Do the people exist to serve the state, or does the state exist to serve the people?

Do the people exist to serve the state, or does the state exist to serve the people?

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state exists to serve the people

but sometimes they don't do their job correctly

Earth is a feeding/fueling station oit stop for the aliens.

Hello darkness my old friend.

T. Whistleyblowyjoey

in theory but its always the other way around.


Neither. The State and the People are co-dependent.

Both the state and the people exist to serve me because I'm the only conscious human a live.

"the people"

wtf is this rousseauian horseshit

depends, the state ought to exist to serve the people but the people currently exist to serve the state

The concept of the state as a physical body and anything more than a social compact is what got us into this mess in the first place
By using this language you have already failed the founders, though you get a pass as a Brit I guess

pic related?

Neither. They're both spooks.

That girl looks like she just finished showing her dick but you wont answer.
Show us her dick.

Depends on if you identify with the group or as an individual. Since you’re a britcuck, you will always serve the state.

Wait, did you just show me your dick? Do I need to answer?

peeple should not be afraid of their govt's govt's should be afraid of their peeple ....

Yes, pic related.

People exist to serve their MONARCH who is the state.

It's a 10 year old boy in drag, pedos

It depends upon which country you live in. In the US, it is supposed to be the latter. And we got our rules from you, you Brit. And you got it from... Rome, I presume?

Currently the people exist to serve the state as the states serve the banks. It should be the states serving the people.

The state exists to serve ice cream to the people.

She's cute


heh heh

Why not neither? I don't want to the state to help with jack shit nor is the state entitled in establishing an Orwellian society.

This meme makes me laugh

Correction: They RARELY do their job correctly. There is a reason businesses can make a profit but the State relies on exhtorting people for money.

its a real girl

Heterosexual intercourse is objectively superior to the vaginal jew.

Starts as the latter, ends up the former.

/ourguy/ already answered this question

>tfw no raven haired white gf

I want to nail this chick, but it annoys me that she knows that men want to nail her because it makes her arrogant

*Homosexual fuck off redpilled phone

All I want is a Christian fundamentalist wife who's too prudent to even show her ankles in public and will cook me dinner

In the end the people will serve the state as slaves.
It is the end goal of the state - all states.

Read "Our Enemy, the state" by Albert J. Nock written about 1932. Gives you the language to understand what is habbening today and why.

The State is a manifestation of the People's Will. As individuals we require protection, so we form societies and Societies evolve into governed States. States should serve the People doing only what benefits society, both at home and on the International stage. And the People should work to protect society as a whole by maintaining individual fitness of body and mind, engaging in fair work and trade, and by taking pride in the Nation.

What you're looking for exists. They're called Amish, or, Mormon. I would recommend the Mormons over the Amish. They all own guns like brother John Browning.

100% state serve the people. How much ? I like as much freedom as possible.

Mormons kill men and kidnap their women and abuse them, they're a violent dangerous cult. I saw it in my Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novels.

This meme...

State, by its definition, exists to be served by the people.

"Κράτος", the very word itself, means "violence, power, force". It's never been a word used to describe people-elected governments.

State and violence, "kράτος kαι βία", where the two that helped Hephestus bind Prometheus, the titan that gave humanity free will(the fire) from Zeus, in anticipation for his turture.

"Prometheus" means forethought; literally "he who plans ahead".
State and violence where used to punish forethinking people for disobeying the rule of the powers that be.

British authors are usually subversive.

Mormons are heathens, but Amish sound good I watched a documentary about British teenagers who visit Amish families and live with them and another with Amish teenagers who visit British families. I really liked the Amish lifestyle I don't know how willing I would be to give up all technology though but I'm already a Luddite compared to everyone I know

Well boy that depends on which era of history you're living in. We're entering an era where the people exist to serve the state.

If you want a qt, you're more likely to get them from mormons. If you want to continue shitposting, mormons are also your choice. If you want to live in tight-nit community oriented groups living a simple life where you practically have to have some amount of self-sufficiency, the Amish are your choice.

>entering an era
It's always been that way, user.

but then you cant make babies

I would marry a Mormon only if she weren't a Mormon
The Mormons are twisted insane individuals, they need to all be sent to the asylum.

That girl defaced (kek) her eyebrows into sharpie eyebrows. What a whore. Sad!

State it's an image of what the king used to do.

I rather have the state serve society.

I'm afraid you have spoken to any real mormons and are just listening to the subversive lies of 19th century british authors (like funded by the rothschilds) who've never met a mormon in their life.

I've never met a Mormon, we don't have any in Canada they live in Utah

>using sex appeal to favor Mormons
It's like you don't even actually know Mormons. They're super harsh about sex outside marriage. Yeah, a lot of the girls are qt, but believe me as someone who lives in Utah they're the biggest coalburners, ricers, and taco eaters I've ever seen. The church literally sends people on missions to shitskin countries to get people to convert and they'll bring them back here with them.
I know white guys who go to the singles ward and can't get white girls there cause they're such prudes to them but not for Jose, Jamal, Chang, etc.
Utah also accepted a bunch of Muslim refugees earlier this year due to church pressure and the church recently released a statement condemning white supremacy specifically (not all racism, just white supremacism). They're total cuckservatives desu, Trump didn't even win a majority of the states' votes, only a plurality. The 3rd party candidate and CIA agent Evan McMullin is a Mormon.
Mormons were based back in the day but not anymore, they're among the worst cuckservatives you'll ever see now.

Oh yeah, and a Mormon state senator just proposed (((hate crimes))) legislation too.

false dichotomy.

Says the faggot who clearly doesn't know any Mormons.

>hehe they have cute white girls I will ignore they belong to a blasphemous cult

Say what you want, doesn't make you any less of faggot.

Homos need to be put to death, this is Gods will there was a time in our nation and empire where buggery was a capital offence and I think we need to bring that back for the normal people as well not just fags.

They believed up until very recently that niggers were cursed and lesser than whites.
I'd much rather have Mormons over Christcucks that promote interracial sex and kiss the feet of refugees.

The bible says that niggers only know sin, their eyes are full of adultery, they are made to be destroyed and deserving of their darkness.

10th billl of rights says
they balance each other out you stupid fuckignretard

a government that's scared of its populace is called liberty, a populace that fears its government is called tyranny.

Wow, that explains why Christians led the civil rights movements like feminism and interracial shit, doesn't it?

And now they blame evolutionists for the plague they created.

The State exists to serve itself.

Not everyone is an Americunt, faggot.

Besides, some shit some dead guys wrote on a scrap of paper 300 years ago isn't important.

ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you

A few simple ways to determine that the state exists for our bennefit is to ask, did the people create the state or did the state create the people? Obviously people came first and created a state. If the people ceased to exist would the state still exist? If the state ceased to exist would people still exist. We created the state, we are its master, it answers to us. The world is such a mess because everyone acts like the state is the master. A carpenter owns a hammer, does the carpenter take orders from the hammer? Judges dont like it when I talk this way im court.

fuck yourself nigger

The state shouldn't exist

that girl (male) exists to serve my dick


The people feed the state's income while the state is supposed to protect the interest and safety of the people.

Typically, when this goes awry, you have a revolution, usually because the state fails to do its part.

It doesn't really explain anything... why would Christians disobey the bible? It's Gods inspired word

Depends on if you have guns or not, tbqhfam

when was the last time you touched or saw the state? the state is a construct, nothing more than a bunch of buildings, money and uniforms -- it's less than an idea, it's just an understood agreement among everyone to behave as if it exists, and insofar as the majority does, the state exists

it's up to the people who does the serving

Neither. The state exists to serve the state.

The thing is becoming a Mormon is not just like joining a church, you are basically indoctrinating you and your family into a cult. What they believe is insane and Its really not worth it.

Every sect of the cult of Yahweh is bad, but Mormons are the best after WASPs.

In good countries the state derives it's power from the people, and is supposed to serve the people. It fucked up places it's kind of the guy with the biggest gun gets to do as he pleases.

State serves to serve the state.
What people want is irrelevant since they are way too fucking dumb.

State serves the people. Been that way since ancient times.

Tribal rulers may have brutal dick bags, but as soon as the people quit benefiting from the deal, that fuckers got overthrown.

America has guns though and our government gets away with crazy shit.

Electronic voting should
Get state back in Line imo

They're not. You pulled a scripture that doesn't exist out of your ass.

Christians used the bible to support these movements.

Galatians 3:28
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

I can state hundreds more verses like this and this is exactly what those who pushed for equality bullshit used to support their cause.
The only degeneracy that Christians have actually been against is sexual degeneracy. Homosexuality, freelove, adultery, and whatnot are clearly stated in the Bible as sin while race and gender are mostly irrelevant, especially in the New Testament.

people exist to serve me

The State is supposed to BE the people

Why the fuck would you even ask this?

>>people exist to serve the state
If the state is Global Zion, maybe


because most people aren't in a shitty enough situation to risk what they already have by using the guns

so long as most people are well fed and entertained nothing will ever happen

The people are the state, the state is the people.

You need to read Plato, Locke, Hobbes, Jefferson, Popper and many others and then ask yourself that question.