Be absolutely Sup Forums tier in everything except gay

>be absolutely Sup Forums tier in everything except gay
>want country to be all white and never have to see a foreign face again
>still like to get fucked by black guys now and then
Am I a hypocrite? I don't feel any sort of sense of inferiority to them like a cuck would, I pretty much see them as dumb animals to be used for amusement, would never consider being in a relationship or even friends with one. It's something I'd gladly give up if it meant never having to see their kind and all the others again.

Other urls found in this thread:''

If you had the choice to be straight. Would you?


Not only are you a nigger lover, but you are a bottom bitch.

If you're gonna be gay at least be gay with a white trap, and be the top.


if you were right wing youd keep it to yourself like every faggot has done for thousands of years and not make threads like this every day

>be absolutely Sup Forums tier in everything except gay
>want country to be all white and never have to see a foreign face again
>still like to get fucked by black guys now and then

Richard Spencer posts on Sup Forums?

Every black dick in your ass is one less black dick in a white woman. We'll gas you last, enjoy it while you can.

If it was just about me personally, then I wouldn't - I really, really like being gay. But while I don't see it as a negative in my own life, it's probably a negative to the nation as a whole because of its effects on society, family, morality (this I definitely a hypocrite on, because I act immoral while knowing that immorality is bad for society) etc so I would choose to become straight

>black guys
I wouldn't have cared if you were a faggot but this is where you fucked up.

That's actually a good point, maybe if we turn up the dosage of gay frog juice of the water in heavily brown areas we can turn they niggers gay and save money on all the Zyklon-B

the jig is up, nobody cares, it's up to you to either ignore or accept them. i would suggest the latter if you actually want to influence politics going forward and not just spin your wheels in the junkyard

You are a hypocrite, a degenerate, and a weakling. There is but one solution for your kind and it is pic related.

trump himself has given up on pandering to you, and thank god he did

Go choke yourself out.

you are no longer needed

>be based
>be a sexual degenerate

Yeah stop lying to yourself

kys reddit faggot

Don't worry senpai we got a cure for you.

>still like to get fucked by black guys now and then
You lost me at being BLACKED.
The rest of that is basically me tho.

Lemme guess bbc meme?

>still like to get fucked by black guys now and then
lol kill yourself faggot.
You're a complete and utter hypocrite.



I feel blessed to be gay, not dealing with modern females is so liberating, me and my bf are living a quiet, wholesome life watching the world burn.

yes you are a hypocrite your just like those larping 1488's who have yellow fever.

>Am I a hypocrite?


HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade''

UK HIV decrease:
About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.
3/4 victims of molestation are female:

niggers are the closest thing to orcs. what you want is bestiality and to get fucked by an animal. think of in fantasy porn it's always orcs (niggers) raping elves (white women) in every literature for a reason.

you just want to get fucked by a huge orc with a big penis and that's how you see niggers

>Implying faggost tend to be conservative
>being this delusional

Faggots only hide their faggotry whem society treast homossexuality as what it is, sexual degeneracy. Gay people hide it as long as they feel socialy threatened, but as society's moral standards decay, faggot start to get out of the closet.
Once they get out of the closet, they instantly become a threat to social order.

There's no such a thing as a conservative/traditionalist/right wing faggot, because homossexuality is itself a threat to its fundamental values, thus a conservative faggot is a logical impossibility.

>niggers are the closest thing to orcs
lmao dude how retarded are you? your comparing high fantasy to real life.

you are the threat to social order you fucking retard piece of shit. every south american and african shithole on earth is christian but none of them have social order. the only defining feature of social order is being white or asian and asians weren't ever christcucks. japan the 2nd highest gpd and most advanced country outside of america aren't christcuck trash

>but as society's moral standards decay,
>implying social standards aren't fluid and ever changing.

it used to be ok to fuck 12 year olds in 1275 wiestminster 1 statute.
only in 1875 the changed it to 13.

you're the one that's retarded. he doesn't like niggers he just wants some big subhuman to rape him. if orcs existed than he'd be talking big orc cock instead. niggers are just the closest thing to orcs or huge wild subhuman creatures


>niggers are just the closest thing to orcs or huge wild subhuman creatures

lmao dude what the fuck.

why do you never mention the african empires is it burger education?
Musa Keita I (c.1280—c.1337) was the tenth Mansa, which translates as "sultan" (king), "conqueror or emperor of the wealthy West African Mali Empire. At the time of Musa's rise to the throne, the Malian Empire consisted of territory formerly belonging to the Ghana Empire in present-day southern Mauritania and in Melle (Mali) and the immediate surrounding areas. Musa held many titles, including Emir of Melle, Lord of the Mines of Wangara, Conqueror of Ghanata, and at least a dozen others. It is said that Mansa Musa had conquered 24 cities, each with
surrounding districts containing villages and estates, during his reign. During his reign Mali may have been the largest producer of gold in the world at a point of exceptional demand. One of the richest people in history, he is known to have been enormously wealthy; reported as being inconceivably rich by contemporaries, "

And then having to deal with women? No thanks.

Thank you for your honesty. Yes, you are a hypocrite. Turn to the Lord to cleanse yourself of your sins. In the mean time, keep fighting the good fight.

>Turn to the Lord to cleanse yourself of your sins.

>muh holy book of sandnigger fairytales.
exactly gene modded traps and artificial wombs are the future.

Hello Milo

it's true. that's how everybody sees niggers and you know it. niggers are the big wild subhuman orcs of this world.

>1200ad empire entirely thanks to the muslims knowledge
>look we had an empire guys
stupid as fuck. they didn't even have the wheel until it was given to them and that's why nobody counts it.

We see you Milo...

>fucking black guys

Wow enjoy your aids.

Only sleep with white libertarian cuteboys.

>One of the richest people in history, he is known to have been enormously wealthy


This. A lack of self respect I can't ignore.

Bi is kinda fun

you find it easier to get off by men because you are insecure or insecure about your looks , our you have a fetish "i'm being naughty " 3rd you were molested ......... mental midgets are a cancer to society , always have been always will .......THINK

that means he learned there's such as thing as gold. all those shiny rocks of gold and diamonds niggers were chewing on he decided to pick up. his wealth didn't come from trading or creating anything but picking up gold and diamonds laying on the ground all around the niggers who didn't know what they were. he then went onto spend it all and his "empire" collapsed into nothing. so he won the lottery and lost it all as quickly.

the story about him traveling even reveals this. he spends all the gold he has carelessly because he's a nigger who found it all laying on the ground and didn't know the value of it so he just threw it away easily

Sounds like projection