lowering taxes on corporations needs to happen.
the united states taxes big business 35%
other countries like Ireland have a tax rate of 15%
if we lower taxes to 20% (trump should go even lower with this proposal) the businesses will bring there jobs back to america and keep business in the USA.
correctly inform yourself so the democrats can stop preaching incorrect information.
Lowering taxes on corporations needs to happen
Fuck off nigger, we should go even further and use an excess profits tax too and then abolish personal income tax. It'd discourage warmongering by corporations too which is why we did it in WWI, WWII, and the Korean War. We haven't since as neocons took power and want to make sure people don't even know about that tax. Jobs are a lost cause anyway cause of automation. What we need to do is population control which is the point of birth control and abortion (especially for niggers) and handling environmental problems. Look up the Georgia Guidestones.
>an excess profits tax
This is news to me. I wonder why it wasn't in the AP US history text books. I do hope it does come back. The Jews would be lobbying more than any time in history to prevent that shoah from happening.
>That's right goyim, give (((corporations))) tax breaks
It mainly helps working class people, you economic illiterate.
I find it amazing that current year conservashits still parrot propaganda from 60 years ago.
you morons are just as retarded as the left.
A tax on corporations is not a tax on the wealthy, it hurts the workers too. If we want to tax the wealthy, we should tax the wealthy, not the economic infrastructure. That's some commie shit
no, it snuffs out incentives for actual economic growth and starting a sole proprietorship, which is the bread and butter of any economy
Plz die.
>you morons are just as retarded as the left.
Fucking this.
Commie raus
No, fuck you
Fuck you outsourcing globalist libertardian fuck.
fuck you republican trickle down assclowns never learn a thing we need to fix tax loopholes before lowering the rate
If it wasn't for outsourcing you wouldn't be able to afford a computer or phone to type your bullshit on. Free trade is best trade
Those loopholes are the same deductions the middle class uses to write off shit. Voters will never go for it. Everyone says they want to close loopholes but when it comes time to do so it's 'muh deductions'
>trickle down economics
I'm so sick of Keynesian retards. You people should literally be sterilized. Trickle Down is a buzzword for people too stupid to know about real economics (Austrian).
Yes, the loopholes need to be simplified. Yes, the the rate needs to be lowered. And for fucks sake, this is why this shit has failed to have a significant impact in the past - the government needs to cut spending.
Sorry, but we don't actually have free trade. We have trade deals.
>how about we try trickle down again, it's never been debunk'd
>Trickle down
I don't think you know what that means. Read an economics textbook instead of just dropping buzzwords
which textbook?
Was this before or after he smuggled cocaine into the country in contravention of his wife's War On Drugs?
For macro, Friedman is alright to start with
This. Fucking commies...
>lower corporate tax
>'bring jobs back'
sounds a lot like it to me
Without corporate taxes, corporations have 35% more to reinvest, they expand, they need more workers. It's just logic
Saying Friedman is a good place to start is as retarded as someone saying Newtonian physics is the best, even after Einstein's General Relativity blew it the fuck out of the water.
How can you be this stupid?
>Austrian economics
Fuck off with your muh praxis. How about you try empiricism sometime, kiddo
>they need more workers. It's just logic
Who's to say it's not all going into automation?
Friedmans thought underlies the majority of institutions today. If you haven't read Friedman, you don't understand macro
We need engineers to design and build the machines and technicians to maintain them. Automation doesn't appear out of thin air
>this post was sponsored by Goldman Sachs
>Free trade is best trade
Free trade is open borders, mexishits everywhere, jobs shipped off to pajeet, the impoverishment of my hometown and the entire region. Fuck your bullshit free market cuckery. I can't wait until Trump pulls us out of NAFTA.
>We have trade deals.
And they're all bad. My fondest wish is to see all globalist cucks fucking hanged.
do you wear Austerity-size Skinny jeans?
so what happens when we hot war with china and all of a sudden don't have shoes or iphones?
Free trade is the best thing to happen to humanity. Anything else is commie bullshit, you're no better than Bernie supporters
Our trade with China is the only reason we haven't already gone to war
i'd say that's fair, but we're still on the way.
are you claiming major conflict with china isn't inevitable?
>but we wuznt shootin n sheeit
I'm not saying it won't happen but if it does, we'll have bigger problems than muh manufacturing jobs
Corporate tax rate should be 0%.
t. Koch Defense Force
Agreed. Hell, I'd be fine of we taxed the shit out of investor payouts but any money reinvested should not be taxed.
OP, businesses already pay an effective tax rate of 20%.
Lowering the income tax rate to 20% does jack shit if none of the loopholes are removed.
Also, a tax on profit doesn't hurt the amount of jobs the company hires. All it does is reduce the incentive to innovate by a small margin.
Fuck you OP and your 10th grade education you cunt.
Yeah yeah save it, we listened to that crap for 30 fucking years until America finally had enough and put in the God Emperor - against the wishes of establishment cuckservatives like you, I might add. The 80s are long over. Nationalism in, boomer libtard cuckservative kikery out. MAGA, faggot.
More like Make America Poor Again
how are you going to sustain massive employee overhead with drastically reduced income from taxes? do you know how much money is needed each month just to pay every govt employee?
capital gains tax lil boi
Trumpfaggots deserve to be gassed
>OP, businesses already pay an effective tax rate of 20%.
12% on average
Ireland is literally a tax haven you moron. It's currently being sued for taxes it should have collected from Apple in Europe
Whatever cuck. Would love to see your face when NAFTA finally goes bye-bye. Tell you what, you Aussies can just keep on with the free Trade bullshit while we do economic nationalism and we'll see who wins, eh?
At least we'll be able to afford food. Good luck with your bread lines
i waited for it
son, if >we don't make xyz product domestically come war time, it's not getting better.
the formerly white nations of our ancestors aren't going to line up to help us if we war under trump.
france isn't making that shit
england isn't making it
do you guys make anything over there? no hate honest question. i love that part of the world, but are you ready to #doyourpart when we start shooking chinks?
how the fuck do we get more combat boots if only china and chinese influenced nations make combat boots?
i generally support free trade, but only when MY nation isn't selling itself down the river for points on futures or whatever the fuck these kikes are up to in the current year.
free trade out is great. generally quitting the whole making stuff game because your number one geopolitical and existential foe is willing to make it cheaper? call me crazy, but that's fucking real retarded, sir.
trying this hard just makes you look desperate
>conflating economic nationalism with Marxist socialism
What did he mean by this?
>trying this hard just makes you look desperate
See above.
Economic nationalism = planned economy = pretty much communism
Incentivize R&D by making it a write-off, and contracting with the government (why are we paying taxes on what the military is paying us? etc...). Result: More companies are willing to hire anyone with a degree to fill positions just to soak up that delicious research exception. Smarter people using more money to buy better products and live happier lives.
Otherwise, everything else they do with the extra money is a massive waste.
Bottom line: Use massive taxes on the wealthy to incentivize productive behavior, and actually implement the "trickle down" part of "trickle down economics".
how many levels of paint fumes are you on my friend
>unironically believing Mercantilism is a good thing in 2017
What's it like having extra chromosomes? Can I borrow one of yours? I'm not retarded enough yet.
Maybe just increase sales tax and get rid of business tax
To clarify: The typical Mom & Pop business should fall into a much lower, more manageable tax bracket.
Large firms and corporations should face as much as 80% taxation on bonuses and upper-management salaries.
Make bonuses paid to non-management employees a big write-off. The result: More employees making more money.
>if we lower taxes to 20% (trump should go even lower with this proposal) the businesses will bring there jobs back to america and keep business in the USA.
No you libertardians, they'll just spend the extra cash on stock buybacks and other financial games. That's the only trick these CEOs have in their playbook - buying back their own shares so their company stock prices go up.
No amount trickle down policies pushed by (((economists))) will remedy the situation. The entire US economy is a ponzi scheme of epic proportions.
are you just insulting me or is there an argument somewhere?
there is an arguement but you're too fucking stupid to see it
> End all subsidies and tax exemptions to companies/corporations
> End all welfare and social benefits for losers
> Nationalize FED
> Reduce small business tax to 5%
>Reduce Corporate tax to 15%
>Simplify entire tax code
>Punish those who evade taxes with offshore accounts.
explain it to me slowly, so that i understand and you can claim an actual win back home.
Economic nationalism =\= planned economy. It means maintaining your manufacturing base and your internal free market while not selling your people and country out to 3rd world slaves who will do the work for 3 cents a day just so the Jews on top can line their pockets with extra shekels. Fuck that noise.
This guy has it right, one day we'll have to deal with the Chink problem.
also remove your meme flag when you btfo me. for pride of your nation and all.
>literally hiding your location
>ever correct
A lot of people on here never opened an economic book. Do people on here really believe corporations pay 35% corporate tax?
>People who should laughed at:you
tfw this was my true turning point. at a bob evans in hagerstown bantzing with coworkers.
i'll say it again because i welcome a legit answer:
those that do believe they should pay more. it'd be just plain ironic if it weren't even more ironic.
make corporations not people first, remove government regulation and intervention. Then we can talk about tax rates
top centrist
That's only one piece of the puzzle. The cost of compliance is the real problem.
A 15% corporate tax rate would be a tax increase assuming we remove loopholes and structure it to be flat across the board. And yeah if there's any taxation that's literal theft it's income tax.
20%. Absolutely no deductions. No deductions for children, no deductions for Olympics medals, no deductions for research, no deduction for capital investment. Make it one fat fucking number. I want every single tax preparer in America to be fired and I want to make it real fucking clear when someone is lying their ass off about their profits. OP get in on this.
I know you won't though because you are a faggot.
>remove government regulation and intervention
Good Goy, let's remove important financial regulation that was put in place after the great depression and the 1929 stock market crash. Nothing can go wrong. The market will sort everything out. Pic related
Here's the problem libertardians don't understand: The government is fundamentally a business. When the Roman Empire decided to take out Carthage and loot the area, that was a business decision. When the American government decided to topple Gaddafi in order to prop up the Petro-dollar and the current monetary system - That's a business decision.
It's only in the last 200 or so years that ordinary people have had some say in the operation of their government via the democratic process and to divert some of the profit towards ordinary people.
The very notion that overturning government regulation would somehow yield a stable and prosperous economy is entirely naive.
They never seem to have an answer to that question. Gee I wonder why? Globalization: not even once.
>Do people on here really believe corporations pay 35% corporate tax?
If I had my way it would be what it was in 1950, if not higher. Corporations that ship jobs overseas or deliberately fuck workers over with malicious automation like in pic related would get socked with 90%. Those that try to hide their Jew goldz in overseas tax havens get all assets confiscated and the executives in change tossed in prison. We're not here to wear our lives away in the service of your sociopathic greed, capitaliscucks. There should be a death penalty for some economic crimes.
Why don't you talk to the countless Americans that are asking for the Chinese to make your nice shiny iPhones/t shirts/fake game of thrones memorabilia.
there is nothing to know about them that i don't already know.
one of them even married into my family. nice guy. he's massing powertools and desperately trying to convince his bride (my sister) that he's dad material. if she were buying it, she'd be knocked up by now. he's confident in his beta-ness, which makes it weird to feel all this superiority. he with his fag BS, me with my 20k debt and no paper. he with his empty house, me with my kid taken from me by the courts. i'm literally more man than most 'men'. i'm raising a young man. he's already more aware in public than virtually any nigger or hole. i'm proud of my kid. just gotta teach him how to not be SO judgmental when it comes to those tight-assed 17yrolds.
>breh you gotta at least break it or i'm fucked
>hey 'member how my dad raped you? can i hit?
You need help
in the early 1900's corporations were taxed 85% of their income and over 90% of americans were self employed, we need to revert back to the ways of the old.
More revenue in total is made off of the citizen than the corporations in a single day, plus i don't like the fact that Mr.CEO and his pals still get raises in the millions when the workers/engineers/scientists get payed off being told there isn't much money in the system anymore.
Thats only true in a closed system but now it's a globalised economy. They won't invest that money at home they'll invest it in Asia and Africa. You won't see benefits at home until the whole world is on a level playing field for investment opportunities.
>brings up Ireland
>correctly inform yourself so the democrats can stop preaching incorrect information.
Never heard of the Double Irish arrangement, huh?
U.S. is not in need of harboring tax-avoiding corporations as much as you'd think. They'd cheat to pay as little as possible, no matter how little you are charging. It's equally hilarious how you are comparing an island with less than 5 million people and a VAT rate of 23% to a country with over 340 million folks and no national sales or VAT tax.
Name one instance that economic nationalism has ever worked for anybody, and I will give you a shiny gold sticker.