Brit/pol/ - Karen Edition

>Heckler (Lee Nelson) hands Theresa May a P45 as she chokes to death

>Boris puts his foot in it with Libyan 'dead bodies'

>Rudd "does not need to" understand encryption
>"I don't need to understand how encryption works to understand how it's helping - end-to-end encryption - the criminals"

>Royal Mail to strike over pay and pensions

>Facebuck pays only £2.5m in corp tax after deductibles

>Britain the biggest diplomatic loser in Yemen crisis

>Unmarried men will go looking for ‘the alternative on the internet’ if they don’t tie the knot, says IDS

>Fox promises to copy & paste over 40 trade deals by the end of Brexit

>Brexit is being betrayed by a 'platoon of jokers' : Galloway

>Tories To Axe All Party University Groups Because Of ‘Risky Politics’

Other urls found in this thread:

>>"I don't need to understand how encryption works to understand how it's helping - end-to-end encryption - the criminals"
This is worse than them taking your guns away...very dangerous and very demeaning.

When do you coup may for being a closet marxist?

Good morning everyone, may you have a wonderful day.

I can’t remember how I got home.


Is life in Scotland really as depressing, drug-fuelled, and violent as Trainspotting, The Acid House, Billy Elliott, and Filth makes it seem?

good ed

scotland has the perfect combination of poverty shit weather and urban decay to be one of the most depressing places in the world. refugees who get put there complain they are bored and want to leave back home.

oh btw i found the real karen

no you cant save it

>britpol neets can appreciate 3D

You too Tunnocks


Reality bites

Funny thing about it is that the killer is a child of incest.

A man has been accused of raping a young City worker in his hotel room after meeting her on an all-day drinking binge.

The 26-year-old City worker told Blackfriars Crown Court she woke up to find William Paton, 30, having sex with her in his Holiday Inn room.

She told the court she was 'eight out of ten' on a scale of total inebriation, having started on cranberry juice at noon and progressing to double brandy and coke, plus wine.


... the woman continued drinking at The Dickens Inn in St. Katherine's Dock then met Paton at The Dirty Martini in Bishopsgate.

She told the jury she regrets not catching the train opposite the bar and returning home to her long-term boyfriend.

The pair continued partying at Whites strip club in Aldgate before going to Paton's Whitechapel hotel, where they were filmed on CCTV.

'Exiting the lift she nearly falls into the flower pot. It is the Crown's case she was very drunk at this point,' said Mr Loades.


'She pushed him off and went downstairs and bumped into a stranger, who seeing her distress called the police.'

Paton was arrested and questioned in Scotland and DNA linked him with the woman. He pleaded not guilty to one count of rape. Paton told the jury he had little recollection of the evening, but stressed: 'I would never, ever take advantage of a woman. There's absolutely no way that I would rape any woman.'


Two drunk people have sex, but a drunk woman cannot consent to sex whilst apparently a drunk man can, because equality.

Ever regretted sex so hard you had to call the police?

abort mission
I repeat

Thoughts on your PMs god awful speech?

fucking shit. a bad impression of david cameron. and even the genuine article is fucking terrible.

>100 Women: 'I transitioned and lost my male privilege'

The state...

She is a mess. No more needs to be said, really. I reckon she will be gone by the end of the year.

only bit i liked was that she admitted she fucked up by not being a mother and wanted to help birthrates and families. then i realised she actualy meant helping pakis to take over even faster and got angry.

She pulled off the Hillary coughing bit quite well. Did you see when the F in 'for' of the parties slogan fell off the wall behind her? Fucking hilarious! And that guy handing her that piece of paper! What a fucking train wreck lmao

What do you all think of the Edward Heath accusations then?



I don’t understand why that man was allowed anywhere near her to give her the paper in the first place. Someone from her close protection needs to be sacked for that.

Start buying guns.


Lmao at the absolute state of little england


Theresa May will exit this world having been a terrible prime minister and having had no offspring.

>and having had no offspring.


Is it some sort of requirement that European country leaders not have children? Or is it a "head of state/parliament with a surname beginning with M" thing

Britain has had black people in it during the following periods in history.
4000BCE - 1900CE
1970CE - Present
Rorke's "ideal" Britain has only existed for 70 odd years and is therefore a historical anomaly.

Has anyone heard of the new hit comedy on ITV2 called 'Timewasters'? It looks like it's going to be hilarious! I urge you all to go see the latest trailer!

May - Medical Issues
Macron - Married a fossil
Merkel - Rug Muncher.





Jokes on you. I'm movin back in with my parents today after having quit my job.

Utter shite m8

And you too based pedo user

Sorry she has non white blood in her, literally murrifat tier

Why the fuck am I attracted to girls like this, desu?

I've started finding man chin to be an attractive feature. Is this because of propaganda?

I don't need to work, I bought ChainLink :^)


Care to elaborate?

Never seen anything about that

Have you been getting progressively more homosexual as you age?


Not really. I used to like Tranny porn a loy when I was young, but I don't watch any porn now.

*a lot

>Born the child of incest - his parents were uncle and niece - he was an orphan by the age of six.

Is that another crypto-coin thing?

Congratulations on your savy move user.

probably because that's a 9/10 in Bongistan
that or you're just really ugly and your brain is subconsciously lowering your standards

Say it with me: Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Usual sob story shit, the liberals can never accept some people are born fucking evil

That would be probably be a 7/10 here, realistically.

Morning lads

True, but the sentence isn’t bad. He is unlikely to be released. Although the death penalty would be a better option for bastards like him.

I don’t understand why nobody saw this coming. He has 21 previous convictions, a lot of them violent. Definitely born like that as you say.

Has "whiteness" cannibalized englishness yet?

She doesn't have the arse the size of a bus and a belly like a 6 month preg chav - 8/10 for here i'd say.

UK females have the upper hand they know we'll literally fuck anything and accept any shit they come out with

i want to plow karen's nasty urine smelling manko


Karen is meant to be half Jap half British


Harsh to say the family win the Darwin award. Just looking at some of the 'homeless' cunts around were I live and you know most are straight of of jail for fuck knows what short of wicked shit. What fucking really gets me is why they hang around places were decent people go to shop and socialise in the centre of towns.

Some might be genuine hard luck cases but most are utter fucking animals who want to shit over other peoples lives.

What is the Welsh one holding?

Metaphor for Britain in general, suicide by charity


This indeed

English cannibalizes whites

Supposed to be Welsh Cake, here was the "correct" version I did last year but edited the older one by mistake.

>What is the Welsh one holding?

Welsh cake maybe?

Too many nonces ITT for my liking.

He was known to them? It was planned?
Imagine other countries would have shot him when he got too close.


Britain is a massive disgrace. Nanny State ruled by posh and disconnected inbred social retards with an ego bigger than their capacity for intellectual honesty. All those good goy Brits allowing it to happen makes me have absolutely no sympathy for your regressive societies. There is no redemption until you remove the elements of anti free speech from your corner of civilization, Brits.

We have free speech. The only speech we don't have is hate speech, you stupid y-..... I'll stop there, don't want to get arrested for hate speech.

>Imagine other countries would have shot him when he got too close.

That’s my point. In the US, for example, they definitely would have shot him.

>go on /gif/
>open a beheading webm accidentally
>a knock on the door 10 seconds later
>I already know it's too late for me
>look out the window
>Amber Rudd is at my door; 10 SAS troops behind her
>quickly destroy my entire computer
>GCHQ have already made a copy of it
>15 years in prison

This is LITERALLY what Amber Rudd wants.

You can easily tell as well. He looks like a braindead fucking retard, it turns out that's exactly what he is; no one should be surprised.

I commented on this yesterday - the moral of the story is that sometimes you should judge a book by its cover, because if someone looks like worthless scum, there is a high chance that they actually are. It may sound cold, but the family had this coming by leaving themselves so exposed and vulnerable to a complete stranger. Utter fucking naivety.

Y***s get the f*** out of britpol.

Which bimbowhore would you rather shag?

I'd unironcally pick Marsh.
> She pulls duckface way less than Jordan and appears to have a genuine smile
> Suicidal wreck
> committed /fit/fag aka she has interests outside of being a whore
> hasn't got a retarded nigglet son

Reign supreme, Jodie.

I feel sorry for the kid the most. He is dead because his parents let that man into their home.

One can only hope that he gets stabbed in jail.

d-does this include Sup Forums

Most likely. Not long now until this place is blocked by court order.

Jodie Marsh is a true patriotic slag, she strongly supported Brexit.

Hearing from a friend in the Tory Party that Graham Brady Chair of the 1922 Committee had quite a few phone calls and texts last night...

Mummy May Tory Nazi leader has blown it , shes legged it , Her Millionaire MPs are leaving the Country after Labour Leader will charge them with Murdering the Poor /week /Vulnerable .
Get in here BRIT/POL LEFTISTs !!


is can be on shit council estates.
the violence is mostly minimized these days and kept amongst groups you wouldn't see going about normal business. mostly though.
scotland is just drudgery like most northern english towns.

watch this (((vice))) video to see it is all people looking for an escape from their boring meaningless lives.

Fuck off Mair.

I thought you were his friend. Also, good morning. How are you today?

.>actually having been asleep in the night.

wew lads i feel bad for you.

anyway im going to sleep now


Are they doing it for the heck of it or is your society that weakened by internal conflict already?
We are huge bootlckers and also on that course, but not so fast. How can this be?

you cannot make a contract while drunk, so it makes sense that consent can't be given while drunk.
this doesn't mean that a rape took place though. if they are both fall over drunk, then the value of their recollection is too low to be worthwhile. the man should be found not guilty due to lack of evidence of actual rape.

it is he said she said, where both parties are blackout drunk. i have been blackout drunk enough to know that there have been some situations that i have no clue about what happened.

stand aside brits. its the time of the new europeans.


I’m kinda supporting May now in a “she got to the end” rocky/underdog sense.

She needs to sack Boris though. His presence in the Cabinet makes her seem weak and one of the appeals of the Tories is that they’re (supposed to be) ruthless bastards.

Those things can't be human.

she is what Victoria Cohen could have been if she worked out and got fake tits.

jordan, just for old time sakes. for all the times i rubbed one out to pre-nonsense Jordan in Loaded

they're abbos, they're not