Why do conservative women have more testosterone than liberal "men"?

Why do conservative women have more testosterone than liberal "men"?

Cause liberal men are cucks who are dominated by their wives

all those pussy hats absorbed the testosterone

Because they accept regular testosterone injections from their men via the vaginal passageway.

Exhibit A

chad's semen.

this trans is batshit insane

I bet hose are adopted. If not that fugly ho got game.

damn, she's a qt

Go to bed Trudeau. You are just projecting.

'Cause there all dykes

she is so fucking hot

We don't eat tofu and drink soy milk.

I am communist and I would literally eat your jugular out of your neck given the chance

Oh good, another fucktarded lead with another fucktarded scope of reality.

What do they do to you guys up there?

>up there

I'll be surprised if that isn't a trap

whats her name? what race is she pol?

Because all conservative men are closet homosexuals who bottom.

>le ebin tofu soy nu male meme


she used to be a democrat until 9/11 terrorism wins again

>when she has a stronger jaw than me

i am ashamed

>muh women are so hot
you are a fucking cuck white knight pedestalizing faggot

please kill yourself if you see the value in an ideology as being predicated on "how hot the women are" phaggot

Nah, commies never eat