So for those of you here who are sane and support some level of gun control what measures do you support? Which do you oppose?
So for those of you here who are sane and support some level of gun control what measures do you support...
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shall not be infringed nigger
there is already gun control. only idiots that dont understand consequences and proper safety and people who are phycos.
this is coming from someone that lives in a blue state and is trying to obtain a permit.
The Second Amendment can be repealed and replaced with something better.
I'm for the banning of all automatic, semi-automatic guns, and all handguns. Only hunting rifles that you have to reload after each round should be legal.
>shall not...
Well regulated...
gtfo with this shill shit
Can you answer something for me? Do you think this is having ANY discernible effect?
Lets imagine for a second that liberals get their wet dream and the government takes all of America's guns away.
So what happens when there's an influx of bombings or mass truck killings? What then?
I don't think anyone over the age of 60 or below the age of 30 should be allowed to own or carry a gun. Most of these mass shooters are really young or really old, only middle aged people can be trsuted with them. Guns should be aprivelege not a right.
Time to ignore Sup Forums for a while until sages stop shilling gun control
I think OP should not be allowed to have firearms. Or food. Or air.
Nothing. I will not surrender my guns to a government of oppressive Jews that want my race extinct.
I support the "guns for whites only" measure.
Supreme court already ruled those two causes are separate.
RPGs should be the cut off point of what's legal
I support better mental healthcare. Cut welfare from the nigger chicks with 15 kids and send some of that government aid to therapy and rehab for young disenfranchised white, Asian, and mixed race males.
>what then?
White people will have to endure such attacks from brown people, because it's all part of "dismantling White privilege" and "correcting for the conquest ethic of the past".
The gun thing is one of the only things I disagree with the right on. Well that and universally hating on abortion. Great nigger control, that. But yeah, no reason for semiautos and these fucking bullshit mods you can do to them.
The only gun control I support is already law. Background checks.
You won't have a choice. Military and SWAT show up to your door with body armor and weapons of war, your guns are going away someday sweet pea, so kiss em and hug em while you still can.
Chicago has some of the most stringent and strict gun laws in the U.S. and they have no effect on gun crime.
Did they blame the car in Charlottesville?
Did they blame the planes on 9/11?
Dont be a fool.
Can we leave OP's whore of a mother out of this and just have a civil conversation. The miles of dick his whore mother sucks on a weekly basis shouldn't even factor into this conversation. So what if his mother is a degenerate cumdumpster slut for money whore? Irrelevant.
Niggers should be forbidden from carrying guns, and if caught with them, should be summarily executed.
No guns for niggers and kabobs.
>Those fakeass cowboy boots
I wonder if they've ever even ridden a horse in real life
I support you retards to quit polluting and put your god damn rubbish in the bin
>Cut welfare
You can stop there.
I'm sorry. Maybe you failed to read the previous post. Do you think these "I was pro 2nd, now I'm for common sense gun control" are having literally ANY discernible effect? Whose opinion do you think you are changing?
>But guns are only used for killing! They are designed to kill!
We can stack the Supreme Court with liberals and have them rule on guns again and have them declare the 2nd amendment to be unconstitutional.
You dummy that's because people from states with laxitive gun laws flood in. For proper gun control, we need to have it passed in all 50 states otherwise its not going to be effective. Time to shred the second amendment.
Make all guns legal but ban the following people from owning guns
>People under 23
If any of these people are caught with a gun they are sentenced to the death penalty. Gun crime would go down to European levels.
pass laws against minorities owning guns and property as well.
vaccine schedule contains fetal cell lines, and this genetic material crosses the blood-brain barrier as vaccines are designed to do and thus cannibalistic chimerism is introduced at large.
Millennials got injected with aborted manlet autist genes, gen z got a different line.
Stop shilling this shit here OP. We have had the SAME thread like every fucking day before the attack, and the answers are also THE SAME:
"shall not be infringed"
The only thing that's changed is sick fucks like you OP who will now make more of this slide post with new pictures.
>a single city
>surrounded by millions of other cities with millions of guns
>wonder why it doesn't work
Better get more guns into Chicago to make it safer
fuck you cunts.
its like half your country doesnt realize that the guns are the waterline. they are what provides the stability you have enjoyed for the past 200 years. youve had a successive line of democratically elected leaders willingly pass the baton of power over peacefully, even to their opponents for hundreds of years and you cant seem to appreciate what that actually means. i was proud of obama on inauguration day how he handed power to his most hated opponent. this doesnt happen in most countries throughout history. the REASON there hasnt been a commie revolution is the guns. the reason there hasnt been a coup or a police state is the guns. the reason foreign powers wont invade you is the guns. never give them up, for gods sake. never.
the guns are the waterline that keeps you all afloat and stabilizes your society. your stability stabilizes the world. SHALL
>The Second Amendment can be repealed and replaced with something better.
Basic gun control measures fail to get enough votes. Where the fuck are you going to get the super majority it would take to repeal an amendment?
arm all Americans
>declare the 2nd amendment to be unconstitutional.
>and start the 2nd civil war
Actually maybe this is a good idea. Then we can finally hang people like you from lamp posts.
Shall not be infringed faggot
Shall not be infringed
Give an inch they'll take a mile. No can do, this is the country we were handed, get fucked if you think you'll even care about this issue once the media finds something else to freak out about to stabilize their quota.
just ban niggers and 90% of the crime will be solved, checkmate atheist.
the guns make the difference between being a citizen and being a subject. never give up this right. australians arent citizens, we are subjects. bongs the same. the guns are your stake in the country and what makes you a franchisee, dont ever sell yourselves out like we did.
Give every man and woman of fighting age an AR15 , legalize hunting of commies
We could so easily end guns and gun violence, stop manufacturing bullets, ban their sale, and slowly but surely start collecting them, and anyone who resists have their house surrounded by military and smoke em' out or tranquilize em, and have sound canons placed outside and tuned on 24 7 until they can't take it anymore. The military can easily overpower the people.
>pushing gun control in this climate
now is one of the most important periods in history for real americans to possess arms
Australia is pretty damn democratic as is England and Canada and Mexico, they're not having re volutions.
I think that they should make fully automatic weapons hard to get, maybe make them really expensive and the license difficult to get so you have to jump through hoops and maybe make it like 5 grand.
That's about it yeah.
I propose you stop posting since you clearly dont believe in rights if you did we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I like canadas system.
Gotta take and pass a test for different firearm types and prove safe handeling ablities.
Also provide 2 references that they *might* call and check if you are sane.
Not im not saying america needs the same set up. But fuck there are so many retards a simple test would at least. Cull out the potatoes
>Trump is a tyrant
>gun control now
Pick one, faggots.
Get that American flag off your trash post, it's insulting.
>level of gun control
we have this. lots of it. wtf are you commies talking about when you say things like this?
The constitution can be amended and one day it will be.
Only high IQ whites can get nukes, but otherwise second amendment applies.
>political cartoonist
wtf i hate the 2nd amendment now
Sorry, my rights are not negotiable. Not now, not ever.
Nice psychopathy there. Too bad the military is largely Republican, and doesn't have the loyalty to the state you think it does.
Even in this miracle situation you dream of, sending the military after its own country would be the suicide of you as well. Modern civil wars tend to open up the door to foreign influence.
Also what is cutting off fuel lines to military vehicles?
Your fed logic is getting stale.
Why is there so much trash on that grass?
>File name
Off. Now.
KEBLAR everything ....
Well, that's it then, game over.
You're a dumb cunt, you think life is like a Jacky Chan movie where the bad guys queue up patiently to fight? We'll be on the streets with the true believers in our armed forces and we'll be rounding up the politicians who dared to try it.
We're Americans not faggoty-ass Europeans or degenerate coastal city dwellers who'll walk docily to their doom.
Ban niggers from owning guns, and if they're caught with one the cops should be able to double tap them in the head.
Most posts I see everyone is missing the point of the Second Amendment and that is to own guns not to protect ourselves against Jamal, even though its part (and parcel) of it. REALLY ITS SO DEEP STATE SHILLS WHO POST ON THIS BOARD ARE KEPT IN CHECK IF THEIR HEADMASTERS TRY TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE LIKE THE REDCOATS DID OUR FOUNDING FATHERS.
Haven't even seen that flag in a-while so...
Here are requirements for gun ownership:
1. White
2. Non- Virgin
3. Non- Race Mixer
But your media is courrpt and so is your government.
I'm not saying you should do something. I'm sure they can be handled democratically with people power I'm just saying.
Hero derp. They are fucking illegal already apart from a few grandfathered old models. And you need a special ATF license, and they tell your local cops.
And yet, somehow, criminals still manage to get them - imagine that.
Gun control won't work in America. Only works in countries like Australia.
"If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because guns will be needed to disarm the people. So it's not that you are Anti-Gun. You'll need the police's guns to take away other people's guns. So you're very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral, and virtuous...) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions."
- Stefan Molyneux
if anyone tries to take my guns all they will get are the bullets.
>So for those of you here who are sane and support some level of gun control
Countries full of anglos desert and niggers.
If you god dammed trolling ass niggers don't get the fuck out of here with your gun control bs, I will personally activate the civil war, starting with your sheboon mother!
And if you would be guilty of murder and be executed by the state.
i support mandatory firearms training courses beginning in junior highschool and live fire training a requirement for graduation from highschool. also there should be mandatory minimum standards of gun control and marksmanship in order to graduate highschool, if you cant meet basic fundamental aspects to show you are in control of your shots you have no business being an independent adult.
deregulate fully automatic weapons, wipe off all restrictions federally and statewide for firearms. zero regulation, and to maintain control over the gun situation any politician caught attempting to pass legislation which is restrictive in any nature should be drawn and quartered in public, in the downtown of their represented district
Fucking new/pol/.
*Bans 5.56 ammunition"
Teehee :^)
id rather die like a man then live like a subservient bitch.
Only thing I can think of is, not letting blacks have them.
darn i'll have to use .223 then
This, if I even see armored vehicles going around forcefully confiscating guns then I consider that civil war time. They don't have the manpower to hit the whole country at once and I know lots of cops that would be on our side.
Any gun ban will be bloodier than any crime that would have continued. Regardless of the outcome, everyone will hate the left for bringing so much destruction on the country. You think 58 dead is bad? Try millions if you want a ban.
Give everyone nukes
i'd support banning guns for non-whites
you can't repeal the bill of rights moron
take politicains, elected 'officials', wealthy elite, celebrities, guns and bodyguards away. Notice that we the people will have unlimited access to the finest and best weapons technologies and designs. We the people will be safe from 'self-appointed false gods' and social engineers. Citizens are first and most important in this society.
You hate women, don't you?
Handguns let women defend themselves from bigger people. It is reported that 40,000 rapes a year are prevented because the targeted woman pulls a handgun to defend herself with.
Without handguns, women are left trying to defend themselves with body size and muscle skills. Not good for them, but great for bigger guys that want to bend those women over and use them as personal masturbation aids.
Can I get a source on that stat. I want to btfo of a no guns faggot.
Make bump stocks, gatling cranks, and belt fed guns NFA items
That shit won't vanish ever, but the prices will skyrocket and joe can't buy them
It's not about what would have stopped the vegas shooter. He was rich and didn't use that shit. I'm thinking about the guy who wants to top his high score.
But take SBRs off the NFA. Christ that's stupid.