This is an actual billboard in my city

This is an actual billboard in my city.

How/when did this become socially acceptable? This is essentially Antifa propaganda.

Other urls found in this thread:$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:chico_ca_m$anc=JD_Title19

Deface it pussyboi

black paint filled water balloons

>stealthfully unload a pile of them within throwing distance at night
>do the dew asap

The World is reverting back to the interwar phase, user.

Governments worldwide are losing faith with the people, reactionary extremism is rising from both the left and right, and the way things are going, the conflict between the two will only become grow in intensity and ferocity until society collapses under it's own weight and civil war breaks out.

This is the end of the beginning.

It depends on how long it takes, because to be honest, we have no fucking idea if we're in the beginning of a Weimar era, or when it will actually happen.

What sets in actual motion is an economic crash

Shit like this makes me like trump even more. They are damaging what little credibility they have.

Spray-paint swastikas on it faggot.

Vandal it w/time stamp and you'll be a legend user

use a slingshot

>spain is (almost) in civil war
>germany is getting nationalistic
>american pride is growing
yeah, shit's repeating itself

Because fuck you Cletus I'll see you hanged

remember, this is a memewar faget

Burn it down.

Socially acceptable? You sound like a snowflake.

1A bitch. Don't like it get fucked and move.

what city user?

>Communism takes hold in the east
>Claims there's an elite oppressor class hogging all the money and production, a bourgeois of working class traitors, and the subjugated workers
>Ultimate goal is an overthrow of the society that created this system and the distribution of wealth

>Communist sympathizers in the US popularize rebellion against capitalist evils

>Numbers roll in
>World gradually comes to realizes commies murdered millions of people across every society they've ever gained a foothold in
>It becomes virtually impossible for communists to hold their heads high anymore now that the skeletons are out of the closet
>They retreat into the university system where their ideas are tolerated out of sheer principle
>Begin gradually reflavoring their kool-aid into something more palatable
>Over time Marxist concepts are translated and rebranded into modern social justice
>Ruling Class = White Supremacist Patriarchy
>Bourgeois = Internalized Oppressors
>Working Class = "Marginalized" Groups
>Wealth = Privilege

>Ultimate goal remains total homogenization via upheaval of traditional Western society
>Social Justice infiltrates the arts, social sciences, etc.
>Wealthy people send their children to hoity universities where this is most prominent
>Rich kids who will later be handed power & money, are told that they're oppressed and should be warriors for social change
>Eventually the internet allows for social justice to break quarantine in the universities and spill their ideas out into the public
>True liberals gradually exit the American left
>Dominant forces in the left wing are utterly infested by Marxist principles, view our society as oppressive & irredeemable

>Their low-key mission is the destruction of race, gender, nationalism, Western tradition, free speech, and literally anything that could be interpreted as dissenting from the reduced Marxist narrative of OPPRESSOR / OPPRESSED
>Also, manspreading

that's just how shit a president trump is

that pretty much happened in 2008, wasn't called a crash but it might as well have been

We are full on Weimarica

Also, please take this advice and be our hero.

why does it say 45 on that image

45th President

dont support faggots that hide their flag

Ah yes, I remember when being concerned about how many people in my country believe gender is a mindset and Trump is literally Hitler made you a snowflake


im sorry


he is pres number 45

Hope y'all faggots help germany this time, let's break the cycle

OP what city u fgt?

Inciting revolt is one of the few things not protected by 1A. Amusingly it's still the purpose of the 2A though. I suspect the reasoning is that by the time the 2A is brought to bear, no one gives a shit about the laws any longer.

What the fuck is this thread? That's fucking great piece of propaganda, don't ruin it. Have you already forgotten that we are trying to divide America? That billboard should work in both ways: make Trump supporters mad and embolden leftist cucks.


It's supposed to be a swastika but liberals are retarded.

trips is truth


>Implies girls post on Sup Forums

why did he shot the dog? UnU

Drumph is the 45th president

no the nigger shot the dog so he shot the nigger

simple google search shows chino ca you retard

you mean chico?

>can of blue spray paint
>ability to crudely paint "MAGA" and a smiley face
>giant cuck billboard
combine these three.



what the fuck i travel through chico every week where is this billboard and when was it erected?

Real life political activism is for normies.

trolling is a art

¿¿ you dumb or just mexican ??

paid for in rubles


that's pretty cool.
he looks like Yusuke !!

both nigga
National Socialism is better senpai, you can't deny that.

You should try to steal some clay in the chaos you know. Just an idea.

Why is there no MAGA sprayed on this?

durr, but swastikas are okay because >*MUH* free speech

This is a good idea.

I dig the 45 Swastika parody

What city is this?

>Donald Trump will never be the fascist the left portrays him as

>How/when did this become socially acceptable?

The left has always been known to classless when it comes to political propaganda. They even made a movie about how to assassinate Bush.

This is who they are at their very core.

>Also, manspreading
Aptly put, user

Considering the filth you find in Western media and the shit that is constantly pushed for normalisation, it's fair to say we're in Weimar levels already.

*known to be

What are they getting at?

This just makes him look cool desu.

I wish I could beat the shit out of anybody who'd defend the abominable picture

>*crickets chirping*
>*tumbleweed rolling on by*

There's a tattoo shop near my school that pulls similar shit, hilarious
>missing the point

Where the fuck is it exactly? We can make the life of the property owner more interesting.

keep telling yourself that as your country gets more and more cucked

its a clothing company trying to be edgy

Strange how the "anti-Drumpf" symbol is literally just a swastika that shitlibs use on their stuff now, deep down they want to be nazis

>germany is getting nationalistic

What are they allowed to fly their nations flag now?

It is pretty aesthetic.

Capitalism fuck boy

They paid for it and it breaks no laws. Free speech isn't just so you can go jerk off at a Milo event.

Really all OP needs to do is paint a white stripe down the middle of the 45.

Hey Joe

If I were back in Chico rn I'd wear my maga hat there and say "hey I didnt really know about your store but I saw you're pro trump with that rad billboard and I definitely wanna support your small business!"

one day they will long for the moderation of Trump

that they want total war. If thats the way they want it, thats the way its gonna be.

Our country could stand to loose about 8% of its population.

>being this retarded

It actually violates city ordinance, pic related

This section deals with prohibited signs, look at subsection I.


Why dont you fuck with it, sir?

You may have a case with the mushroom clouds, but "Rouse and Revolt" looks like some hipster faggot fashion store.

I just noticed this, thanks user. Can promoting a business negate any other message a sign may promote? It still seems like it's defamatory

Rare Trumps thread?

>nazi flag
>calling others filth

so sad. did you shave your hair so no one would notice you werent blonde?

It is indeed, its for a 2nd hand clothing hipster store you can see under the "revolt"

Right, but I mean does the portrayal of Trump as Hitler and the 45 swastika with the mushroom clouds still count as defamatory or obscene even if the billboard is promoting a business?

What the fuck is 45

what do they have against the number 45?

Trump is the 45th president of the United States.

i ain't got time to go kill no bug-eyed gooks

Cmon mexibro dont fall for low quality LEAF bait. You're better than that hombre.

Whos gonna be the new Franco when Spain blows up?

>No 45
Not in this thread

wtf i love the number 45 now?

Snowflakes worry about faggoty "gimme more gubbamemt" things like "social acceptability".

I believe in freedom. No one is harmed by this sign, whether I agree with it or not.

Knee for the national anthem.... poor blackness.