Shit is going to go down. Get comfy Sup Forums.

E.T.A: 89

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I do not have an English source right now.

Basically, Puigdemont wanted to backpedal and ask for dialogue, thinking that he could just start a negotiation after all the shit and chaos he has caused. No one wants to negotiate, not the King, no the Spanish state and not the Spanish people.

>E.T.A: 89 hours



How likely will their autonomy be revoked to remove the current govt? If so, will they get their autonomy back after this? Will get they more autonomy than before the referendum or will Madrid punish them as an example for other regions?

>Rejecting terms of surrender

Seems strange and wasteful, what are they going to do, throw the bastard in jail?

Very likely that it'll be removed temporarily, depending on how bad things get before the government is seized, I either expect democratic elections for the Catalonians to choose a president, or completely removing the autonomy and and stooping the schools, which have been indoctrination centers for the last 30 years.

It will depend on the degree of violence the Catalonians are willing to do

>what are they going to do, throw the bastard in jail?

Very likely, yes.

>muh backpedaling
Carles already answered about if the article 155 is triggered, you faggot.


That is, if their own people don't kill him first for backpedaling. If he doesn't declare unilateral independence in 89 hours, their own will fuck him up. If he does, we fuck him up.

There'll be no negotiation with terrorists.


Catalonia is already falling. Businesses are leaving and the two of the big Catalan banks have lost more than 260k million euros due to all this already.

If you continue this, you are going to end up worse than Andalucia.

catalonia commies on suicide watch

Says the macaco that supports a corrupt commie like Lula.

>indoctrination centers for the last 30 years.
Is that actually real? Wow, how could the government let that happen.

The same way SJW infest universities and turn them into leftist indoctrination centers. They call anyone who doesn't let them do what they want fascist, racism, sexists..etc.

He's exaggerating (they don't talk politics in a explicit state) , but 80% of the teachers here are independentist, except maybe some spanish literature ones


I don't imagine you'll understand this video, but here's one of the many examples of how they indoctrinate children. They are making the children roleplay a fight against Spaniards, where they kill the ''evil opressors Spanairds'', which is the Spanish army.

Are you going to sit here and say the video I shared is not talking about politics and literally kill all Spanish army members??

>Having a peaceful referendum

I guess everything you don't like is terrorism now

This one too, how is this not fucking indoctrination?


They are literall teaching them lies, like Catalonia is a country of the European union, that the was a Catalonian crown.

A ''peaceful referendum'' which goes against the democratically elected constitution all Spanairds voted for, including the 98% of Catalans cannot be peaceful, when you refuse to comply to direct police orders, you are refusing to comply to the laws the will of the people elected, and you deserve nothing else but a baton in your skull in the name of all citizens.

Yes, this is terrorism. It's breaking the national apart, fucking the economy and menacing a civil war. How is this not terrorism?

>b-but muh referendumbzz

Man, I'm Spanish, but I've been through school in Catalonia for 10 years and not even once i've heard a professor explicitly talking sbout Catalonian independence, only doing mild references and semi-jokes.

Don't just believe some videos, Catalonia indoctrinates kid with other ways (ambiguous history books about spain), but not through teachers, not most of them at least

Where are you from?

Es a lo que me refiero en el post Pensaba que hablsbas sobre profesores. Aunque yo algo asi en los libros de historia nunca lo he visto, solo suelen hablar poco sobre la relación de España y CataluÑa

Posting on this board is terrorism because it makes people scared and causes violence and death like in Charlottesville

This board should be shut down for promoting terrorism and you should be put in jail

He's a proxy that learned about spain by watching alex de la iglesia movies.

Literally only two people here seem to be spanish

ILY Bros
Keep pissing commies off,
Sincerely, old Ally.

The difference is that provoking chaos in the land, and going against the interests of the Spanish people, it's another article in our constitution.

You have no argument beyond your feelings, which are irrelevant before the law. Learn about Law positivism, kid. I demand the rule of law of my constitution be respected in my country.

Also, you guys have no fucking idea what you are talking about when it comes to Police violence. Have you see how the German police deals with threats like the protest of the G20?? What our police men did, was a fucking MASSAGE compared to that.

>Where are you from?

Grew up in Barcelona, Tortosa y Londres. Ahora vivo por Tarragona. When I went to school in Tortosa, many of my progressors hated anything Spanish, specially the army and language.

Dios yo tambien vivo por Tarragona.
Tortosa al ser mas o menos pequeño debe tener profesores más cerrados, pero en Tgn ninguno ha mostrado nunca odio por Esp, solo exageraban un poco cuando hablaban sobre cataluña.

Lo de los libros en mi epocs no era tan grave, deben estar desesperados.

How do you feel about living around Tarragona? I personally kinda regret having left the UK.


Pagarle a trolls en internet es lo mas barato que hay.

It's not bad I suppose, small enough to go wherever you want on foot and without too much people and stress but with the benefits of a medium sized city.
But it's full of fucking moroccan subhumans

A los españoles en este thread,

Soy de Nuevo México, vengo de raíces españoles y franceses. Seguro que mis antepasados formaban parte de los conquistadores de las Américas. Me veo español, lo hablo aunque no perfecto. Los mexicanos aquí (en mi ciudad casi puros mestizos/indios aunque en el norte del estado hay muchos de origen español, que hablan una especia de español bastante rústico) no me consideran un mexicano, ni los gringos me consideran un estadounidense. Tengo la piel blanca, pelo moreno, ojos morenos, etc. Si voy para español, me van a rechazar o aceptar como uno de ustedes (o vosotros jaja)?

Tanks in 89 hours

*para España, o sea, si me mudara allí, me aceptaríais?

Tranqui, si aun que fueras puro Aryan Español te ibamos a echar mierda igual, jajaja. No creo que tengas problema.

Why are they trying to secede? Can someone give me a rundown?

Mientras no tengas demasiado acento supongo que te aceptaran. Aunque aqui la gente suele ser amigable con los latinos (los graciosos, no los wannabe gangsters).


That's not what it says, you are literally misinforming people, wtf.

He is LITERALLY saying that he will continue with the process and give validation to the referendum, thus with the UDI.

Of course he talks about dialogue, he knows what he has to say, he always talked about dialogue.

Those declarations happened two days ago already.

What the fuck is your problem, you did this same thread yesterday, what is your fucking agenda? Just misinformation for the sake of it? Trying to ridicule independentists with fake news? Tell us.

>But it's full of fucking moroccan subhumans

Yeah, they are always stealing and causing trouble. I want a fucking political party that deports them all back to their fucking shithole. I am tired of Morrocans that steal phones and sell drugs, the police know it and they don't send them back.

Faggot who is going to be exposed for corruption wants to be the president of snother country to escape spanish law by profiting the catalan tradition of feeling better than the rest of spain and making them false promises


What are you talking about? Puigdemont said before the illegal referendum that he would declare unilateral independence if the YES vote won, 48 hours after the fact. NO QUESTIONS asked.

It's then 96 hours since the moment he was supposed to declare DUI, and now he comes out saying how he is not turning his back to Spain, that they are a people of diversity, that he is willing to dialoguate. He was clearly hoping that Rajoy would say ''Oh yeah, let's negotiate now and give you a country for free''.

He has no support. Not the king, not the EU, not Rajoy, and not the majority of Spain.

Where did I lie??

At least they cleaned the Mall of thrash when they showed up to arrest known shop petty thieves that were always standing at the door with their pack of subhumans

>what is your fucking agenda? Just misinformation for the sake of it? Trying to ridicule independentists with fake news? Tell us.

No, I want to ridicule them with REAL news.

Why won't you let him back down? Isn't avoiding a blow up ideal?

You're right, he wants to give hope to catalans but at the same time giving hints about being open to dialogue, even though he disrespected the king and central government to look badass

Bueno, pienso en mudarme allí. Quiero estar entre mi gente y no los mestizos aquí. :/

Yo sería un buen compa del nacionalismo. Adoro España. Para mi es la patria que no he experimentado pero con que me siento muy conectado.

He aprendido de memoria "El novio de la muerte" jajaja y "Cara al sol"

Nice. What a friendly bunch.

who are the fascists here?
I need to know who to root for

Vente y alistate a la Legión, hay muchos latinos por ahi, estaría muy orgulloso de ti compa user

Because he is not surrendering, he is basically blackmailing the govern. He wants to negotiate, and the only thing to negotiate here is that Catalonia will be independent. The state refuses to negotiate under those terms.

I wonder if i could storm Catalonia and become king. It's what the Visigoths did anyway. Then i blackmail the Spanish king into giving me ownership over Real Madrid.

Over half the Catalan population had wanted nothing to do with this shit show. But apparently it seems there was some pretty deep animosity on both sides that has risen to the surface.

Madrids hard line will just for people to pick sides. As for Catalonia's government, if they feel their only choices are war or prison, its obvious what they will choose.

Se puede alistar aunque uno no nació en España?

Es parecida a la legion extranjera.

Watch the original in catalan and not the translated trash you posted.

In the 7:40 he talks about applying the result of the referendum, literally UDI.

>YES vote won, 48 hours after the fact. NO QUESTIONS asked.

When he said that, he said after ALL the votes have been counted and recounted, including those ABROAD (which can take days), which would take late in the week or on monday for proper measure, after that 48h hours. You, instead, misinterpreted it as 2 days after 1st of november, he never said that.

I don't think catalans are that delusional to go vs the spanish military in a war. They are pushing to wait for Rajoy to screw it up and give them more reasons and/or for more international support

Oh I was a commie killing lad
And I'm coming home again
Home to Catalonia
The hills of Catalonia

None of them. Its commies in Madrid fighting with commies in Barcelona over who gets to redistribute other peoples money.

Didn't they finish counting the votes two days ago?

Nobody goes into a crisis thinking its going to lead to war, and once a war starts everyone thinks it will be over quickly.

Madrid and Barcelona are like two kids using a cannon shell to play football. Its just a game to them. One that could blow up in their faces.

The Referendum is a shitty excuse for muh democracy card right? In the EU international law it says that the votes should be counted by a neutral stzte, not by the government who is pushing the yes. Are they living in another dimension to believe the referendum has any legitimacy?

Amerifat here, ready to ship high powered guns to Catalonia.

But catalans would refuse to go vs tanks with their bare hands right? They would try to play the victims and act without violence right?

Tal vez cuando se acaba la uni yo me alisto, sería un honor

I think Puigdemont was really deluded into thinking he would gather a lot of international support and be projected into the world as a savior, a hero fighting the evul fascist state of Spain or something. And now that he has seen no one is backing him, he trying to delaying the declaration of independence in hopes that Marino sends the army now, someone dies and he can use that again for international support...

I really can't think of anything else. These people cannot be that deluded to think they can win all by themselves..?

El uniforme es espectacular.

Yes they are that deluded.

You spainbros should read Texas v. White, a landmark case in the US Supreme Court that looks into rebellious provinces, independence declarations and the like.

The basic gist of it is independence declarations without the consent of the primary sovereign are illegal in all circumstances, and all reasons. As such all acts that extend forth from the independence declaration (like issuing currency, bonds, contracts etc) are also illegal, being products of a criminal act.

The caveat though is if the Revolution wins and gains the submission of the original sovereign of its legitimacy, then the initial act (while still illegal) is protected by the shield of sovereign immunity and all acts stemming from it become legal.

The winner is always given the same day after the mathematical victory, but the definitive results are hardly ever on the same day because of the ballot boxes abroad, it happens in every fucking election everywhere, this is so fucking basic. But all of this is irrelevant in any case, you are obsessing with the muh 48h like an autist, when he is literally calling for following with the UDI in the same official message you posted.

I suppose he is betting on Mariano being a fool like you said, but indoctrinated catalans won't back down until Puigdemont surrenders and they fuck him up

Don't buy it, he wouldn't be conspiring with Mayors of cities to kick out GC and PN from hotels, and not serve or feed our policemen. He is trying to raise up the people as much as police, create chaos so something goes really wrong and he can use the images for international TV.

Seems interesting, thanks bro

It is not mutually exclusive.

Maybe not, in a couple days we'll see.

>Civil war potentially incoming
At least you guys picked the debris warning as the new national flag

I'm ready to see Puigdemont hang until dead. Is the death penalty legal in Spain?

Anyway, why didn't they deal with this problem a while ago? From my understanding, Madrid's been dealing with Barcelona's bullshit for a few years now.

Rajoy fucked up like he always does and also nobody expected Puigdememe to do such a crazy thing

>poor brown spics don't want the less poor brown spics to leave

I have a serious new found respect for Puigdemont.

This it's terrible for spain tough.


I found his speech better than the king's, but it's all smoke and mirrors, he is just delaying it to see if he gets more support while trying to discuss in case it fails

Not bad.

He saw a real chance to challenge Madrid and he did, that takes some serious cojones, regardless of the tragedy that he ensures with that.

And he played Rajoy like the dumb shit he is by baiting him with the referendum to make him use violence and then act like the victim, that was pretty smart.

Small E.T.A. turned Spain into a war zone, I look at the list of their bombings and it's impressive.

>car goes off somewhere in Madrid tomorrow
>this is a Spain we will come to be used to

Are we sure he ain't a jew?

He got a pretty jewish face and follows the modus operandi, wouldn't be a surprise if this was an act of the jews to divide and conquer

They tend to make overcomplicated lengthy plans like this.

Fuck that, let a civil war happen and make everyone shut up already.
Fucking tired of hearing about this pointless crap all day long.


Your threadly dose of Catalan culture:
The CNT-FAI set the historical precedent of Anarchism as a practical political ideal. They were the first Anarchists to have ruled over a territory in the history of mankind (After Makhno, technically), and serve as an example to every contemporary Anarchist movement, including Antifa. The modern flag symbolic of Anarcho-Communism is in fact nothing more than the flag of the CNT-FAI, for instance, and Antifa itself has borrowed everything, from methods and beliefs to slogans, from them.
Spanish Anarchism originated in Barcelona and maintained its headquarters in Catalonia until its defeat in the civil war. Unlike other European nations, the far-left tends to manifest itself in the form of Anarchism, rather than Communism, generally in Spain, and particularly in Cuckfaggotia. Bachunin sent one of his own to introduce Spaniards(Catacucks) to Anarchist/socialist ideals, and that became their very first contract with radical socialism, so it stuck. They burned churches, raped nuns, tortured and mutilated captives, assassinated political opponents and believed in free love (the very first open relationships). Their uprisings were disastrous enough to force the Spanish army to intervene and destroy Barcelona a couple of times, though they'd often conquer about 25% of the Iberian peninsula before being put down. Their lack of organization meant that they mostly relied on terrorism and bombings to achieve their goals, at least initially. The CNT was created to introduce organization as a means of political action in the anarchist sphere, and the FAI was created to oppose this stance in favor of disorganized action. They merged into the CNT-FAI to represent anarchism in the civil war.

Catalan nationalism is not ethnic, and it is hardly even civic. It is just an "emancipation struggle" against an "oppressive colonial power". Cuckfaggotia is not nationalist.

Franco is pleased

I love how the EU will do absolutely nothing about this, disillusioning an entire generation about what "European values" mean. It's a more effective means of education than any propagandist could dream up.

he will go to jail, no matter what
how many years, depends on the charges

I think even Puigemont didnt expect this to blow up in so spectacular fashion. This whole mess looks like it was started as a way to hold his idiot coalition together that was totally dependent on the Independence question.

He would hold a referendum, all the polling data showed universally that the YES vote would lose by a huge margin. He could then say he tried but the people were just not there. such a shame.

But then Rajoy started trying to actively block the vote. Rather then just say it was illegitimate no matter what happened he did everything he could to stop it from happening. Puigemont was forced to get creative. Show he was manfully resisting madrids machinations to stifle the will lf his constituency.

And then Rajoy ordered the guardia civil to go full turbo autism on the Catalan population. Voting day ends with 900 injuries, 10/10 youtube videos of riotpolice throwing old ladies down stairwells, an "official" vote overwhelmingly in favor of independence and the rest of the country demanding Puigemont hang from the nearest tree.

In the USA, we got a great saying that was made into a great country music song. If you're going through hell, keep on going, don't look back as the devil might not know you're their.

Puigemont is literally in hell now and has no choice but to keep moving foreword because if he doesnt we all know what Rajoy will do to him when he finally has him brought to ground.


> When you want independence but your king won't let you

Can a liberal comifornia fuck like me get a rundown on this now that its euro shitposting hours? Ive been kinda busy with my own happenings.