Ok, this is going to sound extremely Autistic, but just follow me for a second. You guys remember when God Emperor Trump first went to Texas after the hurricane and just before they left the news and internet flipped a nut about Empress Melania wearing high heels before they got on Marine One? Well, I was weirdly focused on what the President was wearing. He was going totally casual and I was just fixated on his boots because they looked really nice. Plain and simple but definitely chunky enough to kick the shit out of a shallow puddle or whatever. So ever since the first hurricane I’ve been following with unhealthy obsession every time there is a disaster he leaves for because he literally wears the same exact clothes every time he visits a hurricane area. White shirt w/ no tie, khaki gold pants, black rain jacket and the brown boots. Ever since I saw him wearing them every time I’ve just weirdly wanted a pair of my own but no news or fashion organization freggin reported what they were (even when they knew exactly what Melania was wearing. So I did so digging over the last month and here’s what I’ve found.
Boot Obsession
Other urls found in this thread:
It all finally started to come together when I saw this picture with a small fragment of the logo on the bottom of the sole.
Same one in this pic from Puerto Rico.
So I noticed it was CAT, so I went to their website and basically waded through all their boots until I found the pair that looked similar enough to get a good guess going. Then I found this one style with a similar tread pattern, shape, color, and logo placement. It’s called a Revolver.
Different angles showed more distinctive features, like the almost cloven hoof look on the back.
Same notch.
Then I noticed that there were bootstraps on the top, about mid-calf height.
Side view.
those heels are absurd. does walking like a velociraptor work your ass muscles or something?
And the same outline on President Trump’s pants.
Basically, Revolver boots from CAT, not sure if they’re steel toed or not. But basic version are about $101, and steel toed are about $105.
Holy hell. Great job op. Not being sarcastic, but that was some good investigating.
Get help.
Now to put his Autism to some real work.
What happened in Las Vegas OP?
Only thing I can’t figure out is what Brand this Logo is for on his jacket. Any ideas?
Thank you. I just really liked them and thought I’d put some effort into looking for a pair.
The mass shooting.
Goddamn those pumps. So comfy we have a genuine First Lady after 8 years of a nigger tranny.
Marmot. They make great stuff.
hey nice work OP. It's nice to see anons using brain cells.
THIS dude needs to stop dragging his god damn heels the mad man
Thank You!!!!!!
Why are you role playing as OP?
I want her to step on me to cross a puddle
Im using my phone and Laptop for the pics and for keeping track of the thread.
>So comfy we have a genuine First Lady after 8 years of a nigger tranny.
I couldn't agree more
And my freggin code keeps changing.
user you're a fucking legend.
Put me in screencap.
Those are serious work boots. The kind the American working man wears. Like, the kind of guy running a track hoe to rough in some plumbing or building a goddamn highway.
No worries. Thanks for the sleuthing! Couldn't decide if they were red wings or cats. Another user said it, but you're a fookin legend for this bread, Bootanon
Guaranteed steel toed for grabbing pussy with his big toe
The President is the man of the working class.
This is the best thread on Sup Forums for at least the past few months.
Thats what I was leaning more towards.
I had a marmot years ago. Loved that jacket, weatherproof doesn't quite emphasise it
Thank you! Just trying my best, didn't expect this to get as many responses as it has.
This is what schizophrenia looks like.
Thanks! Autists Unite for Brand Identification!
dat boot
You're welcome for the live demonstration.
Based. Wore so much of that in 2004
Much appreciated.
Hey nice work, it's cool to see some interesting content every now and then among the clickbait shit.
Not even joking. Good job. Impressive even.
Thank you! I strive to even attempt to live up to the display of determination that was HWNDU, but this isn't even close.
Thanks fellow user!
>anons first time shopping for adult clothing the thread
this is what passes on Sup Forums these days, good thing there is no fashion board
god bless you boot autist
no i was wrong its the precip jacket
Goddamn hes lost weight
felt Sup Forums would be a better audience than Sup Forums or /fa/
Thanks Canadian Friend!
Damn, trump got hustled. No way that Taiwan made rain jacket should cost that much.
Boots are nice and at very good price.
I have bad news for you...
I'm surprised Trump is wearing cheap made in Chyna boots. He should be wearing Aldens or some boutiqe USA made fire boot.
So the Presidential seal would go over the Marmot logo? I think the first one may have been closer.
Should be wearing ll Bean boots for that rain related trip. Those are made here.
Nope, youre probably right this time, Preclip looks about right.
This is what democracy looks like
Browsing /fa/ from time to time is like peering into the mind of materialism just for the sake of materialism, incarnate.
Damn right!
the first one had welded zippers in the front and a chest pocket, the one the president has in the first pick just have flaps and only two hand pockets, he probably went with a simpler lower priced one for optics reasons which i respect.
Why don't you call the WH and ask a PR person?
OPs boot name and price FYI anons, this could be a stealth Sup Forums boot
Great job OP Here have a (you)
>check filename
Steal his look
Dude, who is gonna answer some random dude asking what boots the President wore to the hurricane areas?
It looks like the yellow patch on the bottom of Trump's boot is a full rectangle.
It probably says "Vibram", a durable sole material. They put a patch like that saying Vibram on Vibram soles.
Thumbs up
I thought it was a rectangle too, but then I saw the pic of him stepping through the puddle (first reply pic) and it looks like CAT to me.
Nice job!
Thanks Russian friend!
summit ice
thats not the right one i made a mistake that one had welded zippers and trumps doesn't. his one is called precip and costs ~$120
Sorry, Marmot
Dont buy the steel toe version they're too heavy
six million jews died
got it
dude, he's redpilled
I'm honestly surprised all of the clothing is so affordable. No insane fashion designer shit here, nothing ridiculously upscale.
I support Trump and he hasn't really bothered me much so far other than not going too-far enough in some places, but even still I don't think he just up and decided to wear these.
If I had to bet it was a calculated move to make him appear as an "everyman" and as to not alienate the survivors of the Hurricanes by showing up in a suit costing thousands. This being said, I think it was a really smart move to do so. Whether the communists on the Left realize it or not, there are smart minds at work in the Trump administration.
Those are CAT work boots. I had the exact same pair for 5 years before they wore out. Steel toed and pretty comfy.
Red Wings are better though.
We shall meme them on the beaches, we shall meme them in the streets.
President wears Brioni suits, I think downscaling for disaster relief is appropriate. Esp. to Puerto Rico, don't want to be accused of being the White Savior.
OP here (yes my code is different, I posted this thread on my phone and have been following it on my laptop) Thanks for keeping this thread on or around page 1 for an hour! I really didn't think my weird obsession with the President's footwear would gather so many replies.
How tf do I find this in the archive?
I'm not saying that he doesn't dress expensive other times, but I think it was certainly intentional for the situation that he did dress down. Nor am I really trying to say anything about him or America or anything for even wearing anything nice in the first place. I mean shit, if I had money I'd want to be looking fantastic too.
Certified fresh.
I actually commented on them being nice looking boots when I first saw that pic. I knew i wasn't the only one.
God damnit man. That's a comfortable lookin boot.
Tell us Sensei....When you finally found the logo how did you feel?
I imagine you were like a National Geographic photographer who waits 6 months to get a shot of some dumb bird's fucking..
Only 10 times more intense..
True that
I'm not going to lie -- I have a serious fetish for boots.
t. Gerald White
It felt pretty nice now that I finally had a fucking lead on what brand to look for. I appreciate the analogy, it is very appropriate.