I stopped caring about race and I've never been happier

The battle to save whites is a futile one. Extinction is inevitable, but that's okay. Why waste your time being angry and depressed about saving people, and future generations of people, who do not want to be saved? Life is short, focus on your own existence, your own goals, and your own happiness. The alt-right, white identitarian movement, and particularly this board, are Sisyphean endeavours; a perpetual struggle, a stain on the soul, and will do absolutely nothing but make you miserable. I am leaving this board for good after I post this thread, I hope that I can help one or two of you see the light as I depart.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shit I'm white and my best friend is black. I've honestly never cared. I don't understand anyone does.


I pretty much did the same thing user.

After Trump won, I was done with this board. I had achieved my goal of helping putting a white man back into the office, that was anti all the cancer of the west. And that's it.

I no longer give two shits anymore, and I am much happier for it. I made a bunch of black friends at work, they are nice people. Identity politics is cancer. Time to mellow out.

If I fucking find out where you faggots are organizing these raids, I swear to God...

Enjoy your sharia.


>t. faggot

They are organized on Sup Forums, because it's oldfag Sup Forumsacks making these threads and posting in them you fucking newfaggot.

I've been here since 2008 and it's about time I mellow out. Feels good.

Yeah. You wouldn't happen to be from The Right Server now would you?