why is larping as a nazi so attractive to young white males. what could possibly be so appealing about worshipping a scrawny drugged out manlet and his army that got BTFO'd?
Why is larping as a nazi so attractive to young white males...
Order out of chaos story.
Define irony: Asking why young white males want to establish a sense of racial and national solidarity while posting on the asshole of the internet that somehow manages to produce popular culture without even trying.
they are all scrawny manlets with no father figures in their lives
>a scrawny drugged out manlet and his army that got BTFO'd?
We don't worship Che though, that's leftists
when are they gonna learn? this is getting ridiculous
what are you trying to convey here? i hope you arent a native english speaker
>he thinks half of Sup Forums isn't actually niggers and poo in loos LARPing as Nazis
>he thinks Germans were the humorless ones
try making a joke at the expense of Jews
Oh look it's ANOTHER """anti-nazi""" thread.
>what are you trying to convey here?
The fact you can't sort out that western civilization is a total fucking cesspool just by being here is pretty telling.
Fuck off nigger tall stature is negroid trait. Pure white men are short and stocky which are traits that came from our Neanderthal ancestors
wtf did u just btfo me?
kill yourself manlet scum
Manlets will never learn. Being a manlet is a curse CAUSED by hubris.
>negroid trait
>tallest average heights are in Europe
Fuck off manlet
That’s because of their insanely good diet. If you give a nigger the same food they feed to whites in Europe he will grow to be a 7 feet tall lanklet
Because Political Correctness is dead and leftism is the casket.
anyone sub 6'4'' is a manlet that will be gassed for talking shit
Not enough good pussy.
>Bring back arranged marriages.
Also underlying repressed homo feelings to men in Uniform.
i always hear polfags ranting about how they want government mandated waifus because they cant get pussy but they dont seem to realize thats marxist and that they are just angry untermensch manlets
Trying to save the world is a noblle ideal even if inefectively implemented
Lol I bet you are part black you dumb nigger lanklet. Whites are naturally short and stocky only people with negroid blood get that tall plus they look ridiculous like dumb slendermen niggers
Compared to what exists in the world now, I don't blame them desu.
can you shit your dumb little manlet mouth for one second whole the grown ups are talking
It's because of genetics, I see 5 ft niggers in America
Look at the options our society gives young men, that should give you a clue
It's better then worshiping blacks like the media and schools teach, I grew out of the edgy nazi shit but that's the appeal, rebelling against what you've been indoctrinated to believe, eventually most of them will probably also learn to think for themselves.
The same reasons that attract people to the antis. LARPing itself is an expression of an unfulfilled wasted life. It's why people join mass movements. I agree with a lot of third position points, but it's ridiculous to dress the part. People like Heimbach, NSM members, etc should all be lined up with antifa, liberals, etc and shot.
Because the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend.
Found the manlet subhuman.
>i always hear polfags ranting about how they want government mandated waifus
Please link, sounds hilarious.
>poetic turn of phrase Well Done lad.
manlets is a top word.
>Are they just short Comic-Book guys?
They had impeccable fashion sense.
Because we are sick of the Jew telling us niggers with big cocks are what women want. That terror attacks are "part and parcel of living in a big city", that "WHITE PEOPLE SUCK", that we have no culture, that we won't exist in 100 years.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
>Sup Forums
Because that all powerful manlet assigned them value. There is no value assigned in the modern age, you're expected to be either a replaceable cog or a victim of the lesser races.
Manlet on damage control hahahahaha
>I am a butthurt manlet therefore everyone who isn't is a nigger
Says the op that gets how beliefs from his CTR shift supervisor
The final solution must be implemented and completely executed
6'4.5" National Socialist with blondish hair and blue eyes here.