump or make yourself into a man.

I had a scare about a year and a half ago when I had a condom break with some nasty Vietnamese hooker while I was also slamming a girl known to be a slut. Honestly I felt like absolute shit, horrible, ashamed of myself. Went to the doctor to get tested they never called me back so no herp. The red marks I thought were herpes cleared up a month later and I’ve never seen them since. Get it confirmed by a doctor before you hang yourself, the penis is very sensitive and irritants, allergic reactions can look like the hero. Even if you do have it have you ever got completely wasted and acted like such a retard you regret it all day the next day? Herpes is like that but eventually you get over it. Stop banging hookers though, waste of money and except for a rare few most of them are soulless drug addicts.