Why do Jews hate Russians so much? Just curious

>inb4 muh russia narrative

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the fight between these groups?

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They are majorly white, and Russia doesn't like what Jews did before, so no intermingling

Russia knows the cultural marxist end-game and rejects it

Do jews think USA and NATO would actually sacrifice themselves because oy vey the Russian know? How fucking stupid are these people?

Most American jews are still butthurt about the Black Hundreds and the Pale of Settlement. This relaxed a little during the USSR but now the authorities in Russia are nominally Orthodox again they're triggered.

They arent catholic.


Because the Russian monarchy would never mix blood with them.

They don't. Most of all, the Jews either hate the Arabs or the other Jews. My own grandmother who is a Jew said that glassing of Palestine would be delightful.

Why can't they deal with people not liking their bullshit? It's like
>You don't like me??? MEE???

Russian Monarchy had no Russian blood at all, and while they didn't mix with the Jews, they were hardmixed with every European dynasty and inbred.

>my grandmother who is a jew

Words discarded*


Before Hitler came along, Nicholas II and the Cossacks were the Big Bad among western jews.

Jews created Soviet Union, Stalin and Russians purged them out.

because Putin kicked out the central bank and paid off the countries debt



Stalin purged them? Might want to re-check your history m8. Stalin was a huge jew sympathizer. Most of his top officers were jews.


Why? Those guys were badass. Read about them in Gogol.

Stalin was as much Bolshevik old guard as anyone else. He had a plenty of loyal Jewish lieutenants himself, and purged people based on (real and perceived) disloyalty.

Fucking jew thread.
Use some evidence
200 years together by alexzander zolgenitzen or however the fuck u spell it.
Russia is mostly jewish google it

Do not beleve jew threads sage

They basically btfo of everyone who wasn't christian.

>jewposting isn't jewposting

Uh, thanks

They btfoed everyone. Their status in the Russian Empire was enforcers, so they hated all the other non-noble groups, and were mostly used to guard unstable borderlands and suppress Russian riots. That said, they still refused to obey the monarchy when the revolution happened.


mine is the book "200 years together" showing the link between jews and Russians

go back to Red-it you fucking idiot making arguments without a source


Solzy viewed jews as the enemy. He's actually famous for exactly this. That title is like "stuck together with these evil faggots." Yeah. What's your point?

Before Germany sperged out in the 40s the Russian Empire was regarded as the worst place to be a Jew because of its history of pogroms and the Tsarist government's tacit encouragement of them.

Tell us about your Nana Russiabro.

How did her family survive the Holocaust™?

Reminder that the last Empress was hated for being German.

>They refused

What do you mean?

>showing the link between jews and Russians.

youre an idiot too I guess. Solzy was an award winner and influential author

It's Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the whole point of that book that both Russians and Jews were at fault for the conflict for provoking each other.

>How did her family survive the Holocaust
My grandfather's family immigrated into the Soviet Union from France in 1937. My grandmother comes from some faraway shithole.
She wasn't hated for being German (pretty much every consort was), but for snubbing Russian culture and way of life, as well as being seen as an agent of German Empire, and, well, not to mention a decadent whore dragging down a weak manlet husband.

On an unrelated note, why does everyone think "le russia based"?
Russia is like 20% Muslim, and the Muslims are having a hayday with terrorism, murders and rapes. They even regularly declare independence and cause wars.
Ask any Ivan on this board, they will actually defend the growing Muslim population.
If anyone can get one of those memes where it's one guy shitting in the mouth of another who is saying "thank you master", and make it between a Muslim and Russia, that'd be great.

Jews live on earth. They are a nomadic tribe. They happened to be in western russia borderlands at that time. Just like they happened to be in Egypt before they destroyed that, or for that matter Germany. There's nothing inherently Russian about them, or Egyptian, or German.

Aren't a lot of Cossacks of Jewish origin? I read they adopted a lot of Polish Jewish orphans during the conquest of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

I am really enjoying this song, thank you :^)
so close....

I hope you realize that the Russian Tsar family were German... Several tsars of that dynasty (like Peter II, husband of Catherine the Great, who was also German) were born in Germany.
Peter actually stated that
>"I would rather be a general in the army of Frederick the Great than the tsar of Russia"

>What do you mean?
When the riots of 1917 happened, the entirety of Russian law enforcement mutinied, including cossacks. They didn't support any side in the civil war either.

there's a considerable difference between having muslims in your country because you conquered their lands and having muslims in your country because you invited them in. beyond that, it's also reasonable to conclude that the actions of the present Russian administration do not represent the opinions or beliefs of the general Russian population.

>Why do Jews hate Russians so much?
Is that why they literally give them israeli nationality and housing? Really makes you think

they're too christian

>the entirety of Russian law enforcement mutinied
By that, I mean, people, whose job was to impale the demonstrators on the bayonets and fill them with bullets, as that's what riot control was about.

Eh. Muslims flooded into Russia after the Soviet Union collasped.
Also, is Moscow a "conquered land"? Because Moscow is the biggest Muslim city in Europe, and it's growing by the second too.
But as you say, the decadence of western Europe and their nigger problems is NOTHING compared to Russia. Russian children being bred by central Asians as sex slaves, no-go zones forming, actual Muslim republics in Russia, that sort of thing.

>ISIS isn't a jewish fabrication

We aren't believing that shit anymore. I'm not fighting any more sandwars for kikes. Muslims are retarded but okay if properly domesticated.

They want the land and the resources, simple as that. A friendly government a la Yeltsin that allows them to pillage the Russian economy is fine, but Putin isn't cooperative enough.

Russia sends insults that their military cant pay for. Like having a Jewish oblast in the middle of an artic wasteland.

thanks mate.

Plus Russia has backs Israel's regional adversaries and has historically

The same reason they hate Germans, look up the progroms in Russia

Killing the tsar wasn't enough for these evil kikes

Russian jews escaping, sure lol.

The Russians coalesced out of the Kievan Rus kingdom when they converted to Orthodox Christianity and adopted the myth of the "third Rome." After since that, the Jew has always been trying to undermine the Russians. After all, they assassinated Alexander 1 in 1881, forcing the Russians to label them unreliable and go after them.

Well, if by "Jews" you mean America, than yes. No actual Jew gave two fucks about Putin, Even Israel, who has a sort of cockfight in the middle East with Russia (which carried over from the Soviet times by the way), doesn't hold it personally.

>Killing the tsar wasn't enough for these evil
killing the tsar was like killing Luois the 16th. Dude was deserving of death.

Because they tried to subjugate us for hundreds years and we put up successful resistance.

Oh my God, this meme again.
Are you fucking stupid? It's not ISIS, you dumbfuck.
The Chechens were rebelling against the Russians back in the 90s. They would ave done so much earlier but the Russians were weak after the collapse.
>Muslims are okay if properly domesticated
Yeah? Considering how the Muslims literally started as a marauding band of rapists and backstabbers, there was no Jewish intervention in that, you fucking retard. Jews did not make Islam violent ,it only directs it's aggression.

Yeah but Yisro wants the whole world, and that wish for land and backing of eachother adversaries doesn't get at the REASON for backing and wanting Russia in particular. One answer I keep seeing here is because they're Orthodox Christian. That would be an example of a motive.

Russians, as Christians that don't try to suppress their culture unless western countries are a natural ally of Muslims who also don't hide or suppress their faith. The Qur'an says Muslims will find an ally in a truly Christian nation in a world of frauds or something to that effect

Funny how the anticommunist posters are rabidly russophobic... Why are those Russian peasants look like retards here, strait from Goebbels.

Russians are based christians and basically the third rome with czar lineage going back to byzantium

Jews killed jesus and can't stand to be reminded of it since their whole identity is based around being christ killers and christ deniers

One word: pogroms

Tfw I've often attended a church in america with icons donated by the holy martyr Nicholas II

>french revolution was a good thing
>muh evil tsar
jew detected

>Russians are based christians
>Moscow is the largest Muslim city in Europe
>Russia is 20% Muslim and growing
>Goberment does nothing about the mongoloid hordes literally stealing Russian children by the thousands to breed as sex slaves (think Rotherham).

Yeah totally based

Cliffnotes answer: russia has a shitload of natural resources and has historically rivaled the catholics/west. Particularly for the US, their sponsorship of states hostile to israel is a key reason. That and competition over lucrative oil/natural gas markets in Eurasia

>My grandfather's family immigrated into the Soviet Union from France in 1937.

Your grandfather's family moved from France, a relatively free country in the 30s, to the Soviet Union at the height of the Great Purge?

>My grandmother comes from some faraway shithole.

So I take it her family were out of the Nazis' grasp? Was she raised Jewish and converted to another faith/gave up on religion? Or is she just an ethnic Jew who feels no ties to the religion like pic related?

>What is Donmeh


Wahabism=Jewish agitprop regimen and cooption result

Russia expanded into historically muslim lands, those people came with the territory

Russian peasants were retards, they sided with malevolent foreign Semites who slaughtered millions of them. Russia still hasn't recovered from this stupidity.

The European Jews were going to help the South during the American civil war.
Russia parked half their fleet off the US coast to stop them.
In retaliation Jacob Schiff crushed Russia's economy and funded Japan into attacking Russia.
They were able to do this because August Belmont's father in law Matthew C. Perry forced Japan to open up to trade. Leading to the Meiji Restoration (enlightened/illuminated) rule.
August Belmont of course was the Democratic National Chairperson during the Civil war, although they say he was a good northern Democrat. He friends back home in Europe had every intention of aiding the South.
Anyway, the Bolsheviks took over and murdered the Romanov family. And then took over the country.
I'm actually not sure who is really against who at the moment. Russia does do some pretty Jewish things like supporting Black Lives matter to cause division in the US.

Side note for people that didn't know. Jacob Schiff and August Belmont both grew up working for the Rothschilds. And were even more George Soros than George Soros is.

Jews hate ethnically pure and self aware congregations of non-jews of any race. They will try and bring them down. That's why the tsars were killed.

God sent his own son to die yet we blame the Jews and not him.

Wahabism came out, like, 50 years ago, you fucking idiot. And that's only Sunni, are Shiite's peaceful Muslims too?

Are you sure that (((they))) do? The Bolsheviks were afterall Jewish...

My take on it is that nothing increases productivity like war time fervor. WW2 America, its war time economy was amazing. When people have a common enemy they put down their trivial rivalries. The Russians play the role of the enemy to the 'west' and vice versa. The Jews don't really believe in nations themselves, they just recognize the power it holds over those that do. Put the pieces together yourself.

Jews hate:
>Every non-jew

>Russian peasants were retards, they sided with malevolent foreign Semites who slaughtered millions of them.

It's called the Russian Civil War for a reason. It turned brother against brother. And they sided with the Bolsheviks because Nicolas II bumbled the country into a devastating world war and confidence in the Tsardom had been weakening for years.

Your'e describing events that took place 50 years apart and were completely unrelated.

Nobody gave a shit about muslims since the end of the Ottomans until the fucking 90's leafkike. remember Disney's Aladin? Go away.

because russians hate jews

Bullshit; they believe in their own nation.

>Jews hate Saudis
kek, Saudis are crypto-Jews

August Belmont was Rothchild worker sent to America to do Rothschild bidding.
Jacob Schiff was a Rothchild worker sent to America to do Rothschild bidding
The events that both of them were involved in were very connected.

i'd rather be not white and not be as poor as russia

Stalin killed a bunch of (((Bolsheviks))) and other (((commie leaders))). It's a betrayal as Jews were controlling the USSR/Soviets with Lenin and other (((commie leaders))). Then they were either killed or exiled (then killed) by Stalin and the Russians. Since they can't really outplay their "muh Holohoax by ebil Nazis" card and destroy the "Nazis was defeated by commie/Russian greatest allies" narrative, they had to covertly plot and implement the destruction of their once loyal Russian pets. And the Jews are two-faced, double-dealing parasites. Once they can no longer use/find a use for the Russians, they throw them under the bus out of spite and to further their agenda. The Jews truly are despicable people.


>Was she raised Jewish and converted to another faith/gave up on religion? Or is she just an ethnic Jew who feels no ties to the religion like pic related?
I don't know much about her family. She came from Kazakhstan.
>Your grandfather's family moved from France, a relatively free country
"Free country" is bullshit for idiots.
>to the Soviet Union at the height of the Great Purge
A Purge wasn't of any threat for anyone not involved in some sort of power games and politics.
My great grandfather didn't move to the Soviet Union for some sort of opportunities or high position. They fled to it by all means, because my great grandfather was a highly intelligent man, who understood that being a Jew in France in the 30s isn't as comfy as one might believe. They lived in deep poverty (they didn't even know Russian and their trade could not be applied either), my grandfather also worked (as a secretary of sorts, writing and rewriting stuff) since the early age. That said, my grandfather adapted and accumulated wealth quickly, despite serving in the WWII and returning home with a little less skull than he came with.

That is Zionism, but the Jew is a race of travelers. Also they don't recognise other nations. Zionism was always meant to be an ideal, the nation of Israel being global.

Tatars are basically muslim Russians - culturally muslim. As much muslims as we Nordics are devout christians.
Same with Central Asian -stanians mostly.

>TFW you realize the elders of zion was fake but also real

Are you retarded or what?
First thing that Islam did was invade the Levant, which was owned by the Eastern Romans.
The Northern Africans also enslaved about 1.5 million Christians in the Barbary slave trade.
This was centuries before the Ottomans, btw. Jews had nothing to do with this.
You're a fucking retard. Do you honestly think that Jews are responsible for Muslims raping women in Europe?
Like it's some Star Wars shit and the Jews appear in holograms to the niggers and say "Rape da womyn".
No you fucking retard. Muslims have and always will be a shitty religion.
>calling me a kike
>defending Islam
Kill yourself.

Thank you for making my point. Communists struggled for the Russian people. Russophobic leaches fought for foreign forces. All your aristocratic cunts became prostitutes and waiters, when they were kicked out. So much for the superior genes.

I'm not sure what are you doing in Russia yourself - among the people that you hate. I hope you got beaten up a lot though, because cunts like you deserve it.

Poverty is recoverable, your brownness is forever though :)

>jews aren't responsible for Greater Yisro

Hahhah okay sweetie. Am I literally talking to Ben Shapiro right now?

All this shit that the tsar takes, especially from Russians is insane.

He just made the best of a bad situation. Yes, he might have been weak in some cases. Yes, there he let Rasputin influence his life too much.

But if the Russian people, especially high-ranking officers, didn't betray him, Russia would be fine even though a huge war just happened.

Jacob Schiff directly funded the Bolsheviks explicitly because as a Jew he hated Russians

Literally no evidence to suggest what you're saying, Mongoloid.
In Chechyna, drinking alcohol is heavily frowned upon. For some reason, in the UFC every single Russian fight is a Dagistani or Chechen Muslim,and they all say "allah akbar", "Don't eat bacon or drink beer" etc. etc.

Nobody cares about your anecdotes.
You're trying to say that they are about as Muslim as you are Christian. For one, that's pathetic that you take pride in your countries moral decadence, faggot, no wonder Finland is fucked.
Second off, you are right, the Christian population is declining because people are becoming less Christian, but the Muslim population is increasing rapidly.
So you're telling me that people convert to Islam and then immediately don't follow it?
You're full of shit, Mongo.

I didn't say that, you fucking retard.
Did they cause the refugee crisis? Yes, but it was going to happen anyway, because most of the people coming into Europe are economic migrants not even from warzones (i.e. Morocco, Tunisia, Iran, Turkey etc. etc)

However, now that the "refugees" are in Europe, why do you think that they rape women en masse? Do you think that Jews are sending holograms to them, encouraging this? No ,you fucking retard. They are doing it because they are subhumans who believe in a archaic draconian desert religion.

Probably the best way to describe it, Jews think people take it as a literal manuscript of a secret meeting

That's sort of how I feel. Reading War and Peace and the Possessed by Dostoevsky really makes me think the royalty got mega-jewed by satan himself...tricked into going to war...tricked by banksters destroying agriculture and pissing off the people...tricked by people pretending to be christian, when really they were (((devil worshippers))) and (((freemasons)))..on and on.

Russians are very worthwhile people, except that they always take the side against Jews. They are supporting the damned Palestinians now, people who have no purpose but to trouble Israel.

Palestinians, on their own merit, have no merit to speak of. Just listen to Mahmoud Abbas for one minute if you doubt it. What a self important little twirp, nothing more. No quality there. But propped up, largely by Russia.


>Why can't they deal with people not liking their bullshit?

Because Jewish history/culture in a nutshell is projection ---> overreaction

>Oy vey, those goyim hate everything about us purely because we exist! Welp, better do everything we can to fuck them over, it's a dog eat dog world, Moishe

You killed millions of their people. You think they'd forget and not trying to wreck you?

>I don't know much about her family. She came from Kazakhstan.

Does that that make a legit Khazar then? Does she not like to talk about her childhood or something?

>"Free country" is bullshit for idiots.

France was one of a shrinking number of countries in the 30s where you could express your political opinion without fear of being arrested and murdered by secret police for it.

>A Purge wasn't of any threat for anyone not involved in some sort of power games and politics.

They also targeted non-Russian ethnicities for liquidation.


>That said, my grandfather adapted and accumulated wealth quickly, despite serving in the WWII and returning home with a little less skull than he came with.
