Refute this.
Refute this
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Nobody said to ban muslims or kneeling. We already know banning abortions wont work but it will make it more dangerous so that works out
muslims should be banned
guns should not
The first three are actions one can take. You can prevent immigration. You can close down clinics. You can enforce rules.
You can't confiscate the 300,000,000 (and rising) guns already in possession of Americans en masse.
>le shaking spongebob meymey XD
False equivalency.
The first three are not rights protected by the constitution.
False equivalency, and frankly a straw man.
Islam, abortions, and not standing for the national anthem are all acts stemming from ideologies. A gun is merely an instrument designed to deter tyranny and is protected by the constitution. A better equivalence would be to ban mass shootings.
And to your point, bans on guns don't seem to work. Most mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Using Australia as an example, their gun ban seemed to have caused peaks in violent crime, murder, and robbery. This is while America, having increased production of firearms, had a declining rate of gun-related murder.
It's almost as if guns aren't the problem.
Guns are good.
4 different things. fucking faggot OP, 1 post too. SAGE
no serious attempt to ban muslims ever happened. not mentioned in constitution
most would be willing to compromise: legal, but if you want one pay for it your damn self. also not in constitution
>not standing for anthem
again, never attempted to ban. no mention in constitution
multiple major attempts to ban. enshrined in constitution.
>false equivalences are OK when we do them
fucking libshits
>bans don't work
Who the fuck is saying this?
> assuming every problem is the same
People are really fucking stupid
lmfao liberal logic.
I love when there's a mass shooting because then we get flooded with >1 post by this id Twitter/Facebook anti gun bait threads.
>Ban liberals
if i call you a pig fucker enough, are you gonna head down to the nearest farm looking to pick up a date, you dipshit?
I hope you die in a car accident.
These aren't enforced or made into law at all.
You do realize there is more to the constitution than the second amendment right?
If you're for banning guns because shooting then why are you not for banning Muslims for terror?
There aren't more Muslims than Americans in America. America is not the world's number one Muslim manufacturer. Banning goods has never worked. Banning people has worked. Etc.
fucking pigs is illegal, dude. don't do it.
Be a good citizen and give all the liberals you know a "Gun Free Home" sign to place in their front yard or on their front door.
Make sure their neighborhood and all passersby know they are anti-Gun and their house is a "Gun Free Home."
Nothing wakes a liberal up like the facing a home invader who sees they are "Gun Free."
>Liberal: I hate guns and my home will be a "Gun Free Home"
>Me: Ok... here place this sign in your front yard or on your front door to tell all your neighbors and passerby that there are no guns on your property.
>Liberal: But... uh...
>Me: Whats wrong? You like to run your mouth about how anti-Gun you are so whats wrong with making sure EVERYONE knows it?
>Liberal: Uh.... ok...
Force them to live out their virtue signaling fantasies. Obviously, this will make them a target but that is the insanity of the anti-2A crowd. Let them literally virtue signal themselves to death.
I guess we shouldn't ban murder.
It's not hard to ban people. Particularly if you enforce the border. You can't bootleg muslims in a bathroom or abandoned shack.
No. I want abortions. Mandatory below a certain intelligence level, along with severe inheritable diseases, and paying certain races and people's to self-sterilize.
>National Anthem.
Literally no one has even once suggested this.
Ban things I don't like. Get rid of people I don't like. Keep things I like. I'll like my country more.
They can try. :3
false equivalence
>If you ban Muslims, people will just make their own Muslims out of metal in shops at home! They will buy illegal Muslims on the black market!
Its all pro human life stances.
Muslims: Foreigners have no due process rights
Abortions: No right to privacy or abortion in Constitution
National Anthem: NFL teams can get rid of kneeling players; players don't have First Amendment rights
Guns: Supreme Court already held Second Amendment right to guns
This isn't hard if you know law
Best post
Wow OP you just made me a democrat
Don’t think kneeling for the national anthem should be banned by law but I won’t reward private businesses that condone it.
Neither abortions nor Muslim immigration are guaranteed by the constitution. Gun ownership is.
Guns are private property you buy.
For the government to take away your property through legal means would be fascist in nature
That is some next level autism in that pic
Muslims aren't b& and will never be
Abortions are unethical and not a basic human right
You don't need to stand for the anthem but a national team ought to because it's divisive to protest such an important symbol
Not a bad idea actually.
Is there a black market for niggers wanting to by muslim people in chicago?
good ol japs speaking words of truth
>Man kills 59 people and injures hundreds more
>Man drones kids and other innocent civilians
>He's sane and doing his job.
Refute this.
one married another man, the other just got pissy because he lost in a casino.
what they SHOULD HAVE DONE: they should have banned JEWS from immigrating ILLEGALLY through Ellis Island in the early 20th century...
then maybe we wouldn't have any magic negros leaving smart ass comments...
Are you a pig?
non of those things have been banned
>You can't bootleg muslims in a bathroom or abandoned shack.
I'm imagining a genetics lab in a shack manufacturing mudslimes illegally.
Human beings,and guns are two different things.
My mother-in-law didn't blame the gun that shot her during a drive-by shooting aimed at the next door neighbors.She blamed the fuckers that shot the guns.She blames THE PERSON and NOT THE MACHINE!
blocking entry from country would severly limit the number of possible entrants
again, limits the possible amount of abortions, plus has regards to a moral/constitutional dilemma on whether fetuses are humans (hint: they are)
>nation anthem
idk, you could stand on your head for all i care, i dont really think you should be forced to bow down to the flag
something like 90% of gun crime is committed by illegally procured weapons... Kinda hard to ban guns that they didn't get legally in the first place.
also, theres so many guns out there, legally and illegally, that it'd be near-impossible to ban, then round them all up.
thirdly, the best example for how gun bans would work is like completely banning spics from entering the border, without any kind of border enforcement, No mexicans would be able to enter legally, so they'd just go through illegal means. In the same way if you banned guns, legal gun owners wouldn't be able to buy them through legal channels, but these mass-shooters would just find ways through illegal means.
Our only defensive measure against a tyrannical government shouldn't be used as a talking point to instill said tyrannical government
>cause issues and deaths everywhere they go
>taking a human life
>im not for banning this but it should be ridiculed
>murder is illegal but people still commit it
there. done. go be a faggot elsewhere now
>you can't bootleg muslims in a bathroom or abandoned shack
well the'll fucking try, roaches will breed anywhere
Hope ya momma dies in a mass shooting at an Elton John concert :')
Yeah, lets kill all Americans, ain't no fucker shooting muh momma, everyone is a potential murderer, no time for psychoanalysis for all
>bans don't work
Well technically he is not wrong
Muslims haven't been banned and neither have abortions or not standing for the anthem
I didn't know muslims and abortions were protected in the bill of rights
>ban something bad
>ban something bad
>don't ban something good
Nothing to refute.
Who said all of that?
Try again
>"Citizens against senseless gun violence"
>Sensible gun violence A-okay.
If an item brings about a necessary good that ensures the rights of the people, and security from tyranny, then it is necessary.
Muslims should be banned from entering the country, specifically muslims from extremist states in the middle east, or people with extremist backgrounds, considering that their entry into the country jeopardizes the safety of the people without any necessary upside for the freedom of the people from tyranny. In fact, the opposite happens when you invite or allow totalitarians to take advantage of a system.
Abortions are murder, thus infringe on the people and the outcome of allowing abortions doesn't result in freedom of the people from tyranny.
Guns result in the security of the people, and so use of them or possession is fine so long as possession results in a lack of infringement upon the security of the people.
Make better people, not better laws.