Only those with an American flag on their post need reply. All other opinions will be rejected

Only those with an American flag on their post need reply. All other opinions will be rejected.

So, now that marriage equality/ gay marriage has been the law of the land for a good while now, have any of you changed your mind on the issue?

I mean besides the cake bakery shit have any of you come around to gay marriage now that like everything is the same and the sky is not falling and God hasn't sent some meteor down to smote us?

Once again this is in regards to gay marriage being made the law of the land of the United States, so only American opinions wanted.

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Yes. When it passes I was apathetic and now I oppose it.

I'm bisexual and i always thought fags shouldn't marry. I still believe that

Just because its the law doesn't mean I have to like it in fact I hate it but at the end of the day I can't stop people from being degenerate and whether its the law or not fags will still be fags. Its better to focus my energy on more productive means such as fighting abortion or defending gun rights where the stakes are much higher than some fags getting aids.

Originally opposed, still opposed. Homosexuality is degenerate and anathema to the design given us by God. Sex for any purpose outside procreation to create life is abomination.

I never got what the big deal is. Why care about what two consenting adults do?

The government should never have started recognizing marriages, it's religious in nature, some churches marry gay people some don't. The Government should have just had "contractual relationships", government and religion should not mix. But since the government started recognizing hetero marriages it was only fair to recognize gay marriages. If gay marriage concerns you, you need to get your political priorities straight.

Yes. I opposed marriage in general before, now I know that traditional marriage must be guarded.


Gay marriage is the only area where I can find common ground with the left. I've supported gay marriage for as long as I can remember.

So you're never going to have sex with a woman on the pill or use a condom, and when your woman's eggs are all dried and shriveled up, you're going to be abstinent?

God, you're such a loser. You're wasting your life over sillynes ya know?

Being gay is NOT COOL. Why do you keep thinking it is??

It's also not marriage, that's why we call it 'Gay Marriage'. Stop being a fag

Still not moralistic in the slightest, it becoming mainstream changes nothing


Not just religious retard, if you look at it from an evolutionary standpoint, it's as much a disability as autism or down syndrome.

though i will admit having god on my side is good

Let me guess you're mainly straight and plan on marrying a chick or you're one of them polyamory people?

I am married to a woman.

Monogamy should be promoted among all people, gay or straight, and sex out of wedlock for gay or straight people should be shunned. It helps in stopping the spread of diseases if everyone is encouraged to be monogamous and to get married. It's better for humanity's sake.

Honestly never really cared about gay marriage, and I still don't fucking care.
Fags wanna be fags so what ?

yes, i was apolitical and even somewhat lefty when it passed but now i hate fags

It's nice to see others who support morality for practical and religious reasons, we should push this more


You got yours, so fuck everyone else right?

Thats why I support gay marriage and marriage in general, it's practical and good for society that people stick with one person and not sleep around. Just seems like common sense to me.

Yes, that's exactly right

Except gays are an abomination by god and by darwin. they really should be fixed or be culled.

Is someone butt hurt that he's not getting any dick and is stuck with the tuna boat for the rest of his life?

That is unless you're overlooking an evolutionary benefit of them. One proposal is that homosexuality originally generated as to provide extra care givers for a family's children as the gay person would not be having children so they could assist with other family members' children like while the man is out hunting and the woman is cooking spper or weaving a basket or some shit. Someone's got to look after the brats.

Gay marriage should be labelled Gay-marriage, separate from regular marriage. You can't reproduce, your genes are naturally destined to perish, what's the point in lying to yourself and putting on a show?

Only those with an American flag on their post need reply. All other opinions will be rejected.

Gotta keep them opinions easily within the same moron range.
Whats up, did you and your same sex life partner fall out over "whose the daddy"?
Quick answer is, it's Tyrone.

Darwin also never said anything of homosexuality. And I'm not going to even open up the can of worms that is God on homosexuality. People believe God supports and opposes all sorts of things and argue ad nasueam over what he does or doesn't like, in most cases, people make God in their image.

If God hates all you hate and likes all you like, you're not worshipping God, you're worshipping yourself. No onbe is going to line up in values/opinion perfectly with God.

Jesus fuck, second time I've seen a kangaroo say something smart this week.

i would not want gays caring for my children

No i just think gay marriage is degenerate

perhaps, but any of that is quickly nullified by gay parent pedophile rings, and it isn't useful nowadays either

Aww tweek and craig
I was against it when i was way deep in the closet, to keep up appearances bc I'm surrounded by hill folk. Then i discovered ron paul back in 04 and acted like it was a states rights issue. Then i abandoned libertarianism bc i realized that i was surrounded by racist idiots who liked to stick their dick in gun chambers. So i became an anarchist and realize i made a mistake bc it looks like libertarians and republicans secretly love poking sissy ass. Life is hard. Enjoy my blog!
Tldr i support gay marriage

Every bait thread I make is going to be like this now. X/Y/Z discarded, only A/B/C allowed

Thanks for the idea

Not being able to reproduce is what makes it anti darwin dude

Thats not entirely accurate. Actually theoretically two men can have a baby with the use of science, since men are xy, you can remove genetic material from a female egg and replace it with two x's from one partner and impregnate the egg with the sperm of the other. Scientists have said it is possible, they just haven't perfected it asit would be costly, but technically that point will be going out the window rather soon.

Lesbians on the other hand... they both have xx's and is more complicated in producing offspring together than it is with two men.

Gays are degenerate and boring.

Gay parent pedophile rings ? Is this like a PizzaGate thing ? Because I've been trying to find one in my neighbourhood, but I just can't seem to find it ?

Do you have anything besides the false notion that gay people are all pedophiles or that all gay people participate in pride parades?

the entire government institution of marriage should be abolished, so no, gays should not be able to legally marry

>have any of you changed your mind on the issue?


If fags had just been quiet and content after getting the last of the "equality" they claimed to want, it'd have been fine. Instead, they're just as loud, obnoxious and annoying as ever with more and more demands for being put on a higher pedestal than the rest of us.

Basically, I hate fags more than I ever did in the past. Even the one queen I still am acquaintances with says he hates fags now, despite being one himself. That speaks volumes about the shittiness of modern fag.

bro do your gay shit in secret and we dont care your better then the dude who is like "traps arent gay"

Only those with an American flag on their post need reply. All other opinions will be rejected.
So, now that abortion has been the law of the land for a good while now, have any of you changed your mind on the issue? I mean besides the Kermit Gosnell shit have any of you come around to abortion now that like everything is the same and the sky is not falling and God hasn't sent some meteor down to smote us?
Once again this is in regards to abortion being made the law of the land of the United States, so only American opinions wanted.

I used to oppose gay marriage and only favored civil union, not because I have anything against the gays, but because I was afraid the Muslim extremeists would go full durkah on our country if we started having gay marriages, screaming about Allah's displeasure.

Everything seems to be okey dokey so, I'm in support of it.

And now that I've grown older, I no longer fear the Muslim fanatics so if it does piss them off then it pleases me.

Now I would love nothing more than to go to a gay wedding with a bottle of liquor and with a banquet of pork only items and have it broadcast in Muslim countries, just to see them self implode from rage, kek.


Extremely this

You need to understand that the vast majority of gays are silent, you're hearing the fringes ebcause they are the ones that go to parades and flash their asses everywhere.

I nor any of my friends have been to a single parade, I personally don't want a baker who opposes my marriage to bake my cake as I don't want to financially help their business and I also don't want spit or shit in my cake.

Please remember there are tons of gays you're not seeing because were not loud, we just want to lead normal everyday lives in peace and quiet.

mental disorder

You sound absolutely delightful. Do you skype? And no I'm not being sarcastic. I'm absolutely serious, you sound interesting. I would like to get to know you.

Not according to science.

Also, the weirdest thing is that most anti-gay people are men. The more gay men there are out there, the better it is for YOU. It means more fish for you. For every gay man that's one more woman that's now available to the straights. Why be a self-defeatist by wanting more competition? It's like you want to handicapp yourself.

Marriage in the west was already a joke, gay marriage just made it a bigger joke.

No, i dislike gays even more now. I didn’t really mind them before the marriage shit but since then with the gay cakes and all that, I find them all insufferable and would prefer to avoid them at all cost. All the gays I know think they’re amazing people but can’t go five fuckin seconds without making sure everybody knows they’re a fag. “Hi I’m david and I’m gay you need to know that haha *farts cum*” is just annoying.

I love the Twink and Craig sub-plot, especially with Craig calling Tweek honey and baby, and seeing them walking in the background holding hands.

>In the west

You speak as if you're not from here... proxy?

America is gross, all those circumcised men. So dry and unappealing. I want a thick smooth sensitive cock head in my mouth not some dry yucky Jew cock

Who is trolling who anymore

Even if you genuinely believe that every gay man would marry a woman instead of becoming celibate, then you believe that every lesbian marries and the whole thing evens out. The 'gay men take ur girlfriend' argument reeks of buzzfeed.

Used to be vehemently against it. I just stopped caring a few months after the court decision.

As a gay man, I don't want any florist or baker making anything for my wedding or participating in it in any way. It would sour the occassion, that a cake or a bouquet of flowers was made against a person's will who loathed my union with another man.

There's a few nutty gay couples out there that want to take advantage of the situation and get shekels. No single group is without its nuisances who insist on being the loudest or trying to game the system.

Just because you see a handful of couples doing that shit on the nightly news doesn't mean thats what every gay person wants or desires. I wouldn't step foot in an anti-gay bakery unless a friend who was straight wanted to buy a cake from there, then I would just keep quiet while they make their purchase.

It annoys me to no end that a few loud mouths are being recognized as the voices for every person who is gay. It fucking angers me.

You're a moron. I believe user was stating a scenario where there were no gay men, that they were all straight instead. That is asking for more competition you idiot.

On one hand you're trying to claim them to be ill and disgusting which implies you wish to cure them, if you "cure" them, they would be heterosexual, meaning they would provide more competition.

How the fuck you make it home from work without a trail of breadcrumbs, is beyond me.

Great, now imagine curing both gays and lesbians. same ratio of men and women. Why is this hard for you to grasp? Oh that's right, your probably a faggot.

I used to support gay marriage. Now I want the govt out of marriage all together.

Why does the govt need to get involved in personal relationships? "Tax purposes"?


No, no it's not, there are many more gay men than lesbians. Also I can't speak for all gay men, but most of us would be taking the originally straight gals, leaving you with butch and Eunice.

In order to understand the failing of marriage in the US, it's vital to understand the rest of the world as well.

>'No fault divorce' and 'child support' and 'abortion' became the norm in the newly founded USSR in 1917. Children as the subjects of government was one of the vital cornerstones of communism. The affects of divorce upon children were very bleak. Stalin tried to make it harder for couples to get divorced in 1944.

> In the late forties, before the word 'feminism' even left the lips of an average American, we enacted 'no fault divorce laws' and 'child support' upon the Japs with hopes of keeping the newly occupied peoples DOCILE. It worked. Not only did the japs commit more suicides per capita as a result, today the Japs have one of the lowest birthrates in the world, behind Germany.

> In the US, Ronald Reagans signs in 'no fault divorce' in 1969 while governer of California. Other states follow suit rapidly. Social security admin. makes 'child support' law in 1975, under the cover of night.

> Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand falls as well. 'No fault divorce' and 'child support' and 'abortion' laws are created nearly at the same time as America.

So the point is, this not an American problem, this is a world wide problem which is and was mainly orchestrated by jews. I think that the breakup of the family is equal to the amount of destruction unregulated immigration imposes on a country.

CDC reports that "About 6.5 percent of men 25–44 years of age have had oral or anal sex with another man. Based on a differently worded question, 11 percent of women 25–44 years of age reported having had a sexual experience with another woman. "

Why do people now-a-days sit down and decide how they feel about every single issue and then talk about their feelings?

As if those feelings are actually going to make a difference. For a board made up of a generation of "feelers", it's ironic that this board also mocks feelings.

Imagine the most ridiculous and silly person ever. He she it whatever doesn't compare to what you'll see in a mirror.

Men are more crystallized in their sexuality, women are more fluid, thus why women are more likely to experiment with the same sex than men. There are many more gay men than lesbians, you're confusing experimentation, with actual orientation.

Getting drunk at a frat party and making out with another girl does not make a lesbian.

Strongly oppose if they get higher tax savings. Shouldn't be raising kids therefore shouldn't get benefits. Martial deduction and retirement stuff is fine though.

>I can feel my nose getting bigger

Marriage should never have been a government contract to begin with, as the government should only treat people as individuals.

Even the intended purpose, as a sort of security for the birth of children, could have been better handled directly as a registration at or before birth.

Ban all legal marriages.

What about contracts?

Even if you don't like marriage for anyone. Who wants an individual not to see their partner, gay straight whatever, denied access because they're not family.

If you don't marry the man or woman you're with, you're likely not to be seen as family.

There's also property rights. Marriage seals both of those up in a nice little package. You think your grandma and grandpa are gonna go through trying to figure out legalese in order to make them related? no, and who is, except people who want to protect money from gold niggers.

I remember being for it at the time, but I feel like maybe that stepping stone has led to trannydom becoming as mainstream as it has, so I maybe the slippery slope should've been taken into consideration.

Bingo. Seeing what faggots have actually done with their "rights" to LARP as though they were actually engaged in matrimony has made me hate them.

And yes, the sky IS falling, and we ARE being smote by God, evidently, because colon cancer rates are skyrocketing, our rights to religion basically no longer exist, child molestation is becoming normalized, and it is now legal to put children on chemicals and cut their balls off because they want to play with a dress once.

Everything that the Christian jackasses said would happen if faggots were allowed to "marry" has HAPPENED. Every single thing. I didn't care ten years ago but I'm sure fucking convinced now that this disgusting, criminal meme called "faggot love" is simply a cover for child molestation.

It won't last. Leftists will have to back down as Islam continues its rise in their countries, and with them gone, who will be left to support it? All it will take is one Christian revivalism spree in the US and one new Pope in Rome and the game will be over for good.

>Bingo. Seeing what faggots have actually done with their "rights" to LARP as though they were actually engaged in matrimony has made me hate them.

The best part is that you're hate doesn't hurt them... it hurts you. You carry around shit like that you're gonna have high blood pressure and have an early heart attack.

Hate doesn't hurt the people you hate, it only hurts your health. Have you studied any biology?

You're killing yourself without your enemies help. If you want to die even sooner take up smoking and drinking.

>Every single thing
Oh, you Christian Scientists, you reject medicine and science until you need it.

You believe in superstition and expect America to take you seriously. Do the world a favor and crucify yourself you supernatural idiots.

You expect us to have laws based on supernatural ideas? You should be locked in a sanitorium against your will and shocked until you come back to reality.

I think all marriage is complete nonsense.

Why? What if you find a woman or man who you want to be tied to and have it so she or he can visit you when you get sick and make health care choices for you and for you to be legally considered family? Or if you want all your goods and living services to go to she or he?

If making a family between a man and a woman, two men, two women, ought not be recognized, should adoption not be recognized?

Why should that child take your name or receieve any life insurance, or be able to seee you if you get sick. Why shouldn't people be able to make their own families?

And just because you don't like it or want it doesn't mean it's nonsense to others.

Say you don't like drinking or smoking cigarettes, does that mean no one else should or can based on what you alone want in your life?

Fuck you. I'm getting married

Holy shit the mental gymanstics straights have to do to possibly remotely maybe comprehend the fact that a gay man can make a baby at ANY FUCKING TIME HE WANTS. They're called women it's not hard dipshit

Marriage in general is a religious institution that sodomites should have no part in. If some faggot church somewhere wants to 'marry' two homosexuals l i t e r a l l y sanctifying a union reveling in sin then fine, there's no law against that.

There wouldn't be a problem if the State had no part in marriages like it ought to.

>Only those with an American flag

Well, it seems like me shit posting truly knows no boundaries.

>everything is the same

You must bear in mind that your political system is quite conservative in the sense that upon the alteration of one law, it's not as if a torrent of similar laws can follow.

For example, it is a very real threat in Australia that free speech may be further hindered of gay marriage became law. Such an attack on freedom of speech is simply not possible in Burgerland because of how firmly the amendments are 'set in stone' so to speak.

Yes, yes I have changed my mind. I thought that it was OK to ally with gays and vote for Obama, because he would support the Employee Free Choice Act, get rid of NAFTA, stop the bank bailouts. But workers were betrayed. And now that gay marriage is the law of the land they are adopting children, and putting on womanface and endangering women and girls. Trying to normalize pedophilia and all manner of sexual perversion. We should have stuck with civil unions.

Yes I changed my mind drastically, I used to be apathetically all right with faggotry when I was a child and now I fucking hate it and want it and all faggots destroyed by the very dirty dick they desire.