Sup Forums, should we join the NRA?

So for the past few days the NRA has become the lightning rod for SJW hate, moreso than they usually are. Politico, HuffPo, Salon, ShareBlue, and Media Matters (which is still a thing. Did you even know that was still a thing?)and Teen Vogue have all been shitting themselves with rage that it even exists. And despite the fact that Stephen Baddock had fuck-all affiliation with them, Elizabeth Warren, Dianne Feinstein, and Hillary Clinton have all recently attacked them.

If their membership were to suddenly skyrocket, it would be among the greatest triggerings of the age. More autistic screeching still would occur once it was known "the alt right" are behind the swell in the roles. If we all bought memberships it would put a lot of money into their coffers, some of which would surely go to pushing back against the liberals rather than buying LaPierre another yacht. And let's face, the "Closed fist of truth" PSA was woke af.

On the other hand, the organization's been responsible for a lot of fuckery in their day. They're a pro-Israel Boomer organization. And to really make enough of a wave to trigger the left, we'd need a large number of people to hop on the bandwagon. Anything less would be wasted effort.

Is it worth pursuing, for the lulz and a free duffel bag and magazine subscription on sign-up?

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if you want to get it banned go ahead

Those evil corporate contributors.

Banned by who? Who has the kind of power to ban the NRA? They're tied as closely to this administration as they've ever been with any, and have even the RINOs in their pockets.

Hi, Mr. NRA representative! I just want to congratulate you on the raise you probably received for coming up with this new guerrilla marketing campaign. Using politics to bolster sales is an excellent tactic, and they're lucky to have you on the team. And no, I'm not going to pay for a membership just to "trigger SJW's" you fucking kike. Fuck off

The NRA is a Washington DC based lobbying organization...

I'm going to sign up, where do you sign up?

I also have been thinking about joining Identity Evropa. Any other anons thinking about that?

Yes, and lobbies in Washington are what get shit done, or prevent other shit from getting done. I kinda feel supporting a lobby that pisses off the abridged list of all the people I hate.

Reminder that these asshats supported the original NFA. Also remember their curiously anemic influence just prior to the AWB.

The only reason to join is to qualify for membership in a club that requires it. Some stores also give discounts to members. That's about it.

Until they get the NFA abolished, I'm not recommending membership to anyone for any other reason.

NRA is behind this shooting so if that's what you really wanna support

Good idea

Nothing is going to beat their earlier campaign. Battle is won. It simply does not get better. The NRA is forever.

Holy shit

After watching some NRA ads, I now understand why they trigger the fuck out of libcucks

No. Just donate to the NRA-ILA:

regular NRA dues just goes to keeping their spam advertising empire running. prepare your anus for the unslaught of soliciting they send to your email, mail, and telephone.

I will NEVER join the NRA faggotry, it NONE of their goddamn business what the hell I own. I will not willingly be put in some retard "round em all up" database. Fuck that shit.

Not worth it unless you're just gonna buy life membership and call it a day.

>washington DC

No thanks.

I think my dad signed me up for it a whilw back. I am a progressive for moderate regulation but still pro gun. I don't eve have any, but wanted to be inside and see what it is about. He had a lifetime membership and offered one for family. Hvaen't really looked into it tho.

The constant demonization of the NRA by the MSM persuaded me to donate $100

Fuck off NRA. The 2nd amendment means optimal public security cause of shitty the British Crown was at protecting the colonists from Indians and nigger uprisings (read the Declaration of Independence) not the right of any retard to have any guns they want for any purpose. The militia statutes have specific definitions for how is militia and it's not literally everyone. The cuckservatives SCOTUS reinterpreted it just over these last few years diverging from its original intent and now we have niggers buying guns more and more, just lying around sniggering about how they're going to take down whitey.

Gun Owners of America

NRA will sell you out...look what they did in 1994 in regards to the Brady Bill

GOA doesn't give an inch. They are by far the #1 entity pushing for reduction/elimination of gun laws at both the federal and state/local level and protecting your 2A


Actually life member here. The membership really isn't worth much unless you go life. The total cost is $1000, but I signed up at a gun show and my total dues are $750. I only pay $25 quarterly, but I get the full benefits. Hotel discounts, free shitty life insurance, free $2500 firearm insurance policy, and you can say you are actually doing something to save the 2nd amendment.

You don't tell them what you own, fucking brainlet.


100 % do it. If you care at all about the second amendment and the future of the country, Join.

>Jews really want white men armed and lobbying on behalf of the second ammendment against gun grabbers
lol wut

This meant to reply to this


You like to shoot up white people at country music?

>conserativism seem to think triggering liberals is the only thing that matters.

follow the money

i'm going out of debt, ill join as a life member afterwards