What's going to happen when Catalan declares independence on Monday?

What's going to happen when Catalan declares independence on Monday?

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Unless the UN steps in to stop spain from bitch slapping catalan, we will see a bitch slapped and apologetic catalan who will make sure to get those sandwiches made ricky tick.

The Spanish government has to choose between two options. They can send the army in, be condemned by large parts of the 'global community' but hold on to Catalan's money and resources, or let them leave, probably lose the Basque region a few years down the line, and get a pat on the head for upholding 'democracy' as their impoverished country gets tied up in even more Jewish loans. Not a hard choice.

Merkel will use it as an excuse to immediately form a army controlled by the european union to stop future events like this from happening and to keep all countries in the e.u in check

I hate the fact that there's a real happening with potentially huge consequences going on in Spain and instead Sup Forums has decided to go full retard with the Las Vegas thing


I dont mind this issue whie some faggots got killed

complete destruction of Catalonia, Spain should destroy their people and resettle the land with loyal spaniards


suarez is gonna make the premier league great again


How could there be a Premier League if the French government doesn't allow it?

So how come only Catalonia is the only one being vocal about separatism among the Catalan Countries? What about Valencians and Balearics? Aren't they all the same people?

And then go after Poland and Hungary for crimes against refugees

This is the ultimate happening and no one seems to be talking about it. I guess no one is considering the far-reaching consequences Spain's response will have on the EU.

I think my favorite takes on this have been from the American left wing media. They're portraying the Spanish as nationalists and of course treating nationalism as if to mean literal Nazism. That's where we're at. If you want to HAVE a nation, a unified nation, you are now a nationalist according to the American left. That's the threshold for nationalism in the United States right now.

Can anyone shed some light on what the European media's take on this situation is?

They are distinct Autonomic Communities, Balearics share customs and language with them because of proximity and trade pacts through history but nothing more an actually Valencia kinda hstes them because they think Valencia is part of their property and are trying to make people believe that valencian culture is actually an extension of catalan culture

stop making fun about refugees, US caused their appearance

imagine being a European lib:
>okay, let's take these people from a war-zone
>the warmonger makes fun you

Lefty newspapers are supporting catalonia because of muh pacific civillians getting hit when they were interfering with the police stopping an act of treason and crime, meanwhile some EU countries like Holland (cucks) support them, bigger states aren't really talking about it because they don't want to be seen like nazis

Spain will go in, replace the local government and pacify the population with force if necessary.

Why are there right wing parties supporting Catalonia on Facebook? Isn't this supposed to be a bad thing? Pls inform me, I'm confused.

It's systematic oppression, the same they used in Aragon.

They sold out to George Soros.

Both sides are cucked commies, it isn't exclusive to Catalonia. So the whole thing is confusing.

Weren't the Neatherlands Spanish until the Protestants kicked out the Spanish crown?

>What's going to happen when Catalan declares independence on Monday?
Jews rub their hands as their banks take over and they finally take control of the region moving on to other regions to cause chaos and break up countries into smaller more manageable places.

I hope all the English get sunk into the sea sometimes. Then i remember i actually like English literature a lot. But on the other hand, they will make Bond black.

Can we have a referendum on my problems.

>inb4 but you are retarded

Yes, but i feel opressed personaly.

Not really, the Spanish are more and Madrid is richer than the whole Catalan (((Ethno-state)))

Actually, that's just George Soros because he doesn't believe in border, huge pay-off if he enslaves Spain and divides Europe even more.

I'm not sure, but maybe you're confusing the power of cathloicism with Spains importance in it during the birth of prostestantism with an actual Spanish power over the Neatherlands

Okay well at least the lefty agenda is consistent. I don't know enough about the geopolitical situation in Spain (and it does seem pretty complex with respect to autonomic communities) to really have a stance, but I just wanted to point out how fucking ridiculous it is that wanting to keep your nation together as a nation is the threshold for nationalism. Not wanting to keep Spain Spanish or anything like that. No, espousing the radical right-wing idea that there should be a nation of Spain and that regions of Spain should continue to be regions of Spain is now scary nationalism.

I fully expect civil war.

I am more oppressed than you.

what if it was a slide?

>Burger giving his two-cents

The kikes direct the goyim's attention well.

Should we have an honest referendum on who feels more oppressed? I feel much more oppressed, and i bet Romania would support me.

So, referendum closed.

Now i have independence. If you oppress me i report you to UN.

>Europoor shitposting


If you keep oppressing me, I will call a boycott on your goods and any fiscal building in your authority.

You're right, this rushed referendum thing is actually because orrupt catalans politicians don't want to be agains spanish law when the fiscal transparency act between EU and Andorra (a fiscal paradise) reveals all the money they have been stealing like all spanish politicians.

A Civil War between some commies and 40-50% of catalans wouldn't last more tahn 2 days.

>Dixie stands for loving dick

Nationalist btfa globalist in europe, starting in spain.

Does this mean that i get to volunteer for the right wing death squads that go to Spain to push CNT-FAI 2.0's shit in?
[spoiler]plz be yes[/spoiler]

Will France interviene in the side of Spain?

Just because i feel oppressed does not mean i am not, in fact, oppressed. If we think about the theory about endless universes, there must be, by definition one in which i am oppressed. So if i am not oppressed in this one maybe i am in the next. So he is wrong, and you are even more wrong for insinuating that my oppression is not valid, when the fact of it's validity is irrelevant.

I am oppressed, therefore i am.

I am a peaceful person - why can't i get to decide my own destiny. It is you that is oppressing me by claiming that your oppression stems from me oppressing you, an idea which i find oppressive itself.

You have essentially institutionalized oppression in an oppressive manner and now refuse to accept my human nature that i find in my oppresivity.

As an oppressed person of oppression, i have to say i will fight for the referendum, as it grants me dignity.


EU: Execute Order 66
Spain: Yes masters
Catalonia is awash in blood.

Pretty shure any Eu state with mild secessionist problems will aid to Spain, but and I don't know about french position about this. Being the libcucksmost of them are they maybe support Catalonia because of muh human rights


You should work in the UN, dude. -Love

But French Catalonia exists.
France really hates the idea of divided state and they've wiped cultures from existence.

spain will invade

Nothing's going to happen...

Spain will probably send cops and possibly the military in to arrest the leaders of Catalonia. Then it comes down to the people. If the populace really wants independence, that's when we'll see it.

I didn't think about that. Also in other situations like this France helped Spain, if I don't remember incorrectly

The French will kill these niggas, not the Spanish government.

It becomes an Islamic Caliphate!

Because only Catalonia has been under total control of the brainwashing commies for four decades. However, Aragon and Balears might fall in a few years if nothing is done. Catalonia is not a surprise, everyone saw it coming since the 90s because the brainwash was not subtle at all.

*A century

I hope so, if you're going to defy the government don't cry about being hit by the police when you're helping a coup d'etat.

Islamic State of Catalonia

what the fuck is "Catalan"?

There is a minority that wants the Independence of Baleares (which would be catastrophic), shows how retarded libcucks are


We George Orwell now Sup Forumsrothers

Aren't they angry at the Catalans for using their linguistic roots to get more browny points?

>hurrr we should be able to do anything as long as our constituency votes 51% in favor of it

when will this democracy meme finally die for good?

I suppose Balearic people just don't think about anything bigger than their own villages and how proud of them they are.

Well, the deaths don't matter, it's the gun control debate that matters.

Jews need the stupid masses to vote whomever they push as a president through their media.

They are right, fuck them. I've Catalans using Italy and Greece for browny points, too.

True right-wingers simply don't care. It's like when CA or TX say they are going to secede. Let them. Left or right. The amazing thing about being right-wing is that we know there is a cycle for everything and it is self correcting. If Catalan can survive on it's own let them. Same to CA. Same to TX. The thing is, we as right-wingers KNOW that full-leftism = full retard. It's bound to fail if they stay left.

When Russia rules Europe.

>spain can't into civil suppression
>gets BTFO and catalan declares independence
>the UN security council approves a US-led allied invasion of the rouge state of catalan

It's crazy because it's hypocritical. I (yank) try to point out that confederate flags are no different than catalonian nationalism. they hate me.

Wait, who is Hitler?

Can... I.. be?

Not looking good buddy

Its already Trump.... or Putin or Bibi

Weren't they Commies last time too? So it historically makes sense.

Someone here last night said Spanish Foreign Legion was accepting US volunteers. Is it true?

I haven't heard anything about it here, but I read that last night. Pretty sure he was a LARPing faagot

The Jew that lurks in Spain is Roures. He has more influence than Soros there. His Lair is in Barcelona and he controls Podemos and the PSOE of Pedro Sanchez. But that party is sublevating against him because this act of treason, and the hypocrisy of Sanchez defending it, is too much even for them.

>leaf still one tragedy short of becoming batman or hitler
Do better than hitler, so we have a reason to rake you while secretly praising your actions

Do you have people backing the Spanish government/police fighting the Catalonians?

Sephardi jews actually rank higher than the Ashkenazim. They are the original descendants of the diaspora. Their wealth and power is ancient...you wont find them on the "Forbes list"

Franco 2.0

Spanish nationalist and Franquists (Fascists)

Implying they will declare independence.
They are just talking out of their asses.



Because a fractured EU is beneficial to Russia. Look at which right-wingers are coming out in support for Catalan independence. Dana Rohrabacher is the primary right-wing politician supporting independence from the USA.

Most Balears are upset that Cataluña wants to leave. People don´t really take the independence movement seriously there.

Cataluña has a distinct history of resistance to Madrid since the second republic. I understand why many hold independentist sentiments, and I don´t even think it´s necessarily a bad thing if it happens way down the road, but right now it would be catastrophic, not just for the Iberian peninsula but for all of Western Europe.

If Cataluña leaves, the entire EU will shun them, and they will move into Russia´s sphere of influence. If they manage to successfully leave, the rest of the EU will balkanize.

In the future, under a federalized EU, let individual nation-states fragment however they want as long as most power is ceded to a centralized European government, but right now, balkanization will lead to the breakdown of western Europe.

They won't because all they're after is a direct access to EU money which they won't get, so they will cuck, and we will laugh.

Idk man, when I lived in Minorca years ago the local police ordered some people celebrating the spanish win at the eurocopa to hide the spanish flag

I like anything that makes EU countries look weak. Hopefully this will set a precedent and we will see further balkanization of western europe, and crippling of the EU

no. fuck off leaf.

The view of the Spanish flag triggers them due to conditioning. Once we remove the subversive agents that are manipulating them, we will have to treat their inflicted issues to restore harmony. Right now, it is very hard to achieve this.

Spanish nationalists will deny it but Valencia and the Balearic Islands are full of pan-catalanist nationalists, in fact Valencia is now ruled by a very pan-catalanist coalition called "Compromís".

If Catalonia achieves independence and succeeds economically, I can imagine them joining after a couple decades.

However, there is also a lot of anti-catalan sentiment there due to a political/ideological movement called "Blaverisme"


Ibiza isn´t like that, not even in places like Santa Eulalia.

Blood in the streets.

We right-wing people made a miscalculation. We knew that PSOE was a fucking disaster, but because we opposed all their idiotic policies, the country didn't resent it enough for people to finally ditch destructive socialism.

When Zapatero appeared, we allowed him to destroy the economy to be sure that nobody would ever vote left-wing, so that Spain would be right-wing forever. And while he indeed destroyed PSOE forever, we didn't expected that liberals would react to that fucking catastrophe by DOUBLING-DOWN on the same terrible policies.

That's why we cannot just let Catalonia fail, it's going to hurt Spain and they will not learn their lesson.

Can't tell about Ibiza my man, but Minorca is full of prideful and racist countrymen while Mallorca is pretty lefty

It's like Spain, but more gay.