When will Trumptards realize they were conned?
When will Trumptards realize they were conned?
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i realized the day after he was elected, but others are more emotionally invested and it's difficult for them to admit.
(((the hill)))
I'm completely unsurprised. He fits right in with the rest of the Rinos.
*breathes in*
I swear. It's like the girl we all know who keeps returning to her boyfriend every time after he beats her.
The lack of free thought, while similarly unsurprising, is concerning nonetheless.
They are too deeply entrenched in their facade that they're "winning" that they refuse to accept the truth.
>no wall
>swamp no drained
>surrounded by kikes
>still send billions to Israel
>hillary not in prison
>talking about gun restriction
>supports DACA
4d chess and AWOOO! though right?
Good. We need some real reform in this country. It's fucking bullshit I need another state's approval to conceal carry in their state while being legally licensed in my own. It's fucking bullshit that there's any laws at all regulating gun sales.
>implying that's what he meant by reform 3 days after major shooting.
>being this obtuse
>leaf has no idea what he's talking about
Just wanted to let you guys know Trump won the popular vote too :^)
>article last updated on September 18, 2015
Yeah i'm the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Technically he IS a RINO, and that's what won him the election.
Though I don't think he'll do gun control. His one big donor was the NRA.
Trump has been pro gun for longer than you've been retarded. (Your whole life if you couldn't figure out how long that is)
Confirmed retarded.
Power tripping beta cuck needs a concealed carry license- can't defend himself on his own LOL
t. real man (not kidding, you're a fucking goon)
>haha I've got him now
>uses article from 2015
>it's 2017
>damage control
user just stop.
Things Democrats Won't See In Your Lifetime
-gun control
-the White House
-the Senate
-House of Reps
-Supreme Court
Wow user, that some pretty decent bait. To bad we can read the date it was published.
You've got no proof but one single article from the hill, that's not even confirming it, just speculating.
>It's 2017
Oh, well that changes everything.
Just look up "trump gun control" and you'll see plenty results all dated from the last couple days. And yes it does change everything you tard it's 2 fucking years ago.
>retards believe democrats ITT
fuck off
He dismissed talk of gun control. Really sounds like he's all for it. Keep trolling faggot.
>literally a day ago saying he will be talking about gun control
only time will tell I guess user. If he's smart he'll see the backlash and stop and go back to paying Israel billions and perpetuating the migrant crisis.