redpill me, faggots
Why would anyone ever want to have children? It's one of the worst things you could do to yourself. Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with fathering children?
redpill me, faggots
Why would anyone ever want to have children? It's one of the worst things you could do to yourself. Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with fathering children?
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so that pic related doesn't happen to us
did you really not know this already?
The world is overpopulated and the world dies with you anyway.
Most of these breeders will never accomplish anything noteworthy in life so the only way to leave a lasting legacy is to create offspring to perpetuate their bloodline.
14 words
I mean, I'll never accomplish shit either but children just make life worse.
there's no afterlife bro, who cares what happens after you die?
sorry but i can't and never will be a nihilistic faggot, i have far too much life and spark in me
Watch 30 hours of Jordan Peterson, you lazy worthless bastard.
You will become pro-natalist.
smack the shit out of that stupid little brat
you seem like an edgy twelve year old.
The reason you have kids is so you aren't surrounded by the shitty ones brought up be retarded people.
Having kids is both a blessing and a curse, I love mine, especially my daughter, she's a total hoot and always up for a tickle!
I don' t want children, I want to be the children
>you seem like an edgy twelve year old.
>has nazi flag
Shitty kids will always exist no matter what. Stop trying to explain away the huge mistake you made.
“Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability against all competition...The Universe will let us know-later-whether Man has any right to expand through it."
Having children teaches you the true meaning of the word "innocent," and shows you that the innocent must be protected. It's also fun and makes you a far better, stronger, more resourceful and resilient person.
>makes you a far better, stronger, more resourceful and resilient person.
better: that's subjective
stronger: through unnecessary hardships
more resourceful: fair enough
resilient: arguably same thing as strong
If you weren't such a selfish, hedonistic, numale you'd realize there's value and fulfillment in investing work into things/people that aren't yourself and don't directly benefit you.
>he's a nihilist too
explains everything tbqh
Start with gasing the faggots
lmao that guy is a cunt. "There's too many people already" is a 'meme' but "kids are a blessing" isn't?
There is nothing more alpha than being a good dad to your biological children. If you say other wise you're a faggot (not an argument but true as fuck)
so you have children to get laid? that's retarded m 8
If you don't know why alpha males having kids is a good idea you're a brain dead cuck and should migrate to Reddit.
why does pol hate nihilism? is this board cucked by religion?
Being a father is amazing.
Being a husband... well, not so amazing.
Where did you get that from. I have been having sex since I was 15 and when I was ready to grow up I got married and now I am having kids. It's really based as fuck. I don't expect a cuck to understand desu
Being a single father is literally the worst life just above being a single mom.
I will concede this point, user, but you NEED a good women.
who cares about being alpha if not to get laid? it's also much easier to get laid as a bachelor.
Of course you do. There's enough women out there who don't want kids nowadays.
If there's no afterlife, and thus no reason to care about what happens after you die, then why not just kill yourself to ensure that you never suffer again?
Because it breeds simple-minded hedonistic individuals like (You).
I'm not a religious person myself.
What are you 12? Sex is a small part of being an alpha. You can be a massive cuck and get laid a lot. When you get older and actually have some sex you will understand
I'm 39 and I had a daughter last year
Since I was 23, I was making really good money online via affiliate marketing, and I spent the last 15 years or so partying, renting really nice places, driving sick sportscars, sleeping around and being the biggest chad possible. Sure, it was fun, but in my mid 30's I started to wonder what the fucking point was? Sure, I had lots of fun and my only concerns were my own pleasure and enjoyment of life, but ultimately it started to be stale and routine.
In 2015 I knocked up a woman who has a wealthy family, and my daughter was born in 2016. Since she was born 15 months ago, my life has improved beyond measure. It is such a wonderful feeling to see your child smile, to interact with them, to watch them develop.
So hard to put into words what you're missing out on when it comes to having children. A few weeks ago my daughter woke up in the middle of the night and I took her into the living room and rocked her to sleep in my arms. The feeling of my own flesh and blood against my chest breathing and holding onto me is unlike any other sensation, it is pure love. Yes, I pursued such an empty existence that is promoted by the media, music, television, total fucking hedonism. Yet none of my experiences abusing alcohol, drugs, and women compare to the joy felt when caring for my child.
Seriously, you're being lied to like crazy if you think that having children is a bad thing. It really brings an amazing feeling of joy and happiness to hold a child you know is of your blood!
Because life can be really cool and only happens once. If there is an afterlife, why not kill yourself to get there quicker? Because the bible says not to? That's convenient.
Yes, life can be really cool, but there is also the possibility for unimaginable suffering. Why not eliminate that chance by killing yourself?
you don't do it for yourself, fag
that being said, as i was typing it out it finally hit me what a number they did on us where they literally muted the most basic instinct in guys like OP. wew lads.
and life wouldn't continue without people breeding
Very well put, user.
He is right.
Honestly the best part is how much the child loves, trusts, admires, and respects you. Unlike anything you will ever experience. A love no one can imitate.
thx user
not to be a dick, but your life so far does sound boring af. if you can't find meaning without children, you've lived a shit life.
that's like cutting your dick off so you don't get stds lmao
i'm sorry but you're in a fucking honeymoon phase. what about twenty years from now, when you've made thousands of sacrifices for children who don't even call you?
Maybe so, but can you guarantee that your suffering-to-happiness ratio will stay skewed on the side of happiness to the time of your death? No? Then how can you justify your position?
The main goal of life is to reproduce or influence enough people to act like you.
3rd worlders and shitty parents are breeding. You can be a good parent and raise successful children. If your smart and/or have good looks it's a plus to do the gene pool good.
For both men and women there is no better feeling to work and live on. 3rd worlders should just stop. 50 years from now there won't be enough resources to sustain this population.
I can't see the future, maybe it'll be rad, maybe it'll be shit. Suffering can only last until I die anyway.
must've missed the life tutorial where the devs explained the goal of it
>blue-pilled medpack
Switzerland deserves better than the likes of you
The ultimate psy-op against white men is to convince them that having a family shouldn't be their #1 goal*
*this includes poisoning white women into being completely against being moms+making them into horrible partners
What kind of Alex Jones nightmare are you living out in your head? Jfc
Who cares about the genepool of the future? If you die and go to heaven then why would you care about the planet anymore? If you die and it's just oblivion then nothing will matter either.
Your main problem is that you're projecting, and therefore can't conceive people caring about anything but themselves.
so I can pork my wife while she's pregnant
Man if my life of never having to work a job and making 10k+ a year for 15 years working an hour or two a day is boring, then what the fuck is a "normal" life to you?
I'm just trying to say that life was shittier when I had more money and more free time but no purpose other than selfish pleasure
Look at Sylvester Stallone's kid, he had a life I'm sure that had more opportunity than mine to achieve anything, bang any sluts, drive any car, yet he was so unhappy because he couldn't find purpose
Children ARE a HUGE source of purpose. I can now pass on all of my best traits and wisdom while teaching life lessons about how to avoid all the pain and mistakes I made as well.
My life has been anything but boring, hell I filmed porn in Costa Rica for a year among other wild points in my life, but nothing compares to having watched my own child be born and the influence she has had on my heart. I love being a father more than anything and it has filled my heart with more love than I ever thought possible.
In my 20's I thought children were stupid and gross money-draining poop factories. How wrong I was, but then again, my father was an extremely weak and beta male, so that definitely had an influence on my belief about family.
My kids, and their kids' kids will be able to piss on your grave. Which is an extension of me pissing on you, for eternity. Hope you liek golden showers faggot
that's not what people argued here. I would argue you can care about others just as much as you can for your children
>The world is overpopulated
[Citation needed]
>the world dies with you anyway.
[Citation needed]
While your point is valid, consider this. If everyone thought the way that you do, and so nobody had kids, then eventually, the old would retire, and nobody would be able to take their place at work. You would live out your senior years starving, suffering, and alone. While your ideology is useful in the short-term, in the long term it leads to nothing but collapse.
>me, me, me
Are you a roastie, OP?
Family ALWAYS comes before others, unless you have an extremely abusive one, which is almost never the case.
whatever gets you off, man. In fact if you paypal me 2k I'll give you my ashes in my will so you can have a wholesome piss on them with your bastards every day.
>that's not what people argued here
I know, but from what I've seen from those posts is why I personally think you're so against having kids.
>I would argue you can care about others just as much as you can for your children
Even though that's incredibly unlikely (and probably unhealthy) that still doesn't somehow mean that having children is meaningless and that it doesn't involve caring about someone other than yourself.
I'm Canadian, and perhaps you should check out the website, as being Canadian entails hatred of all things white, straight, and male
I don't watch Alex Jones, the last time I saw a video of his he told Piers Morgan 1776 was going to happen again, haha!
Why WOULDN'T you care about the genepool of the future? I want the future of mankind to be bettered by whatever actions I can take to make sure my offspring are the best people they can be
I find it a source of pride to be a good father.
What YOU find pride in will say a lot about who you are as a person.
God damnit i dad lul'ed. Here take a /k/ meme you funny fuck.
Redpill me on adoption.
You seem like a sensible guy. I take back my urinate on your grave theme. Although I'd like to see the wife's reaction when I tried to explain why exactly I spent 2k on ashes.
now I'm just wondering if I can sell the rights to my dead body for decent cash to some sicko that won't kill me to get it quicker.
Hey, we have the same flag. I've got an adult son as well as being with the guy I love for the last nine years. There's something about having children that makes humans massively happy.
If you could make little black robots that act like pets/children and carpet bomb them into Africa then maybe we could get overpopulation/climate change inj some sort of control
>bombing poor Africans will make climate change stop
Literally what. Maybe if you wanted to bomb China and India but Africa??
This Stefan Molyneux will red pill you, whether you like it or not:
I have some respect for this guy, but man is he so wrong on so many topics it's hilarious. I cringe when I think back to when I thought he could do/say no wrong. I'll watch it after work.
Because we must continue to bring souls into this world so the Anunnaki can have, and continue to make us miserable, sad & angry which emits a low frequency they feed on. Hop to it guys
"You get an android baby, and You get an android baby, Everybody gets an android baby!!"
((( this
post has
a secret
agenda )))