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what a virtue signalling faggot
>10/22 covered in "tacticool shit"
absolutely disgusting
>quoting Ghandi for voluntary disarmament
what a fukin faggot they will probably use him in the next false flag.
apparently even giving your weapons to authorities doesn't stop you killing people either the only way is this microchip suppository that you must keep in your ass at all times America.
that's a pretty shitty looking gun
seems like he is making a "please take me back liberal ex-gf, i've changed" post
>gets rid of guns
>buys a baseball bat
>gets shot
took the words out of my mouth
cops probably got a nice new gun though
>The clever old Indian Ghandi
can't believe faggots like this even exist. you'd think the obvious lack of instinct would have naturally selected his ass for a dirt nap.
>inherit gun from dead family member or friend
>give it away because too afraid to ever actually fire it yourself
most likely scenario here.
>guy owns gay ass 22 rifle dressed up with telescoping stock and vertical foregrip
>posts on FB about giving away said rifle for free
This guy must be a legitimate faggot
>period outside quotations
Absolutely disgusting.
>give away all your guns
>The next day Tyrone and his gang break into your home
>you call 911
>you get butt raped by Tyrone and his gang
>They steal your money and valuables and then leave
>the cops show up 20 minutes later
OK my initial reaction to this is
>low T beta faggot
>does not look like he ever owned or fired a gun before in his life.
>makes a large propaganda post about turning in guns to the police
>you would not call cops to confiscate your guns
>you would just sell them at a show or at an FFL dealer
>literally dump them at a pawn shop in less than an hour
>but he calls cops to come to his house to confiscate his guns
>anyone who ever purchased or fired a gun before would know about FFL and how normal gun buying/selling works
>only one gun in the photo
>faggoty .22LR sporter with AR furniture
This is so painfully fake that you would need to be legit a sub 90-IQ retard to beleive it.
>even babbies
wow this guy gets it. deep down everyone is a killer
soymale thread? soymale thread
>Quoting Ghandi
>By the time India recieved Indepedence, every one in India hated him
>Muslims would shit in the street, and throw thorns and glass in his path
>Hindus refused to even speak to him
>Despite muh peaceful non violence Tons of people still died in Jammu and Kashmir
>Government did nothing, and people without weapons died to those with weapons in the ethnic cleansing.
>gun is so new that it might as well still have the pricetag hanging on it.
Gandhi was a paedophile.
The only way I am getting rid of my guns is when I pass them down to my children and their children.
>tfw this cucks guns are added to the prize money for the stations football pool this week. Free guns without a criminal case connected to them. I'm sure the police got a chuckle because of this faggot.
>Muslims would shit in the street
How is that any different from normal Indians?
I'm glad that mentally ill fuck no longer has his weapons
He didn't want to sell his gun, he wanted it to be "removed from society". But I bet those cops are laughing their asses off at getting a new free gun from some cuck.
Was there ever a chance this homo was going to go on a spree shoot with his little .22 pea shooter?
There isn't, so what the hell's the point of giving it to police. Or he could have just destroyed his gun with a hacksaw and threw it in the trash. His gun is still "in circulation."
>just bought a new slugger haha xd
>*leans back*
*scrapes bat against burglars face*
>dinky ass .22
This faggot has never shot a gun in his life
What did he mean by this?
Can we post his info on some shady website and alert all the criminals in his neighborhood that his house is now certified gun free?????
Webm not related. I just want some (you)s for people to pay attention to the post. pls respond
How exactly does cucking yourself protect you from mass shooters. Wouldn't you be safe if you were always armed? Not every mass shooter is going to be on the 32nd floor of a hotel and even if someone else near his suite was armed they could have stopped him.
Or did this guy just not trust himself to not go on a shooting spree. Law abiding citizens owning guns doesn't cause mass shootings.
>Doing the right thing it's virtue signalling now.
I got caught by the newspeak again.
But he can't virtue signal if he destroys his gun and doesn't post about it on (((facebook))).
I'm betting it was his father's, and he and his mother did this while said father was at work.
How evil am I to hope he needs those guns in the near future?
So, whats your address?
I needs me some free white privilege.
>yfw they paint them pink and fill the barrels with lead to use as props in an LGBTQ+ASGHNASB demonstration against the evils of cishet white male patriarchy
>I will miss my guns. I paid a lot of money for them
>Poses in front of a mirror with a $200 rifle from Walmart
What this man is saying is he cant trust himself not to go insane and shoot up a school with his own 22.
i bet he's a faggot that voted McCain
Like, I'm pretty gay, but I can't imagine being that much of a faggot.
>bending over and presenting your unlubed asshole to the gov is now the right thing
kys my man
>Gun owners do evil
>I am a gun owner
>I should not be a gun owner
Or you could just have the self control to not shoot into crowds.
When the riots start I know which house to go to first!!!
>free baseball bat
10/22 shooting 22LR is barely a step up from a bb gun. Give me a fucking break.
But now how will he kill himself?
Wherever you have found a peaceful man giving up their guns, you have found a traitor to the ideal of a peaceful society.
lol what leftwing terrorist organization paid him to do this publicity stunt? george soros?
This. This is probably a staged photo
First off, thats an SKS in a crap stock, with a ruger 10/22 magazine in it. Totally fake post
Which is why he gave it up. Wouldnt surprise me if he ran out and bought it just to give it away and virtue signal
>Posting it
He's just a omega trying to get his game on with sick nasty lefty girlies.
How fucking beta can you be?? Surrendering your constitutional right s just to virtue signal on social media? God dammit let's purge tonight
Be the change, be a faggot
>be a low test beta faggot
>need to virtue signal to other fag leftists about how gunz r bad
>max out your credit cards because you have no savings to buy some shitty tacticool 10/22 that looks "scary" and some shit pistols
>take selfies with new shit guns and talk about how much you spent on them and how much fun you had with them
>call police to turn them in
>take selfies while policeman is barely containing his laughter
>being the change
>Only ~3% of firearm homicides each year are caused with rifles (all rifles)
Why do Democrats want to ban them again?
Is it just to exploit national tragedies for political gain, tragedies that are more memorable and heart-wrenching than the 300 shootings/week in Chicago?
If some cuck faggot wants to disarm himself, I certainly won't oppose it.
Automatic firearms are banned. The mandalay bay shooter uses an automatic firearm. Therefore, since the gun was already illegal, banning firearms would have done nothing to prevent this. Anyone giving up their guns or demanding gun control are fucking retarded virtue-signalling faggots because it does literally nothing. Criminals won't just stop because guns are banned. Criminals, instead of shooting, will stab with a knife or other weapon. People who want to defend themselves will have to get knives too. After enough stabbings, the "liberals"will decide to ban knives. AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES. It's not a black and white issue where banning guns = no mass murder or death.
I don't get it, is he worried he's going to snap so he's giving away his guns? that is the only reasonable thing I can imagine if there was a mass shooting yesterday and he just gave his gun away
They want to ban assault rifles because they are black. Deep down they know niggers are violent and useless but they can't admit it. They transfer these feelings onto the evil black assault rifles.
This, one less leftycuck to shoot back at us in the revolution
Shit. Now I have to go out and buy a rifle to offset this bullshit.
Pol. I want a rifle that is light and is readily available at pretty much any gun store.
Considering that Antifa is planning a revolution next month, and the left is "coincidentally" pushing gun control. I think this is probably the best time to get it because we all know they are going to start shit. I don't think I could get a handgun before then, so a long gun will have to do.
I live just outside of the metro-detroit area, near a university, so I can expect light to medium antifa with some possible heavy islamic activity in the event of a communist uprising. I haven't seen BLM but I don't rule them out.
I want a good quality gun for protection against the commies and the other goons. What can I get in the 1-2k price range and what should I stay away from?
Well said.
>instead of shooting
you're adorable.
>99% of the black population can't legally buy a gun
>still manages to commit half the gun murders
Propaganda to normalize gun turn ins and confiscation. Stsy armed at all times. The government has turned into a communist poloce state.
now just wait for a spic, nignog, or methhead to break into his house and ass rape him. he'll be wishing for that gun back.
He did the right thing.
No one who craps up a poor defenseless rifle with all that goofball shit he put on it should be allowed to own firearms.
That poor piece will be going to the meltdown pile to end its existence of torment. Good night, sweet prince.
you have more of that? you know... for research purpose??:)
But black people use handguns for their shootings
Stay away from anything 700 and under. Century, palmetto, ruger.
S&w mp sport. Go with that and as many mags and ammo as you can afford.
good American
proud of him
guns belong in the military, not in public hands
In other news, a police officer called an ex-gun owner a "dumb fuck" for giving him a free gun. The officer reportedly sold the gun back to a gun dealer in the local city and made some money for the PD.
Every good proud American should own at least one firearm for home defense. You wake at at 3am and Jamal and his buddies are in your house to culturally enrich you and your family. What do you do? Dial 911 or .357?
Can't wait to see his dead body on LiveLeak after he's robbed.
virtue signalling. that's it. since a rifle was used in a mass shooting that made news its on peoples mind. so get the people willing to ban rifles and later down the line they can push for total gun ban. its simply a milestone to a greater goal.
then once the general population has their guns banned they will move next to law enforcement. since the general population doesn't have guns, LAW ENFORCEMENT don't NEED guns either. then we can finally be like the UK. and have stories in the news about a police officer being stabbed or shot by an armed criminal. then sit here and wonder why this is happening because guns are banned???
i mean gosh guns are banned! all hatred and criminality should come to an end!
Get an AR15 and a vortex SPARC they have deals all the time where you can get like 10 PMAGS free.
>a 22 disguised as a tacticool rifle
my fucking sides
This, that "weapon" is a total fag money waster
>be the change
Alright, I'll go buy more firearms. Any recommendations anons? I'm interested in hunting rifles, mainly due to proximity to hunting grounds, however I will consider pretty much anything short of a grenade launcher.
>brand new Slugger
Gee, if the criminal has a gun that wooden bat sure is going to do a lot against it. Especially if he knew that this man didn't own a gun to defend himself with.
Additionally, if the "good people" disarm, then won't only criminals have guns and thus have additional power over them?
that's a man isn't it?
Dont knock .22, they'll fuck you up pretty badly.
Fag can give away his mall ninja 10/22.
Gay gun designed for faggots for this kind of virtue signaling. Probably doesn't even use real ammunition.
Avoid palmetto desu. Their daily deals are good though. Decent deals after ffl transfer fees for decent gandguns etc. The mag and red dot deal is really good.
he just HAD to take pictures for social media. quick, smile!
I know I'm talking to myself but
The point is I have the option to have the same firepower as the whackos, and the government literally cannot and should not tell me I can't have that option
It's the same story when there's a workplace incident, OSHA storms in and questions everything yo see what new safety regulations can be more efficient, but you can't prevent all mistakes, like you can't prevent all gun crime
>come to my house pig