Why is Gen Z so much taller than Millenials?

Why is Gen Z so much taller than Millenials?

Most young white people I see today easily reach 6' and above.

We had access to the same nutrition so what gives?

BPA produce usage were reduced and Gen-Z diet was phytoestrogens aware

i would have gotten no pussy in high school without the ability to hit a volleyball over shorter men. i feel for you bro. being a manlet is a punishment i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

sauce on those stats, sir?

Volleyball gets guys pussy in Canada?

ss-shut up you fucking fffaggot chad!

Why are gooks like you always manlets?

water filters

bruh volleyball girls have unequivocally the best crop of girls to pick from from any sport. we had the fortune of getting to share team buses and hotels with the girls team

No one can match their experience at passing around balls.

I’m 21 and when I was in high school in Southern California the vast majority of white males were 5’4 to 5’8.
This, go on a Facebook/social media gap thread on Sup Forums and the best girls are always he volleyball.

The vaccine schedule contains fetal cell lines, and this genetic material crosses the blood-brain barrier (as vaccines are designed to do) and thus cannibalistic chimerism is introduced at large.

Millennials got injected with aborted manlet autist genes, gen z got a different line.

Because you malnourished faggots never drinked your milk at night.
>muh estrogen jew
Kill yourself you pathetic manlets.

daily gen z self-masturbatory thread

6' Here

That's barely enough in the future. Most Gen Z are going to turn out 6'2 at this rate.

>tfw 5'7"

I’m 21 and 5’6 Norwegian/German/Irish/Finnish, most of my white friends are 5’7, is this why we are all so short but nowadays kids are so freakishly tall?

I ate a lot and drank a lot of milk. I just ended up getting fat. It's mostly genetics and my mom's side of the family are a bunch of cajun manlets.

i'm sorry bro :(

Are you taller than your parents? If so then that's a huge improvement and you need to keep on going until you've reached your early 20's. Chopping off that fat can wait.

That's weird.
When I was graduating high school we were noticing the junior class being much smaller then we were.

5'9'' is the ideal height for a man. Don't let anybody tell you different. After that, not enough blood gets to the head.

>tfw I will always be apart of the Homeland Generation
>tfw I will always be apart of Gen Z
>tfw I will be apart of the revenge generation

Feels good man

>Gen Z is taller
>Gen Z is more conservative
>Gen Z is more nationalist

You were raised on cheetos and pepsi. Gen Z is getting way more nutrition than you ever did.

>Southern California
You mean Northern Mexico. Of course your average height is going to be way less than anywhere else.

Well realistically it could just be that whites in liberal middle class neighborhoods are suffering from lack of nutrition due to how the food lacks such.
Keep in mind all of my friends that I speak of are either blue eyed blonde haired or have parents from Europe.

Actually, a lot of Mexicans at my Highschool were rather tall either because of a lack of vaccination or because their parents feed their kids a fuck ton because they know how being tall matters a lot in society, to where as middle class white moms hardly care for such things and just ensure their kids don’t strarve. Not to mention all the white kids my age who grew up with step dads and we’re treated second class as the step fathers eat all the fucking meat and good food and we get left with the scraps.

Humans were made for marathons and the sweet spot for long distance running is around 5'7. However, sprinters are usually 6'+.
I'm jelly of manlet gains but pic related puts me at ease.

t. 6'1 king of the manlets

Aren't people getting taller in general, especially now that food is becoming more available and affordable?

Ok, I think this based gen z meme has gone on long enough

why, oh why would you think this has anything to do with politics. Rake yourself.

Extreme sexual selection among millenial/gen x women where they chose mates based on physical appearance like height and became single mothers with their tall ass gen Z sons

lost me there. nice try, leaf. not buying your bullshit.

I have a theory. Paddock was a patsy. Sure he was there and died. But he had handlers and they've escaped. This strategy is well-known and has been employed many times in famous cases.

I'm 6'5 and I'm pretty average for my age group. Midwest

I'm 6foot. am I a manlet or did I make the cut?

Pushing it

We are slowly evolving into tree ent people. Who will stand around all day and sigh out loud, and look at each other.
Huge improvement compared to now. Just wait!

That's fucking stupid if you're talking about Millenials and Gen Z

6ft is king of manlets

'83 and 6'1" here. Guess us older millennicucks dodged a bullet.

millennial here
stop being so short

High T

Also why Gen Z is more redpilled than estrogen filled millennials

This is not a political discussion. You may find your topic suitable for other boards. Thanks.

You ate soy.

>High T
Previous gens had 2 times more T than us and were much smaller.

fuck off to your containment general trumpcuck


Everything has growth hormone in it.

>why is Gen Z more redpilled than millenials
millenials (people my age in college) cant understand one simple thing:
if it's not finished, it's not finished.
mfw idiots like them are convinced that magic will come and fix all the issues in the world

>be a leftist
"We are slowly evolving into tree ent people"
>hahey we fixed gun contrul guise now we wont have anymore stepheny paddcucks

true. I'm 18, 6', and I'm one of the shortest guys I know. On average 18 year olds have an inch on me. Several girls are taller too.