Welcome to the "world" of Hunter x Hunter (volume 1)

Let me tell you a story that started some years ago...
We follow the adventures of Gon Freecs and his friends, going through their hardships to achieve their dreams!
Dreams of the unknown, dreams of freedom, dreams of vengeance and dreams of medicine...
Happiness, fear, courage, despair, loss, rivals, life threatening situations and pain. A lot of pain. The kind of pain that will lock your back chronically.
Start hunting!












What's the point of this thread?


For people to read and possibly like HxH because I'm that much of a shill


to people fall in despair when they know one of the best series ever its made by a dying old man and its possible we never see a good conclusion




>I'll work hard to crank out dozens of volumes. I promise not to complain. I won't run away. I won't lose it. I think. Maybe.





>A lot of pain. The kind of pain that will lock your back chronically.
>back pains


















Chapter 1 end
Do I continue? I'm already being auto-saged so I'll depend on you guys to bump the thread.

Sure why not

Yes please

Chapter 2











I can't wrap my head around Kurapika in this page



Holy fucking blast from the past dude. I think I still have Volume 1 somewhere at my father's house.

I should read it again



I know, right? Reading the Exam is fucking awesome after years without visiting it.


It's weird as fuck.



He's a small guy.


posting in comfy thread





Best dads.


Chapter 2 end

Chapter 3

Hopefully he continues doing these in the latest volumes.


>you will never have a love this pure
kill me

Be right back


Go on




that's ging? what the fuck





It's kinda confusing because of the paneling. That's the dude who later talks about the Zaban bus decoy.


It is classic Togashi. He likes to mislead people with panelling and dialogue.



