Teen brother came out as trans

My brother started to dress up like a girl 5 weeks ago and he wants people to start calling him a “her”
I mean like WTF

pic related is him right now
What should I do Sup Forums
I don’t want my sweet little brother to become a tranny faggot

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Lol what a fag

Ravish his boipucci then beat him within an inch of his life.

fuck him

honestly if thats your brother then he was made to become a buttboy. very feminine looking

tell him if he wants to wear a dress and explain about "her" that's fine, but he must do so forever and people will be polite at best. it's better to be a man in a dress who says, "yeah, i'm a man in a dress, so what"

t. a regular man

this is fake/gay slide thread saged

I'd fuck your brother

You got any full body pics?

Tell him no. You will not reinforce the mental delusions of some one with body dysphoria. If he was anorexic you would not tell him he was fat. Both body dysphoria disorders. He is a man and no amount of attention seeking will make him a girl. Try taking him out to do some shit that might build some T. Also tell him to stop watching sissy hypno porn. For that matter you should stop watching it as well you fucking larping fag.

Show your brother this.

The surgery that involves chopping a dick off and turning it into a fake pussy which cannot lubricate itself that must be dilated a few times every day to stop the open wound from closing up?

How could anyone put their dick in something that'd require so much external lubricant to the point where you'd be better off fucking a tub of vaseline?

regardless of what you think of these words now but this is entirely your fault.

if you didnt beat him up enough to toughen him up or call him a gay faggot when he was growing up doing gay shit its all on you.

join your brother and join the 45% club

Oh and this too.

>dat brow ridge

She's gonna be a hon. Sorry for your loss, OP. :(

t. /lgbt/ tranny

Can confirm. yuki.la/r9k/33066151 Repeat:


Fake, this is a pic of that Jewish Youtube thot.

Isn't this /r9k/'s lesbian girlfriend?

Dude, I think your bro might also be a jew.

Congrats, user. Wincest is now twice as fun! She's quite a hottie now. It'd especially recommend you mostly let her suck on you more than the other way around for now.

make him suck your dick and fuck him. if he wants to act like a girl then rape him like one

it's too late for him user, you're going to have to give a call to give to the big P

Mfw I'm too ugly to pass as a cute girl.

id smash


That's agatha, you homo

Start acting like you are Napoleon.
Demand an army to command and a palace to live


Give his faggot face a good hard slap and tell him to pull his head in.

ok, rip my english skills

i think u can do nothing about him becoming a tranny... thats not up to u... all u can do is explain that he will always be a man inside... if he doesnt like that then he can go fuck himself in the ass like all trannies do...
Besides... that tranny thing is for him... not for everyone else, he is the one going woman, not us making him a woman... so the "her" shit can go straight to his ass...



punch him in the face during his sleep then shave his hair off and burn everything he has that is related to being trans

Some people follow fads. Your gay brother is one of them. He's retarded.

tell him if he's going to be a "her", he better slut it up

make him watch some sissy hypnos. get him starved for cock. make him ruin his life.

OP it is up to you! to save your brother... love him but don't take any fag shit lightly, and lead by example. buy a motorcycle and a handgun teach him and yourself how to be men

This two r good options... check them out...

She's cute you're a lucky brother user

he fucking idiots thats the one turkroach trap not ops faggot brother

your brother looks pretty hot

I'd hit it

Convince him to become a trap and sell himself into sex slavery.

But seriously? Convince him to become a trap secretly and stay normal in everyday life.

I think she's cute. I'd fuck your brother. I'm the type of person you have to worry about. I'm bisexual anyway, trans people do things for me. There's alot of fucks like me out there. If given the opportunity I would sodomize your brother and make you watch.

post pics

Your brother looks like a cute Jewish lesbian.

fug it

Need more brother pictures to know for sure...

fucking cretins like you need to be exterminated to stop the spread of degenerate filth like you

Wait til he gets hormones and tits and then gets a lopitoffofme and has to vaginally dialate.
Then realizes after 6 months of endless pain and suffering as a new womyn, he can't get his old twig and berries back and ends up a ceiling ornament in your garage.

>Started to dress up like a girl 5 weeks ago
>Already bought a bunch of feminine furniture to complement his new gender
Why are you people stupid that you don't see this instantly...
Sup Forums really is the dumbest board on this fucking website

How do degenerate spread if nono reproduction

>you cant buy 2 alpaca toys in 5 weeks

Your brother has a youtube channel?



unironically this

Just kill it.

>not committing transcest
your brother is only moving towards the ultimate goal.

female on shemale


Support him. Really. He's probably rebelling.


Tell him to consider suicide

Tell him to stop eating soy

I'd wait for his final form to show to decide what to do, if he poke-evolves into a nice trap then fuck her, if not... Well, when you're in Vegas...

Explain to him the high mental and suicidal rates they have to deal with and ask him if he really wants to be part of that stat. God bless and good luck


Take him to get his hormones tested. MAKE SURE YOU GET THEM ALL! including prolactin levels, he may have a tumor on his pituitary (i do and it delayed puberty until i found out about it)

Also, show him research of suicide rates, and redpill the fuck out of him on it. Take him to transgender regret sights, get him into help. He has gender dysphoria, dont buy into the delusion.

Fuck him in the ass. Not like you can get him pregnant.

he's a lost cause already, all pink toys n shit, it been going on for quite long time unlike op wants you to believe (suddently) which is why i think it's larp or stupid op

The amount of people that took this bait says a lot about the state of Sup Forums.

>posting a jewess and calling it your brother
you can do better faggot

its a cry for attention
he's probably not doing a lot to make him feel like a man, i bet he's basically a neet who doesn't do shit in school
start spending more time with him, do MAN STUFF together
if you let him go through with it he'll end up killing himself because it'd be a huge mistake

Suck his cute little foreskin then pull it back and work the head until he blows in your mouth.


>pic related is him right now
You lie! No man can dream of achieving the ideal of female beauty!

Exactly. This is bait.


Not funny

Lol you weeb normies fail so hard. I'll explain it for you.

I'm a trap and I had 2 sons with a qtpie Korean b4 I turned 20. Then, i started hormones and became ridiculously hot myself. I kept fcking my korean waifu as well as the occasional big dick chads and even did some porn. I never got any surgeries and never planned to but after like 8 years or so on hormones, I abruptly stopped taking them.

That was a little over a year ago. Surprisingly, my T levels went right back into male range. My giant tatas didn't change much, I'm still gorgeous and feminine, and, the best part, I am actually in bed with my beautiful pregnant korean waifu sleeping next to me. Now that she is pregnant, with another boy, I'll probably go back on hormones again.

So ya 3 male heirs. Thats better than most kings can say. I hope that helps you understand how some of us out here can make degeneracy seem like an art.

Do you live in fucking Tucson? I've seen a tranny that looks exactly like this both at my grocery store, and at the coffee shop I frequent...

I don’t say this often, but seriously and I ironically kill yourself. Take you and your fucked up demented children with you, too so they don’t spread your faggot sodomite genetics

Lol normie stfu. Not my fault you haven't seen a pussy that wasn't drawn in japan since the day you came out of one.

You take him to the bunny ranch in Las Vegas, show him what a woman's like. If all else fails electroshock therapy

>those eyes

he has vitamin b deficiency or a liver disease, possibly hepatitis.

They look like central heterochromia iridis to me. Totally normal and common in Jews.

OY VEY don't make fun of the chosen

Stop stealing my schtick, fag


This one has some pics to go with.

Bash him for being a faggot


you people are retarded

Wrong website

It's called degeneracy, user.
It happens to rich and powerful societies when they get bored.

I'm sorry. Embrace it faggit.

except its not your brother and you need to go back to r9k fag


Eat shit you cock gobbling sodomite kike. Fucking off yourself you degenerate piece of shit, reading your first post already made me sick to my stomach

Beat the shit out of him and tell him this will be his life every day unless he changes back.
Show him red pilled infographics from /pol and red pill him on Jews and their tricks.

better fuck that boipucci before some other fag does it desu

Muslims fuck goats, why wouldn't they like traps?

Its like people don't know reverse search is a thing..

this jew cunt was posted last year already

Yeah because no one ever tried that before. It doesn't work, nothing works. There is no way to cure this illness. Transition isn't medicine it's barbarism we only still practice because there's no research into this. It's better than nothing but it's not a cure and it's bullshit and just plain lazy and evil acting like it is and pushing for acceptance instead of actually trying to cure it. It's a terrible illness and it will make your life feel like a rotten peice of shit even if you were a king. I just want there to be a cure or at least an attempt for it but normal people just don't give enough of a shit about us to do those dumb fucking walks and send kids door to door for like they will for cancer and diabetes.

Cultivate your own garden.


Fuck him, you know you want his boypus
