Kellogg and Ford = Soros globalist cunts

Time to wage meme war against Kellogg and Ford.

Other urls found in this thread:

So this money goes to fund groups like BLM and Antifa and ivolent action against dissidents of said alt-left groups.

Ford and Kellogg are financing domestic terrorist groups. Time to get the names, adresses and family ties of all related to said companies. Treason has consequences, get the info, save it, print it, and if no justice against the traitors as been made yet when SHTF, you then know what to do. Remember, wait for SHTF, because once SHTF, there is no law anymore.

Fucking traitors must learn that treason gets payed in blood.

And remember, war is unavoidable. Read:

Start prepping NOW.

>Even fucking Ford

it's actually a different ford, look it up

oops i'm wrong sorry

it is ford

He called out the fucking kikes and their Protocols, but the based old man is long dead and Ford is now a company that funds domestic terrorists. Time for action.

>STILL trusting (((foundations)))

Foundations like the Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller etc Foundations have been pushing pozz since the turn of the 20th century.

Seriously these are the organisations that bankrolled Alfred Kinsey's "sex research" (aka "why data from pedophiles molesting children is a completely unbiased look into the sex lives of children")

Here's some light reading to warm you up

henry ford is probably rolling in his grave right now

honorable membahs of the ford board

Chevy guy anyway.

You're an inbred kike and you keep spamming these threads trying to turn an obvious racial problem into a religious one. You fool nobody ratboy.

IIRC Ford's son ragequit from the Ford Foundation board when he found out that most of the foundation's grants went towards organisations pushing anti-capitalist pozz

>The foundation exists and thrives on the fruits of our economic system. The dividends of competitive enterprise make it all possible. A significant portion of all abundance created by U.S. business enables the foundation and like institutions to carry on their work. In effect, the foundation is a creature of capitalism—a statement that, I’m sure, would be shocking to many professional staff in the field of philanthropy. It is hard to discern recognition of this fact in anything the foundation does. It is even more difficult to find an understanding of this in many of the institutions, particularly the universities, that are the beneficiaries of the foundation’s grant programs.

>Buying cereal from the company whose founder popularized cutting dicks in the USA

Henry Ford was compelled to apologize:

I'm never going to not hate Jews.

The West has 3 problems, kike shill:

1. Kikes
2. Traitors
3. Muslims

When SHTF, patriots shall go full Myanmar on all 3. Kill all muslim, kike and traitor men women and children. They want us dead, so we shall return the favor.

Read the links I posted kike, and weep.

thanks for posting these. It is horrifying.

The openbordersfoundation is funded by the European Union. I can't believe that Hillary would openly collude with a foreign government in subverting our election.

Thanks for reading.

Can you halp with increasing the exposure of that info? If we get 1000 autist who post that in every front page thread everytime they come to /pol, we can increase the exposure by millions of people. That shit can sway the outcome of the SHTF easy.

Really baked the noodle thinking more about this... Ford funds the invention of women's studies and college feminism, goes bankrupt, gets a bailout from federal tax money... there for... every US tax payer was forced to fund feminism and women's studies over the past 15 years. Jesus...

Have a bump.

how many (((white guys))) on these Boards?

EU is a fucking rotten piece of shit that will collapse by its own hand sooner or later, sooner than most average people think and later than it would be required to not have massive SHTF once ECB defaults.

UN is also a piece of shit, Rockerfeller funded their building.


Their cereal is delicious though

The fucking banana circus that has been going on in the West since the kikes sabotaged every fucking Western nation after WWII must be stoped once and for all when SHTF.

Its our chance to get rid of them, to stop this fucking utter non-sense forever in the West. Start prepping, NOW.

Eat Post, you piece of shit

Metro Detroit and Ann Arbor have been a hotbed for jews and communism for a really long time. Remember that it was the University of Michigan where the weather underground was founded. Ford and Kellogg are Michigan businesses. It shouldn't be too hard to find common threads

These foundations were infiltrated and corrupted intentionally. I can only assume it's a big FU to the original founders as a sick joke/revenge from the globalists.

after all, Ford used to fund nazis. Soros used to work for nazis.
they both have common friends

But I love Frosted Flakes

Nice. Good thinking user, thanks.

that's fine, lucky charm is much better anyway.

chocolate lucky charm cereal was god tier

what's your favorite cereal?

Frosted Flakes funds domestic terrorism.

Every spoonful of those delicious cereals are equivalent to giving a handful of bullets to a BLM gang member nigger who wants you dead just because you're white.

Its your choice.


Shanta Driver of BAMN fame is a Michigan resident. Bloomfield Hills is a jewish enclave of metro Detroit. A /boycott general would be a great thing

It seems that Ford pissed (((them))) for funding the Nazis and giving out anti-kike literature. It's no surprise they went extra pozz on his company

We all know they are juden

Didn't fund the Nazis, no idea where you got that, but he was totally woke on the JQ and spread it through the paper local to the Ford factories in Dearborn. Speaking of which, ever wonder why they decided Dearborn was the perfect place to dump infinity muslims? Yep.

The Meme War requires sacrifices of us all, fellow burger.


HY MCHGABN??? hy nggs t???

Shld kks b klld, f thy fs t vacat th sa?

I want to have hentai with this picture

Corn Chex.

Just looked and out of the 6 boxes of cereal in our pantry 4 are Kellogg. God fucking damnit.
Post from now on.

cereal's just empty calories and it's expensive

oatmeal is a redpilled breakfast though