Is he...our...Cam Newton Dominates Female "Journalist"

LOL. Cam can't hold it in...reveals his power level momentarily. ESPN collectively pisses themselves.

Other urls found in this thread:èse-majesté


This is great. Right when the NFL is trying to cater to the libs this happens.
Seeya later NFL.


I fucking love it. I hated Cam before this, but now I'm a big fan. And it's not even b/c I hate women, I love some of them. I just love watching shit burn, I guess.

He tried to bang her, and she KB'd him so he's faux flirting with her.

Give me a quick rundown, I do t want to watch NFL anything

Nig laughs at womeme asking a question abt 'physicality of routes'
>it's funny to hear a woman talk about... ROUTES
>it's funny

which ripped buff black guy won the game today

You know what they say, even a broken nigger works twice a year. Cam is correct on this women, women need to GTFO. Go cover your own shitty sports that no one cares about.

Chick asks about some receiver and how he is 'embracing physical route running' and Cam smirks immediately and laughs and shakes his beautiful head and says "it's funny hearing a woman talking about routes"...implying, of course, that she's never done anything remotely as physical as running an NFL crossing route and she shouldn't be pretending to be qualified to ask the question. It's the top story on ESPN.


Ahahhahahh cam never disrespected the flag.
Just the game when he was green

Now his sb loss, age, maturity, and wisdom, he realizes that a fucking woman that has heard of the game Nd never played it... is USELESS.
A parroting affirmative action female that is a cancer for nfl.
Cam knows

He knows

Qb puts woman reporter in her place by implying she isn't qualified to talk about sports.

Woman asks a somewhat "technical" question about play strategy (routes, aka paths to throw off coverage and catch the ball at an assigned point) and he says "it's funny to hear a female talk about *routes*..."

You could read it as being condescending, like "who let this woman in here? who gave her this question?" He was smiling as she asked.

Or he could have been giving her props for knowing what she's talking about.

Either way, not a real story. Any woman knowing anything remotely technical about Sportsball is an outlier and thus his comment is valid. He's just a bit of an autist and voiced his thoughts.

Oh wait. Did I say autist? I meant nigger.

i've met black guys like him before. he hits women at the very least. probably a mass rapist

Based Nig Newton

I like Cam. He hasn't panned out in the pros but I like him anyway

They're going to make him do the walk of shame over this. I hope he doesn't, but I imagine the league itself will put pressure on him to give a half-hearted apology and more.

He started at qb in the super bowl 2 years ago. How is that not panning out?

And naturally the woman makes an offhand, obnoxious comment her personal cause de célèbre. "Finally!" she exclaims, "A story that is all about meeeeee!"

He lost idiot

Men can be men again

This. He was just doing the BLM first in the air during td celebration sunday.

If this means that the Panthers will get ref-helped to win a superbowl in some giant redemption story (brady-deflategate, Manning-asskissgate), then I'm happy as fuck as a Panthers fan

Women are property. If he mistreats his property it's not my problem.

I hate women in sports because they don’t contribute anything I didn’t know in the first place. The other day I was watching the dodger game and Orel Herschiser was explaining little pitching by details like why having a tiny blister will fuck your fastball but enhance your curve or how you can grip the seam on a two seam fastball with your nails or fingertips to influence movement. Later, a female reporter made sure I knew that Padres intended to score the next chance they got. No shit, huh! I’ve been watching baseball for thirty god damn years and all this time I had no idea that teams try to score when they’re behind. Fuckin thanks for the valuable contribution.
I get that women could contribute in a meaningful way for woman sports like soccer or basketball. It’s reasonable that a woman soccer player could have some insight about a free kick or a penalty a casual wouldn’t know. But women don’t play baseball nor football and unless that broad was throwing sliders in softball (she wasn’t) or picking up a blitz (she hasn’t), the best any female reporter could possibly add is nothing more than any other fan could provide.

That was kind of "cringe" inducing to be honest.

found the ape. im surprised the library is open this late

wow it's nothing. cam can't throw run 10 yards newton.

what the fuck is wrong with his face???

took me a moment

its plain as midday sun:

>hasnt panned out


First and only time I have ever been proud of Cam Newton.

This whore was covering baseball two years ago, wtf does she know about sports. Fuck the sjw progs.

The immediate follow up vid is two cucks freaking out, pretty funny

Jump on this. With feminist sock puppets. #fireCam or #SuspendCam

Gets sjw against nfl if the lesgue doesnt do shit. And if the nfl does suspend him. You can fire up the blsck sock puppets and say its racist to castigate cam for expressing 1st amendment. Watch two leftie groups tear each other apart.

>links to
>image contains a nigger
>news is about handegg interviews or something
Do you know what board this is?

WOW that was better than expected
>that smuggie smirk
>funny hearing a "female" talk about routes
>clearly demeaning

Feminists HATE the term "female" too lmao

that guy is a BEAST

>nigger says some vague shit that could remotely be considered condescending to sensitive types

The absolute state of this board

"yeah we lost the super bowl to a 40 year old immobile mayonnaise boy, but cam got mvp and that's just as good. haven't been shit before or since"


If a white player said that, we wouldn't stop hearing about it.

Nothing will happen to him.

Based Droid poster


Fuck you man, The Panthers didn't kneel.

Go after the Saints, those cocksuckers all went down for BLM.

Who knew that Cam Newton would heal our nation's divide after Las Vegas with an off-the-cuff sexist response?
Way to go based Cam

I know bro. It's just reddit. They'll come around eventually

yes you forgot, goyim, only colored men are allowed to display masculinity

hes a fucking nigger retard who cares

Nigger ball no one cares get out


seemed unnecessarily rude. he could have been fed up with having to talk to media in general tho since it seems like such a chore
reporter asks boring question, wow! what a curve ball

>it turned out the real nigger was the nigger inside user all along

EAD bitch, certain players kneeled for the Saints. Cam talked about racism every chance he got after the SuperBowl...

Nice try shill

ITT: beta woman hating incels patting a nigger on the back for chimping out. this is a perfect opportunity for a psyop, not nurturing your inner rodge

thats whats up

cat in the hat

women have no business being sports reporters

Black masculinity saves the day yet again.

>I'm an alpha because my whole life revolves around women and what they think of me haha rite guys


NO that nigger blew the 2015 superbowl

She's a studycunt. A woman who makes a big fuss about becoming an expert on some subject mainly enjoyed (genuinely) by men, and insists that she always be treated like a man would be (then complains when this actually happens and she gets the slightest bit of shit about anything). The most obnoxious, entitled, cunty version of modern women there is. Thinks she deserves a prize for studycunting her way to a level of knowledge that men acquire naturally through their own interest, and takes every opportunity to let everyone know her current level.

What is the difference between a studycunt and a woman who has a natural interest in the same subject (usually because she's a lesbian whose dad fucked her up)? Good question. The tell is usually that, unlike a studycunt, a woman with a natural interest in something is naturally interesting to talk to about it, and doesn't try to cram in jargon and references to prove she mastered all the vocab terms due for today's quiz. She accepts that this is a subject of mainly male interest and does not get uptight about demonstrations of this. She will even defer to male opinion without acting like it's a form of rape to do so. (Also, you might want to fuck the woman. The charmless studycunt you cannot get far enough away from.)

It is called laughing at the progs eating each other. It is funny, calm down faggit

Agreed. I had the Yankees-Twins wildcard game on a couple of days ago, and they had a woman on who contributed absolutely fucking NOTHING. They also have some stupid lady commenting with Rex Ryan on NFL games now who sounds like a 12-year-old trying to sound like an adult on the phone.

I'm okay with them as sideline reporters, I even kind of prefer it because it's nice to look at most of them, but keep them out of the fucking booth. It's a delusional liberal wet dream that women know tons about sports, that's why in every fucking sports movie there's a woman character who's secretly the most knowledgeable of everyone about the team.

I cringed hard af to be honest famalams

Libs need to realise that hating straight white men is a shaky ass uniting force; the internal contradictions of the liberal movement are truly staggering.

Having said which this video made me physically cringe, Cam is confirmed for fedora


>Libs need to realise that hating straight white men is a shaky ass uniting force
this. i red pill the lesbian in my kids play date group. saying things like "what do you think the black community thinks of gay people" or "you really want to live in THAT school district? they might hurt your kid".

lol you can tell Cam is such a dumass. His reponse doesn't really make sense. The female reporter didn't say anything stupid.

Still we can all agree its retarded how much we have to hear from females about sports these days

And its all about the $$$

Groupies should kneel when they see Cam in protest.

>black people

nigga you just went full retard

why is this the top story on espn?

they use the computers to look at porn

Because sexist pigs deserve to be publicly shamed and have their credibility ruined. It's 2017


dude that's the funniest shit I've seen all week

no he's a schmuck

Why do women constantly act like their shit don't stink. Wtf man. Just lol

He was also MVP of the league faggot

Twitter almost nailed it earlier in the trends.
Only off by 1 letter.

Because it's either this or the anthem, and that shit is like a week past being fun any more

No one cares if you don't win the owl


Because ESPN thinks their audience is 50% women

Imagine him having sex with your girlfriend

t_d posters outnumber us now.

Funny how they come here uninvited and shit the place up then unironically complain about illegal immigrants.

I haven't watched NFL in years and i'm not a Carolina fan but I like Cam. He keeps it pretty real and I liked what he had to say, he's right. Those hoes would never get the job if it wasn't for how they looked, they add nothing and they really should give the gigs to ex-NCAA or NFL guys who actually played the game. Shits getting outta control these days.

Truly a based black man

You just answered your own question my man.

So Dan Marino never panned out in the league using your reasoning.

You really are a stupid faggot

That literally was another clear cut example of strong defense >>>>>>>>>> strong offense.

Broncos figured this out the hard way. Now look at them.



>either way not a real story
Bullshit but no media group will ask the question: why do women want special treatment? This woman chased him down and asked for an apology and was pissed when she didn't get. She asked a mega rich mega athlete if he even knew her name after a year of covering him (he did not). I mean for fucks sake how self important can you be?? I mean take woman out of the sentence and insert fantasy football nerd reporter and nothing changes. He laughed at someone who doesn't do his job why she, as someone who's never done his job, would have the audacity to ask a question like she did.

This is the shit that sets women back and they just cheer this shit on.

Literally all he has to do is say " It was admirable to see a woman be so knowledgeable about the sport" and he'll walk of scot free. Hell he probably fucked her after. "Cam is ourgoy loloolol" lmao niggers aren't people nupol.

Oh my god this nigger is absolutely fucking hideious. Holy shit I don't want to bring children into a world where this thing exists. What the absolute fuck sportsball!

Nice one, pede. Baste black guy is baste.

>black people
>being able to use computers

man you keep digging yourself deepers

Someone insulted a queenèse-majesté


Now continue your nigger worship

Cam literally just saved the NFL

Proof pol ruined me:
>holy shit you might be right, was this planned?