He Did it Boys!!!!!!!

$10 Billion for the Wall.


Other urls found in this thread:


I'm choked up

The wall also plants bushes to stop desertification.

Thank you Trump

>House committee

while leftist wave around pieces of paper in the street thinking that they're doing something

>2 walls


Lets just hope the Senate doesn't block it

I thought they still had a month of testing designs.


It's a start lads!

>150 ft Enforcement Zone
guys I'm rock-hard over here

I see that shithead Jared and it just ruins the whole thing. How this rat fuck got a job in the Whitehouse is beyond me.

Big if wall

Don't rape me, pls.

> Senate shoots it down with John McCain voting against it

> Paul Ryan shuggs and goes "Whelp, we tried. Better go back to flooding the country with shitskins and throwing money at them."

> all of them get Primaried next year.

Pence looking smug af
Trump looking /cozy/ as fuck

Remember when the lefty shills tried to bait us saying the wall didn't happen immediately and thus meant it would never happen. I remember.

Here's a link to the story, since OP was a faggot and just screencapped a tweet:



do right wing retards even understand how laws are made?

too bad he didn't vote against that brain tumor

Im pumped. Hope the legislature gets it done

yo obamo leaf quick question
why do you care about american laws and policy so much for?

>house committee
That doesn't mean the house, OP.

What happened to Mexico paying for it?

she won't be laughing after she starts dating me because I'd make her so miserable but she wouldn't be able to bring herself to leave me because she loves me so much

shhh these right wing retards are so fucking dumb, they don't even know

fake jews

huge if true

she's married

lucky guy

you literally cant be this stupid

fuck off Jerry

not even a little bit... they think the president is a king with unlimited power

(that's why they hated Obama and Clinton so much, they simply don't understand what a president's job actually is)

still happening, chicken

remember this party in the rose garden?

You don't need a law to enforce borders, just the money for the project. Congress spends the money. Remember that next time you see a graph about budget deficits.

look what i replied to

nigga wtf does that even mean

shut up, everyone knows the president makes the laws, and he can make any other sovereign nation do whatever the fuck they want

I don't know why Obama just told Russia and Canada to fuck off, it would have been as simple as a phone call

What makes you think legislation needs to be passed to fund a federal project?

Kinda small actually. Inner wall should be 3-5 miles away from outer fence and surveillance zone. So runners would have no possibility to reach and cross wall before patrol arrives. On the current place of inner wall needs to be big ditch so no vehicle breach is possible (ditches are cheap).



>efw the wall ends up actually working



>this absolute example of american education
stop embarrassing us

I watched an old vid the other day from a few years ago that said the wall is authroised and part built. What gives? Why dont the dems admit they want it?

Fuck the wall because of the ecological damage

>mexico will pay for this

This. I am shaking as I type this.

We were promised ONE wall and this psychopath retarded president builds TWO. He keeps lying and I already screenshoted this to huff post. Fuck this racism.

McCain is in the Senate, it will be blocked



I find it scary that Trump would just do this right after the vegas shooting.
This all smells like shit to me, just bullshit that will go nowhere.
Watch as the wall takes years to even start while the jews stuff their fucking pockets.

McCain made a deal with the Illuminati for life-extension serum. He went full anti-Trump as soon as he got out of the hospital.

lol there are at least 4 "Republicans" who will make sure it goes nowhere.

>tfw it does... but nothing fucking changes because we've stupidly decided that all our problems come from mexico because that's the idea that our low IQ president based his platform on

> Sup Forums still believes banning minorities will improve their lifestyle

You'll still be living in a shitty neighborhood, working a shit job, making a shit wage, and driving a shitbox. You'll be back in 4 years blaming the Asians for stealing all the good jobs after you've exhausted all the current scapegoats. See you soon ;)

Help me out. What's the actual point of the wall? Most illegal immigrants don't even border hop anymore. Is it suppose to be a symbol, like crucifying enemies in wall form? What's the goal here?

Or is it just something to get rednecks excited?

>I find it scary that Trump would just do this right after the vegas shooting.
What does one thing have to do with the other?

Obamaleaf uses that same logic to make Bill and Obama out as gods, though.

He keeps denying the Republican Congress's effects during their terms.

it gets me rock hard

He saw the chance and he used it.

There's no need to be suspicious of him.

this is the dumbest attempt at reflecting an argument I've read on this board

sort yourself out

I'm not the retard who thinks something getting out of committee means it's a done deal.

Been a while since I took a government class.
Doesn't it go house committee > senate committee > joint committee > house > Senate > president

We should build a wall around Asia with our aircraft carriers

If he holds DACA hostage over it he'll get the votes he needs, and dems will be in a lose-lose position with their base.

i hope he is laid to because otherwise its extremely pathetic and not just pathetic

>inb4 remittance taxes

now get it through the Senate

He'll die right before he can vote against it.

Many ranches near the border have tons of squatters because it's impossible for Border Patrol to be everywhere at once.

>just let these violent narcos roam your private land at will, because walls trigger us

Also, check-out Israel and South Korea's walls; also Saudi Arabia is building a wall too. There are things like ground-level radar and seismic sensors that make it literally impossible to got get by undetected.

But let's get real, we all know the left is bullshitting against wall construction in every way they can, because it would limit the amount of (D)-voting beaners that pour into the country.

>tfw when a fucking leaf calls out a fellow american for acting like a complete moron

this is why trump won
nobody here can accept that they have ever been wrong
even a little bit
on any issue ever so they go to extremes to prove to themselves that they're right by voting for and then defending dumb shit until they get bored

>laid to

by your mom

Manlet in front to the left really ruins it.

Obama leaf is probably the real deal. There are more pathetic people on Sup Forums, like white knight finbro, and they do it for free.

because it's important

The Senate would be in Trump's hands if McConnell would just get rid of the 60-vote rule.

IDK why they haven't done it yet. Either they're too senile to realize their golden opportunity to secure conservative dominance in the future, or they're paid-off.

Id rather they take 100 billion from the militaries budget then taken the troopa station in Korea and put them on the wall.

>John McCain voting against it
Arizona would flay him alive

Wouldn't it be less expensive to just hire more border patrol worker then though? I'm not trying to argue by the way I'm genuinely interested.


i am the real deal

>Mexico will pay for the wall!
>Actually, you all will pay for the wall instead.

That's my money. Give it back.

mexicos not paying for it you trumptard apes

The border is too big for patrols cars to be everywhere at once and detect everything.

A wall covered in sensors means even if some beaners get by, Border Patrol would have a record of their general location and could focus on it.


What will you amerisharts be listening to when we get the wall?

Jesus Christ you're pathetic.


I'll actually be really disappointed if we end up with a physical wall. Camera nests and drones is all you need, after the first few craters, people won't come much anymore.

Whatever, if we get a physical wall we can just secede.

cancellation of remittance payments
reduction in crime-processing

>MFW all these libtard normies from Reddit think they know anything

>the madman is actually doing it
how will drumpf posters ever recover?

I actually want a wall, you had to have been a complete moron if you thought Trump was ever going to actually make Mexico pay for the wall.

I'm working on my next masterpiece. Be honored this is the first time I'm posting it. It's still in early stages

That's kinda of a big KEK

physical wall is good because when a democrat takes office and defunds border security there will still be a barrier in place

I like it user, wheres the mounted guns though?


just fucking get over it, like the mexicans do

>muh less than 50 billion dollars!

Which is literally less than 1% of the annual spending of the US.

also, see: Fucking Reddit normies, I swear.

So you mean he was lying when he said it?


What was everybody cheering for?

not to mention seizure of funds from illegals sending money back to spicastain