>D.Grayman gets Hallow
>Berserk gets new anime
>Kuroshitsuji getting a movie
>bunch of others I'm forgetting
when one of the best feels-trip manga series going to get some new anime attention?
Pandora Hearts
>popular ongoing manga get anime
>I bet this drastically less popular, completed manga is going to get an anime!
That's not how it works. Also,
Kill yourself back to wherever you came from, newfag.
its a super feels trip dude.
>I bet this drastically less popular, completed manga is going to get an anime!
its popular user. it being complete is even better since no filler
> feels trip
What did I just fucking tell you?
> its popular user
Not nearly as popular as the ones you listed.
>it being complete is even better
That's not how adaptations work, retard. Again, you're too new to be posting if you don't understand this - fuck off.
>Not nearly as popular as the ones you listed.
its around DGrayman level.
>That's not how adaptations work
I'm well aware how it works I'm stating its better when its complete so there isn't shitty filler.
>its around DGrayman level.
DGM has literally sold four times as much as Pandora Hearts did.
Look, I love this series and its author, but even I know it's not popular enough for an anime reboot.
Kuroshit has a huge fujo fanbase, Berserk has built a large and respectable fan following for years, and DGM is a blend between the two. What does PH have? Nothing. It's too niche and its story is too long to reasonably adapt into anime form without a guarantee that it'll make money. Which it doesn't have.
And since there's no guarantee that it would make money, even if we did get another anime, it would probably be just as bad as the Xebec shitfest we got.
Except for the part where D.Gray Man has already had an anime adaptation in the past. Not to mention that the manga just came off a long hiatus.
Literally never. Maybe Mochizuki's new series will get an anime in a few years.
>Forgetting PH already had an anime
theres quite a lot of fujo in PH. every male character has a male friend they can be shipped with. but it is quite a complex plot so it would take at least 40+ episodes to get through all that content.
I doubt its a never ever situation