Audio Forensics dont lie.
but the media sure as fuck does..
M240 machine gun.. not AR15.. there was a real shooter someone else
Audio Forensics dont lie.
but the media sure as fuck does..
M240 machine gun.. not AR15.. there was a real shooter someone else
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>Audio Forensics
alright mr youtube detective
Bump. How reliable is audio forensics? Has it ever been used in a court of law?
I concur with the analysis.. I have been shooting guns since I was 12.. im 35 now.. I have 6 AR 15s including 2 with slidefire stocks.
I have also shot an m240 and several other full auto weapons.. the rate of fire is what it is
If the shooter was using a 240 many more people would have died.
Consider the following: left is scared of right because majority of right has weapons, do a false flag to take away weapons from right and what's left? The odds become even.
they would also be in gibblets. Literally red pudding on the ground.
Not from that distance.
>Five eyes and glows in the dark.
We have eyes everywhere.
>ignore the sound and just believe it's something it's obviously not because giblets
thanks, guys, you can run along and play now
wait so are they saying he used an AR-15 with a bump-stock as his weapon to shoot people?
sounds pretty similar desu
Not necessarily
M240s are just as prone to jam or overheat as any other gun
yup. apparently the bump stock completely changes the sound of 5.56, better known as turbo .22's, into that of a large caliber round
I just heard a caller say the SAME EXACT THING on the Michael Savage Show from Today -- did you hear it there?
That's probably why they had it air cooled
So then the people who were shot would have .308 holes in them not .556
Pretty easy to figure out if this is true or not
We've been saying this literally since it happened.
>hurrr i dont care what all the AR's you've ever fired sound like its an AR because hurrrrrrrrr
>audio forensics
>shooter in a room
>in a high building
>with tons of other high buildings around reflecting the sound
>and sonic cracks
Calling bullshit.
There was more than one shooter, so probably people have little AR holes in them too
They've got to travel 370 metres before hitting their targets
By that logic at least some people where shot with .308
Still pretty easy to tell
An AR has a much high pitched report. Its a tiny bullet, basically a 22 with a bunch more powder behind it. All the echos and high buildings in the world aren't going to alter the sound it makes
Guys on these audio files. Their is a police/military data base program that you load your audio into and it will identify type and age of weapon
who is going to tell you? the doctors that take out the bullets aren't, and the FBI is a garbage agency full of liars and faggots.
Based on my experience with call of duty I agree with this analysis
The only shots heard are in volleys. I don't recall any recording that just have single shots. None of the rapid fire volleys seemed to be higher rates of fire then say, an AK of some sort. The inconsistent cyclic rates lead me to believe that a slide fire stock was used, but the weapon has not been pictured yet.
The longest recorded burst was 95 rounds, witnessed in a twitter video taken from the MGM Grand, and corroborated that it was NOT half-echo, as the same 95rd burst was heard in the taxi cab driver video and the driver was much closer to the shooting.
There were no photos of any AK-style weapon, and there are readily available 95-rd drums for an AK74 that you can buy online. I'm not saying it was someone else shooting, but the weapon that did a lot of the shooting has not been photographed.
I play music cunt, you can't tell me shooting from inside a resonating box (the hotel room) won't change the sound.
Well if your so inclined to wear all that tin foil on your head that's your deal friend
>prone to jam
>prone to overheating
You’re a fucking idiot. I’ve put over 100k rounds through that weapon system and jams/overheating have never been a problem. I have personally put 1200 rounds on cyclic through one and that hungry cunt just wanted more. It’s well known as one of the most reliable weapons in the armed forces.
sombper five brotha
You aren't allowed to play with guns so you have no idea what you're talking about. I shoot AR's every week, in 556 and 308. The sound of specific calibers is specific, you tard. Go play with your bb guns in your meme country, faggot
please stop coming here. there are other websites, and you dont even like this one. just, like, leave, dude.
youre a retard, the m240 has a way higher cycle rate than what was heard on the video. infantry
Cool story brah but do you listen to your friends shoot their AR's from different locations?
Like on day your friend shoots from inside a concrete bunker while you stand outside and he's like:
>"What did that sound like?"
And then the next day he shoots from inside a wooden hut while you're outside:
>"what about that? How did that sound?
Then the next day he shoots from inside a large resonating chamber with two small windows for sound outlets - perched up high in a massive flat walled building:
>"How about that? How did that sound?"
I doubt it, because if you did you'd know sound changes depending on how it is projected.
Temperature, distance, resonance, echoing will all change the pitch. This OP is about the RPM. Go shill somewhere else.
If you think its so infallible your either full of shit or a retard. Much more experience with and around firearm says otherwise
I bet you buy into the whole muh ayy ar is the most reliable rifle on the planet bullshit too
Educate yourself
You’d be very hard pressed to make a 5.56 sound like a 7.62 no matter the set up. 5.56 cyclic has more snap up close and fades into a dull popping at distance. 7.62 cyclic fucking roars up close and gives everyone an errection for at least 500m in the surrounding area.
LOL... no one is taking guns away.. will never happen.. they can try.. they wont succeed
its a 7.62 round.. not a 50 cal..
op is a faggot,
that does sound like it desu
On the ground maybe, but I doubt you understand just how big of a difference having the sound source elevated makes, nor how big a difference having the sound source in a box makes, not how big a difference having that box in a large flat wall makes.
The box makes the sound deeper and the flat wall means the sound waves can only travel out forwards.
You’re just a dumbass my dude. I ran machine gun ranges for years and the 240 was far and away the least problematic weapon system.
M4s were also fine. Almost every problem I’ve ever seen with them resulted from using shitty mags or firing hundreds of blanks.
well that would really hurt the narrative wouldnt it
this 240 never fails, i humped it in iraq, now the SAW... that is another story.
>not understanding support by fire
Just stop bud. Almost every round that gets fired during a training cycle will be from a significantly elevated position between 300m and 800m from the objective.
They make magazines for them
Don't you fucken tell me to stop cunt, some dickhead in here is trying to tell me that sounds don't change in different environments.
Have you ever even heard a SAW or a 240 going cyclic in the real world? They sound nothing alike. You would need a very unique set of circumstances to confuse them.
Never think about guns ever again for the rest of your worthless, miserable leaf life
Wew lad.
>There were no photos of any AK-style weapon
Because the (((fbi))) is just going to show the goyim the whole op. They won't even relese his manifesto. Fuck, they cant even verify that he left one even though it's cleary in (((leaked))) photos.
>Goy just 20 years for heavily redacted (((fbi))) reports to finally be disclosed to the public to decide who was actually behind this
Nope but I understand the basic premise of science:
You can't say "Audio Forensics don't lie" unless you've accounted for all the variables, which you most definitely haven't. I haven't even gotten started on the recording device yet!
Get back to me once you've set up a test where you fire an AR15 and a 240 from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Hotel (or a similar building) and record it with the same shitty phone and compare it with the real footage.
That would be "Audio Forensics"
Hey goys, I've done some forensic audio research tonight and I finally reached the conclusion. The guy was using 7 different models of chain guns, otherwise known as miniguns. Reason he kept stopping was because he was only an accountant and could barely handle it.
Compare the audio from this for proof:
Can we get /k/'s opinion on this?
Its really not that complicated to determine the rate of fire and see if it matches up with known rates of fire
>rate of fire
>slidefire stocks
How the fuck is that evidence of anything cunt?
are you saying that a bump fire stock doesn't have a known rate of fire?
They need to disarm the populace before they kick off their civil war attempt. The communists get blown the fuck out otherwise. Big coincidence you see this push in the leadup to November 4th.
I'm saying it has an incredibly variable rate of fire.
Exactly. That's what convinced me there was two shooters. I listen to too much grind core to believe that's only one rhythm.
It would have to be, because your arms are the mechanism that sets the rate, right? Pressure against the stock?
Concur with OP. The clockwork trigger explanation is kind of dead too this is very regular. But there's a problem - no disintegrating link is visible in the photographs of the room. The 240 would have to have been shot from somewhere else. 4th floor?
>set up this unnecessary test to prove this far fetched theory is false
>for science!
No thanks I think I’ll just dismiss you as a fucking loon.
>mr youtube detective
Are there any other guns which have the same RPM as the m240? I'm just wondering if there could be another kind that matches this and I don't want to get tunnel vision on a particular make. I am definitely convinced that the ar15 doesnt match the footage sound though.
Shooting it from a lower angle would have had a lot more casualties because you’d effectively be using grazing fire as opposed to plunging fire.
Rate of fire is not the only thing that makes the report unique. It's also the cartridge it is chambered in.
There is video of muzzle flashes from the 4th floor as well as police radio comms about a shooter at the grounds of the event and from the top of the building.
I think they shot to miss - shot into that little vacant freemasonic park just in front of the hotel. Genuine mass casualties would possibly have resulted in uncontrollable escalation of FF. The number of shots was huge.
>come up with a far fetched theory
>call it "forensics"
>if you want to actually be taken seriously you need to control the variables
You're the one pushing the far fetched theory you cunt.
M240 doesn't expend casings, they casings stay on the chain, that room did not have 1000s of rounds of casings because the gun was a M240
Nope. The belt comes apart into links and brass.
Show me a 7.62x51 casing recovered from the scene, slug pulled out of a body, or a bullet hole in any object matching that size before you autistically sperg our about how the unique acoustics of the scene led you to question the narrative.
You are making a lot of assumptions. First, the audio is from the concert grounds. Here, you will hear not just the report, but also bullet impact, ricohet, and echo from surrounding buildings. This will greatly enhance the impression of holy hell being unleashed. I have fired a number of fully automatic weapons, including the saw, and I doubt one can tell the difference between auto AR15 and M249, both of which use NATO 5.56, from the relatively poor audio available.
>shot to miss
Why shoot at all then?
This desu.
>The belt comes apart into links and brass.
you are talking about how an M249 functions, not an M240
just look the whole belt stays together in OPs vid with the M240. easy to carry out of the crime scene. all the demonize the bump stocks. i bet hillary herself fired it.
That's just the problem, we can't find the casings.
Although that might explain why police would clean up the casings to hide the caliber of the bullets.
In which case, why would police want to hide that?
Now M240 is a totally different beast (7.62 or .308). Again, I doubt one can tell from the audio for the aforementioned reasons, all of which will impact the perceived rate of fire and type of weapon.
M240 was designed for full auto bursts. A BCM or DD rifle isnt supposed to bump fire that long
doesn't it make sense to use a higher powered round to show all "muh destructive 5.56" when its really 7.62/308? if you wanted to ban .22lr you'd just lie and say a .50 cal is a 22. lr and show how destructive it is.
As soon as I heard the footage I immediately through LMG. It just doesn't sound like an AR at all, which could be due to shitty phone mics or area acoustics, but fuck me if it doesn't sound like a belt fed machine gun.
It's possible to modify a 240 for non disintegrating belts, but it doesn't retain the brass, it's a push forward action.
playing doom when you were 8 years old doesn't make you an expert on automatic weapons and living in canada helps even less
well im not a 240 expert but i would get the spent brass would fit neatly into an ammo can/suitcase/duffle bag on the left side of the weapon and carried to another room in the hotel. the killer didnt even have to escape the hotel, could have just took the elevator to his floor with a suit case full of actual evidence, leaving all the red herring with the fall guy.
A lot of people forget there was a considerable amount of time between when the last shots were fired and when police found the room and corpse, too. Almost an hour. The shooter was only firing for roughly 10 minutes, and it took police 72 minutes to breach the room.
also i'm an audio technologist and have regularly dealt with different sound issues- usually in the context of musical instruments. what was immediate to me is that there was a distinct second gun firing during the echo phase of the first. i'm not saying this for political reasons but the timing of the shots and even the sonic quality of the muzzle fire did not sound like it came from a single source.
It's not a 240.
An AK47 fires around 600 per minute. Newer AKM's around 650. Most rifles will have a 700-900 cyclic rate
it is not humanly possible to switch fairly heavy automatic firearms in the time it would take to fire inside of the echo phase of the first, even in a wide space where there was a pretty high delay. there were two automatic guns firing at once during the videos I've seen and what that means is anyone's guess... the "voices" were very different.
yeah absurd amount of time to pack up and flee. my money is still on A. Rival gun dealers eliminating competition and sending a message of how ruthless they are to other gun dealers in vegas or B. Leftist Deep State conspiracy to demonize 2A similar to the "fast and furious"scandel. or a mixture of both.
it wasn't a PKM, some user should list out and compare a few different LMG options so people get a feel for the different rhythms and speeds
Alright mr 13 year old