>2 windows broken
>bullets found at base of tanks
>explains pauses in crowd getting shot at while shots were still fired
>goes along with blackwateranon's post last night
2 windows broken as in the 2 we have seen for the last couple days or 2 new ones?
Either way: He has a plan of escape. They think he probably didn't work alone. He could have died from breaching charge.
No man with a plan of escape will shoot himself in the chest risking survival or to choke on his own blood.
Reposting "plain text" summary of the thread
How much Tennerite did he have?
same 2, but theory is one used for shooting people and one used for shooting tanks. explains the locations.
I stayed up too late watching that thread last night... Like I said last night, if it was a LARP, it's one of the first on here that I legitimately found unsettling.
Why would he shoot at the tankers? You've gotta be severly retarded if you think that'd be enough of a distraction to pull all of LVPD from the hotel he was in to there. The only way that'd work is if he had planted bombs there to detonate before or as he started shooting so nobody knew what to address first.
Think before you fucking post.
Sounds like blowing up the fuel dump was plan A and somehow that fell thru.
Unless shooting the tankers was his first idea and shooting a bunch of people was his backup plan.
Bumping this. It could have just been people panicking and running though.
archive? i luv a gud larp
wonder what this entails
if he got the tank to explode at the beginning 20 thousand concert goers would have evacuated out onto the street in front of the gunmen.
((((Their)))) narrative crumbles before our eyes
His brother said Steve could walk into any hotel in vegas and stay for a week for free because he spent so much money gambling.
>so no need to book hotel rooms through air BnB
He was set up for a fake arms deal by mossad
I think someone was supposed to set the tennerite at the tankers. The explode when bullets hit them.
>see guy with gun on his chest
>kick it away
Again tho, why shoot the tankers? Make two big kablooies woohoo damn I forgot regular bullets from 2 kilometers away with an Ar wont blow up a jet fuel tanker damn guess I'll murder tons of civilians I brought a buncha rifles anyway why not.
the 2 windows are the smoking gun right in front of our faces
no effing way Paddock would break 2 if he had a good vantage from one
Post pictures of the fuel tank locations
It would still be a dumb plan that wouldn't have worked.
This was actually mentioned on Fox News a few minutes ago.
Israel did this.
The liberal diaspora VS. based conservative Israel is a scam.
also may confirm why different gunshots were heard at the same time: 1 firing at the crowd, another at the tankers. What anons may think was return fire was actually the second shooter.
a coverup for what?
guy on fox news say he wanted to shoot patriotic americans? so people that listen to other kinds of music can't be patriots?
he's either a fraud or idiot
and the right says the left are dividing the country
What they said is it was 50 lbs of tannerite and ammonia nitrate. I'm not sure if they meant altogether, or each was 50 lbs.
Yes where are the skull fragments?
fucking more goy BS+, show 1 pic of fake (((shooter))) upright in the hotel, 1 goy.
I'm having a hard time believing Blackwater would do anything to advert a nuclear bomb. They're mercs for hire to the highest bidder.
He was also using an AR-10 (.308/7.62x51). The AR-10 might have been for the tanker. And the AR-15s were for mopping up the crowd after. He had way more mags for the AR-15 than he had for the AR-10 if I'm to go by the leaked crime scene photos.
This has been shilled a hell of a lot. kicking a gun doesn't result in drip marks snaking away from the body up to the gun you fucking shilling kike rat cunt.
>Inconsequential tanker explosion.
>Everyone in the city would have died.
I wonder if this little twat cranks it to thoughts of stringing foolish people on a line.
Someone repost the diagram with the lines of fire
Daily reminder that that user claimed there might be some sort of weapon still at large, and also the video of Paddock's girlfriend saying "POW! AMERICA IN 4 DAYS! POW!" after the shooting.
What would? I'm with you I'm just trying to figure out where those drops came from
>legacy captcha related
He was shot in the chest and choked on his blood.
He would need to make about a 700 yd shot. Better to use a Barret 50 BMG. So the tanker theory is probably bad. So wtf did he want to blow up? I think there is a link with the number of guns and the shitload of tennerite.
THEY are now saying he was targeting aviation fuel tanks too
the drops would be fewer and farther apart (or just smeared) if it was kicked.
it was a reasonable thought, even if it was wrong. calm your tits, faggot
thats what I was referring to you absolute nigger
Fox said 50 pounds of tanenite
To add to this the AR-10 in the photos has a scope on it where he just has a red dot on the Ar-15. I had always thought that was an odd detail but it makes fucking sense now.
AR-10 was used to fire at a far away target more precisely, the AR-15 was for indirect fire against a nearer target.
The craziest conspiracy I heard was the deep state smuggled a nuke into Las Vegas, the massacre was supposed to lure Trump there to console the victims and then theyd nuke him, start the communist uprising.
Also, the deep state was furious that Roy Moore won the election and then waved his gun in front of a cheering crowd. Thats why the same exact revolver is above Paddocks head, to send a message. Same with bump fire stocks and tannerite, they are desperate to errode gun rights no matter what.
Well they did say he had amonia nitrate in his vehicle which means he planning on something way bigger.
aviation fuel is fucking kerosene, it's not going to just explode from a gunshot.
When that is mixed with the ammonium nititre, you get to McVeigh caliber high score.
That was a good image, shoulda saved it
Potato nigger with the digits and the attitude. It's standard protocol for clearing team members to remove weapons from within arms reach of suspects, even dead ones, so they don't get shot in the back while clearing the rest of the structure.
It could have been to make it leak. There was his vehicle somewhere with explosives.
>Vegas attacker used his hotel room to spray massive aviation (Jet) fuel tanks with bullets
Well, we know for sure 1 thing... he wasn't trying to melt steel beams.
did he say that? or did he simply imply that people who like country music tend to be patriotic? which happens to be true.
it could have been picked up from the body.
light drops would be from the person straightening up, heavier drops are from stepping back with the gun held at the side.
Multiple accomplices who failed in their tasks would explain those excessive room service tabs, and help explain why exactly he had so much hardware and ammo he didn't even try to use.
1: Police said during the brief today that over 200 shots were fired down the hotel hallway in addition to the ones shot outside.
2: Several witnesses claim that there was a second person who set of firecrackers to confuse people and cover him breaking the window just before the actual shooting happened
3: Does anybody else think it's awesome that the police had an issue with citizens show up with their own guns and even breaking into police cars to steal shotguns to try and kill the guy themselves?
>Van Gogh tho
I agree, but why not remote detonate. The LVMPD sheriff said he did not plan to commit suicide.
What do you make of this? Disinfo?
Someone in the crowd had a suitcase nuke and his actions were the lesser of two evils?
jesus that would have been hell if the tanks blew up
Yeah but doesn't the hydrocarbons have to soak together with the ammonium nitrate for it to actually be ANFO?
So the tanks would have been a big enough distraction to get away, or maybe not be niticed at all.
He would have been able to just walk out.
This could be because the ATF painted themselves into a corner with bump stocks and shouldering pistol braces right? Gorsuch and Trump's next appointment if he gets 2 terms would have ended them. We were supposed to have a House vote on deregulated suppressors the same week. Guess who's suddenly relevant again? Don't try to tell me the US government has never run a black flag operation either because you're just stupid of you believe that.
I wonder why nothing ever detonated
Nice fucking get leaf, and it kinda makes sense with the odd set up's on the rifles. I couldn't figure out why had have a shorter barreled rifle with that 360 scope and bi-pod, and a longer barreled rifle with a red dot and fore grip.
it's just a random dude with the same first and last name. they aren't that uncommon
Even Mercs are human beings. There are certain moral lines that even scum won't cross. Albeit rare historically it's why Mercs aren't your first choice for really shady shit. You want someone who believes in your bullshit and is willing to drink the koolaid.
different middle initial
Remote detonation may have failed so he turned his attention to the crowd. Remember, he was shooting before anyone in the crowd was moving. If he wasn't targeting them at first it could explain everyone kind of just sitting there.
>deep stare
>nuking a mecca of Jew subversion
It's like you think that the unremovable and unelected are not Jews.
Someone picked the gun up and moved it.
If a cop did that then they contaminated the crime scene by not bagging it as evidence. There now is no evidence he shot himself.
>because he probably didn't shoot himself, yet it looks like he took a bullet through the mouth.
But this can be written off as sloppy police work, when in actual fact it is way beyond sloppy to move a gun and have it drip everywhere like this. Also the drip spots increase in scale after exiting the blood pool..as if the gun was dipped into the blood so that it would make a more noticeable trail..I dunno but it's highly strange.
>every time I bring it up some shill says it was kicked away by swat. EVERYTIME
That wasn't the bomb I was referring to
why try to shoot jet fuel? it's not like they can even melt steel beams
Because of ai. They want your guns so you can't resist oppression by a state run ai robot army
3. Thats not awesome its retarded. I wish they'd succeeded and drove head first into getting themselves fucking killed. Morons like that shouldn't own firearms in the first place.
Black water user said they intervened.
Tanks of what?
> Dividing the country:
> Identity politics
> Racebaiting
> Wedge issues
> Massive political corruption involving a scheme of adding many millions of immigrants to pay for social programs that are tanking our country fiscally and causing us to hemorrhage money
> Postmodernist socialism
> Politicians & celebrities calling for the removal of white males
> Left-wing "Interest groups" (aka mobs of peeepo)- Antifa, BLM, KKK, white supremacists, etc..
>Not dividing the country:
> Right-wing rhetoric
> Some fat white nerds LARPing as Nazi's
Now that you mention it, it sure does sound like conservatives are to blame. I'll call the crew and let them know to stop pushing a conservative agenda.
Too unreliable.
Didn't know about number 3. Fucking murrica!
Tanks of jet fuel at the airport.
He would needed something like a .50 cal rifle w/ tracer to have any chance.
Didn't he also say something like it's possible that the suitcase explosive/nuke/whatever the fuck is possibly still at large?
Yeah why the fuck? It would have had to be his first target. By the time he killed 60 people everyone knew he was up in the hotel.
But at the same time it just doesn't connect. The festival is still about a thousand feet away. Even if it did explode that would have to be nuclear fucking jetfuel in there to matter.
You're right of course, it was retarded for them to do so once police were on the scene. However, what's awesome is that it shows the random American populace is ready and willing to do whatever is needed to protect fellow Americans/Humans against violent threats
So Blackwater user's group stopped the tannerite/ ammonia nitrate/ aviation gas bomb from going off. That would have killed all 30,000 at the concert.