Sup Forums Pollak Calls Michael Savage Today and READS a Sup Forums post on the air

Which one of you was this? Good Job!

Michael Savage then admits that he personally READS Sup Forums after the call!

Link is the exact time stamp, but the call happens at 27:01 into the video

Other urls found in this thread:

Wait... did Michael Savage just say he had already read it and named the tripfag, I'm confused does Savage come to Sup Forums?

He's always been our guy. He names Soros and defends white nationalism. He always has from day one.

Listen and tell me he doesn't lurk on Sup Forums

time stamporino?

He retweeted the John screen caps from three weeks ago. Savage is based as fuck.

This is 100% True -- no one goes after the "anti white male" crowd like Savage does, considering how huge his platform is.....

Well shit, I guess I'll have to start listening to him on my way home from work again.

Undeniably our guy

27 minutes in


Savage is Bro. Nathanael Tier

t. Micheal Savage

>Based Heeb XD

This guy is a typical self-important psychopathic jew bastard and he deserves to be vertically expelled.

He's the only jewish man I would ever place on the Brother Nathaniel tier of "woke"ness. The man is devoid of hate or vendettas, he looks for truth through an objective lends and sees white genocide for what it is. He sees how the white male is being treated and portrayed and he is aware of Soros and his ilk. He is simply connecting the dots and telling it like it is. The man is a hero of free speech and a radio legend. I grew up on the guy and I can't shill for him enough. He's a good man.

Disagree. The guy is typical high IQ tier and very much stands on his own two feet.

That is such a dogwhistle for ethnonationalism.

Bullshit. This jew wants civil war and strife to ironically back up the sanhedron through d&c and weighing down brainlets with conspiratard theories that make them sound insane in ears of the general pop. Inforwars operates on the same Cointelpro basis.

Very simplistic view of a complex man

t. Dr. Michael Wiener, PhD


Savage is his own man. He answers to no one and does not attend synagogue. For years he's spent most of his time on his boat or with his wife and dog. He's not in any sort of crowd as the media hates and shuns him. There's a reason why despite being nearly the top radio personality in the nation and bestselling author, he remains completely ignored by the media and news community. He's a rogue personality and free to speak his mind because of it.

were those the ones saying to stay away from LV before 9/11?
shoutouts to teddy and a good meatball recipie

>In 1991, Savage self-published The Death of the White Male, an argument against affirmative action, through Quantum Books.

>Sup Forums
What are you doing here CIAnigger

Holy shit I just noticed this

He is never interviewed by any mainstream media. I have seen him a couple times on Infowars but that's it

How is that even possible? That's crazy.


Mossad killed Jews on 9/11 and didn't give a shit about the American Jews. World War III is six million American Jews and 300 million screaming Americans against six million Israeli Jews.

Is he? He doesn't want society to unravel, and yet he points to conspiricy theories that rile people up. This leads to confusion and cognitive dissonance. The jews on CNN have the other end of this spectrum. Wolf Blidzer will say FuCk Drumph Fuck White people REE, and then Savage will say Fuck the Government Fuck Black people REEEE. This equals civil war, which is the goal of the international jew. The international jew wants to destroy all civil societies but his own. This is what he's done forever and ever. Egypt, Germany, Russia, now us.

>He's always been our guy.

>Sup Forums is so intelligent they excursively listen to jews to affirm their world views about hating jews

He's personally been a victim of affirmative action, he's told the story on his show. His father was a poor russian who fled the bolsheviks and ran a small antique shop in New York, bradley scraping by. The man, despite being jewish ethnically was nonreligious and did not attend synagogue. As a result, Michael grew up white, played with white kids, shot on a white rifle team, and after college experienced discrimination when he tried to enter radio as a white male. He has hated affirmative action ever since and is intimately familiarized with the hostility white males face. He is detached from jewish priveledge and therefore relates to the plight of white Christian America. Anyone who contests this has never actually listened to his programs.

Hah ha ha


Antisemitism is largely a Jewish phenomenon

Shoo, bong. Mind your own shithole of an island

I remember the first time he heard about Sup Forums during the Trump/pissgate thing. He invited us all out for beers and referred to Sup Forums as "an underground railroad of truth."

He fully trust Sup Forums as a news source and blurted out the bike lock fags dox on air before He was even arrested simply because it came from here.

I remember that very well and I have never doubted the man since. He sincerely seeks truth and will go anywhere he has to in order to discern it.

Jews like Savage and Stephen Miller still have to go back, but I think they should go back last, and on a first class ticket

Savage is Sup Forums the radio show.

Savage is BANNED from entering the U.K. by the way. I can't think a more surefire sign that you are in the right when bongistan fears your very presence as an existential threat while allowing bloodthirsty islamist clerics free entry.

Stop trusting jews you dumb faggots. He is controlled opposition.

>75 year old man posting on Sup Forums
Now I've seen everything.

So sick of this enabling attitude. Jews who are politically involved are doing the Hegelian dialectic 100%. They want nazisboos berus Gommies 500: Electric Russian Nuclear Fallout Boogaloo.

So sick of this fucking LIE.

Quick, someone post the pregnant Anne Frank copypasta and see if Savage reads it on air.

Neocohens are worse than their puppet islamists.

If only you knew, nigger.

does anyone else think the ian malcolm's dad in independence day 2 was based on savage?

he had a little dog, a boat, wrote books

I was about to say "Teddy, stop it!" in the middle of the cinema

>savage is literally banned from the UK due to banter

I GUARANTEE you know nothing about the man aside from memes and probably haven't listened to a single episode of his program. Michael Savage is the only person with his noteriety and audience who dares challenge the anti-white narrative.

desu we are probably on their list too.

Didn't know they made a sequel.
>t. haven't seen a movie in a theater since LOTR 3

Knock it off. Stop alienating someone who is actually advocating on behalf of your people. Quit acting like a child showing you pornographic drawings to a 75 year old man. What the hell is wrong with you.

Savage reminds me a lot of my 11th grade AP History teacher. Swell guys, both of them.

FirefoxOS is a botnet, but a google phone.

>controlled opposition
He's a harmless old man with a radio show. 99% of the time Sup Forums would be trolling the shit out of somebody in his position but he's so chill it would just be unnecessarily cruel and not lulzy. He's proof that Sup Forums isn't some crazed monster that attacks anyone vulnerable. Other radio hosts should follow his lead because if this site likes somebody in that profession they must be doing something right.

this is true, he goes down alot of roads alex jones and friends wont even walk
But he also sucks his own dick WAY too much about him "getting Trump elected" and is super bi-polar on his current support

For you, sorry.


See there you go. This is the (((fascist))) meme-line. Easiest way to destroy the USA. But maybe that's what (((you))) want? You think Antifa and the ''''alt-right'''''' aren't loaded with jews? YOU REALL MAKE ME THINK!

I'm getting tired of him and his gun control rants but usually I make the time to listen to his show


isn't savage the most listened to radio program after Rush and Hannity? Its either him or mark levin

>Which one of you was this? Good Job!
Sounds like a goddamn newfag, hardly "good job".

Savage goes on gun control rants? Seriously? Haven't been a regular listener since they put him in a shit timeslot in my city.

>stormfags punching right again

whoa what a shock, let's all vote democrat to teach those right wing jews who's boss

>Quit acting like a child showing you pornographic drawings to a 75 year old man.

Nigger, Savage could've written that copypasta for all we know.

Savage teeters between third and second depending on the period

Did you go to high school in Plano?

>savage, actually weiner

Fat kike is a standard jidf poster

Why did the Sup Forumsack who called not discuss the much more plausible story about paddock being involved in gun running instead of this larp trash?

>infowars sounds insane to the general population but my schizophrenic "da joos run everything!!!" theories don't

the delusion of cuckolded bootlicking nazis is immense

Don't know where that is.


Nigger the man is 75 years old

how about disassociating yourself from Neocohen/Stalinist games altogether and return to God, user?

>here's my outlandish bullshit theory with absolutely NO EVIDENCE to back it up

I wish you faggots would stop doing this....

He's a child molester. He spent his youth with Allen Ginsberg raping kids.

Baseless claim

>race isn't real

Fuck off KIKE!

He provides links you utter tosser
Voices in your head causing your vision to blur?

>Jews don't run the media, the banks, the state departments and militaries of the West

ahahah. Good one, Soros.

remember guys, if someone says and does the right thing but looks like a jew you need to destroy him because we're right wing SJWs

He lived in a van with Allen Ginsberg during a time when he is known to have been active was a pederast.

I thought the same thing when I heard that on the radio today. Fucking gets airtime to share whatever he wants, fucking takes a dumb ass larp theory to the airwaves. At least it wasnt the blackwater saving the world from nuclear destruction theory.

ha ha holy shit bump.

He was on MSNBC years ago and he went off on a fag for being a sodomite. Got fired and blacklisted, but his radio program survived.

Savage is confusing shit.

Lvmpd leaks were not by john

you have to go back user.

Sounds like something a shill would say.

Savage is a kike that peddles his books and poisons the well with neocon garbage when (((they))) tug on his leash.

I'm talking about the FBI arms dealer theory you nong.

How's it hanging, Hilldawg?

He was just calling for gun control on his show two days ago. He is a JEW!

I just listened to it, the caller did talk about the supposed lvmpd leaks and not the John posts found in the archives about a false flag.

wtf kys MODS

He has NEVER said race isnt real. He has literally done shows discussing differences of temperament and biodiversity and susceptibility among the races. The man is the most objective racial realist you will ever meet.

From the 35:15 mark it sounds like two weapons firing, can someone that is not drinking confirm?

is Michael savage the faggot jew who thinks he is novel because he identifies as a republican despite being a liberal FAGGOT jew that takes dick in the ass? That Michael savage? Sage

Fake and gay

Fuuuuggg. I hate neocohens.

why won't that old fuck just die already

For what?