Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

"In the Witch's Cult, I am a Sin archbishop representing Sloth, Betelgeuse Romanee-conti!"

Other urls found in this thread:


What a weeb.

Can I just tell you how awesome this anime is, here it is; IT IS SO FUCKING AWESOME THAT IT'S BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION!

Yeah, you got it right, I had to write it in caps because YOU CAN NOT COMPREHEND IT'S AWESOMENESS!!!

I'm actually done already, but there are some of you few out there who aren't convinced as of yet, because you don't have enough information, anything beyond this point is for you losers who aren't satisfied with a review that's two rows long, even though that's all you need.

To be fair, I wish every episode would've been ten minutes longer, because that would mean ten more minutes of awesomeness and each episode just flashes by in an instant any way.
This is a very manly anime, that is why it's totally badass and awesome!

This is an anime that have everything I ask for, it's tense, it's packed to the ceiling with intense moments, one after another, it's a non-stop flow of everything, everything is just amazing the conversations are amazing, and the soundtrack is totally fucking awesome, the story is impactful, there's constantly things happening, and you get everything explained as you go, the pacing is never weird and it just doesn't break.
While that might sound stressfull to watch, it's actually not, thought it is pulse raising, and you will probably be on edge from start to finish, I know I am, and that's an awesome feeling, you get an adrenaline rush from just watching, because it's so intense that you just want ot watch more and more and then, the episode just suddenly ends, and you're like "woah".

If you're only going to watch one thing from Q2 2016, then choose to watch Re:Zero, because you won't be dissatisfied with this, because it's too amazing to ignore!

Voiced by Kirito.

Is this an ANN review or something?

Kill yourself, you false-flagging redditor.


It's a REAL DEAL anime finally

boys it's been a long wait

Looks like a copy pasta, it doesn't even say any specifics about the show.

>he couldn't be the MC, so he decided to fuck him up instead

probably from mal or something


>comprehend it's awesomeness

This isn't very al dente pasta.

Does this look like the face of mercy?

MAL review

and his profile:

Please stop posting my profile.

After you kill yourself.

>gives everything a 10

What a guy

No that's my profile, just look at my perfect swedish: bjergenfjergensorgen

"If you are suddenly summoned to another fantasy world without any kind of preparation, what will you do?" A usual reaction or some of the reaction of other people is that some of them would really panic and do not know what to do... but on Subaru's case (the main character of the story), he is trying to rationalize his situation even though he experienced different kinds of despair and other negative emotions about his current situation and he is trying to adapt to his new environment. At first, he is trying to stabilize his mental state about what happened on his current situation, and after that he gradually gained some information about his current situation. On the later scenes, he met a beautiful half-elf-half-human girl who saved him on a unexpected pinch situation; more like a boy-meets-girl situation, and then... the wicked-like fantasy adventure of Subaru begins and how the lives of other important people who he met throughout the story could affect his decision-making, despite of his unfortunate situation.

This show, Re:Zero is one of the great anime shows premiered on Spring 2016 that exemplifies the life of a certain boy named Subaru in a fantasy world and how he could adapt to his new environment. It would surely enjoy most of the viewers who like fantasy-themed anime shows to watch this kind of show because it seems not usual to other regular fantasy-themed anime; it is filled with action, comedy, drama, and some thrilling and unexpected time-traveling and dark-themed scenarios... Wait? Time-traveling? Dark-themed?! How is it possible? Well, on Subaru's case, he noticed that he can not use any kind of magical powers but later on, he realized that he gained an ability called "returns by death" when he was on a pinch situation. As the skill name itself, he can go back to a certain time and place where he could start again his adventure. Later on, he discovered that he has this kind of "shadow(?)" magical attribute.

Those mysterious ability and magical attribute are really helpful in his situation but also somewhat makes his situation more complicated or pain-in-the-ass because of its unknown(?) origin. Even though his memory would not be affected on that particular skill, his shared memories to other people would somewhat affected because he returns back to a specific time in a past and it really makes the story more interesting, dramatic, and somewhat mysterious or dark-themed compared to other fantasy-themed shows! At first, the story-line seems confusing, depending on the viewer's perspective but it really gives dark/mysterious-vibe and cliffhanger scenes which surely gives us viewers more hype and thrills in this show! DEFINITELY THE BEST ANIME OF SPRING 2016!

Moving on, the multimedia and other aspects of this anime show are very good, specially the character designs that really emphasized the unique traits of each characters in the story. If you know about the animation studio called White Fox (the animation studio of this anime show), it would really show that it has similarities on their animation style and forte on making their own style. If you know those similar anime shows they created, it would really increase the impact towards the entertainment of the show. In my opinion, there are some quality flaws in other animation stuffs like CGI and other designs on some episodes that are not really well-fitted or blended to the show. Nevertheless, those are not really a big negative factor to the show and does not affect the quality and the development of the story-line. On the positive-side, I really like the animation stuffs like the point-of-view angles they emphasized on some scenarios on some episodes and it really follows the concept of the story. The opening & ending songs are so great and also fitted to the theme of the show (e.g. the lyrics and the style of the songs), which I also like in this anime show.

>8. Much like Saitama, I do things for fun, and not becuase I have to.

why are you newfags so obsessed with mal? who gives a shit

You are a fraud. This is real Swedish.
يرجى لها زوجتي والمال.

I did not expect that pop punk-ish(?) OP theme song was performed by Konomi Suzuki, and I do not know what would be my reaction towards that since her usual J-pop anime song styles are really not like that. In my opinion, the new anisong artist MYTH & ROID's mysterious-and-futuristic-style J-pop ending song of this anime is better in this anime show compared to Konomi Suzuki's opening song. In addition, there are no really obvious and noticeable errors on the multimedia aspects of the show like audio timing etc. The voice actors and actresses are also very talented that they really portray to their specific character roles; some are newly popular with the anime fans (e.g. the CV of Emilia, Rie Takahashi), which can contribute more audience impact of the show. The BGMs are really great and it and fitted to the action and other scenes of this show, which also mainly contribute to the impact of the show.

The story-line of this anime show is the greatest factor that mostly contributes to the positive impact of the show. I really like how this anime show emphasized more on the story/plot content and story's internal & external development rather than to the multimedia contents, which the animators/creator(s) of this anime really want us to fully enjoy the every 20-min episodes. The characters are also great; they all have positive & negative traits and great character designs that could highly contribute to the flow of the story-line; they have also positive audience impact like the famous girl Emilia-tan or EMT! (best girl right?!).

Well shit you got me now

In addition, most of those characters have their specific development throughout the story like Subaru who has really unique traits and personality compared to the other main characters out there because his positive mindset could help him on his decision-making to help other people who is really important to him and also to help himself to survive in that cruel fantasy world, even though it is really hard to help other people when he has his own problems. The supporting characters like Rem & Ram, Puck, Beatrice, and others are also very important to the development of the story; they have their own character developments and big involvement throughout the story, therefore they are also somewhat popular to the audience.

Overall, this show's story-line is very interesting and breath-taking in each episodes which is a big proof that this anime show is the best anime of Spring 2016. You can see it for yourself to confirm that this show is really one-of-a-kind! I could be more biased in this review and its scores, but I would really try to balanced those stuffs later when the latest episode comes out and I really hope that this review would encourage someone who does not any or little idea about this show to watch this! For those who knows this show, encourage them to watch this because this anime is really one of the kind!

*My overall scores are the following: Story = 9; Art = 8; Sound = 8; Character = 9; Enjoyment = 10; Total Score = 8.8/10*

(P.S.: If you have really no idea about this anime, there are Part A and B in Episode 1, so do not forget to watch those to fully understand the story's synopsis!)

>7,206 anime episodes finished
>never dropped an anime so far
>every anime watched has a rating of 10

Story(9): The story is quite simple but there's more to it. The MC is basically transported to a fantasy world and he meets many people on the way. The thing is that there are events occurring during that time that are fatal to him. What happens after the MC dies is him just coming back to life at some points of his story in that world(To make you understand is like as if he is respawning at some checkpoints he made in his progress in that world).

Art(9): The art is a feast to the eyes. All character designs are nice and really stand out. Their expressions are well made. Very enjoyable

Characters(9): The characters is another strong point of this anime but I need to see more as it is quite early to give a 10. The MC is a unique one and is rare to find one like him these days in an anime show. He is not one-sided and he is very interesting so far. The rest of the characters are also unique and I care for every one's screen time. There is development among them all with the MC and their interactions are always interesting

Enjoyment(10): For me it has the potential to be the best anime of the season. The travel back to time aspect is made that way that it doesn't get repetitive but for some people still may find it that way. This anime also has a dark atmosphere which is awesome and it fits to the story.

Overall(9): All I need is time. Time is needed for the character development and story development of the show. So far , so good. If the show progresses as smooth as it does now then it is a 10 by me

Update: So this show hasnt disappointed me since the first time i wrote this review, in fact the show got even better , those twists and character development is outstanding. The psychological aspect of the show is depicted perfectly and I cant see this screwing up , will update again
after 5-6 episodes or so. It gets its 10

>I administrate an anime/maga/cosplay group over at facebook named "A King of Manga, Anime and Cosplay"( /groups/ProjectMANGAMANGA) anyone who's intrested in a community to discuss anything in the world of anime, manga or cosplay is welcome to join, we are close to 500 members, but we all have one thing in common, and that's our love for all things anime (and of course manga and cosplay) come in and have some fun, and get to know some great people.

Why do you people from MAL and some other review site keep false-flagging into our thread? This is a copy-paste to insult and create a stigma.

can you just stop spamming shit? if you want to show how much you care about what others think just post a link

Stop being so buttblasted, false-flagger

What did he mean by this?


>Age : 25


Does this image arouse you?

What an asshole. I'd bet though that most of it is bullshit and he's just some fat fuck looking for some easy pussy.

Why don't they stop copy pasting reviews
Why don't they just create their own wall of text
Why won't they create their own bait
This is SLOTH

We need mods, and fast. We need damage control in these threads immediately.

>those profile comments below

>there is even a rolling Re:Zero thread right now
ok, the false flagging is seriously getting out of hand

> You will never enjoy this "hobby" as much as he has.

>completed: 5
You are truly slothful!

Why did someone from this thread link him here?

About my reviews, and my peculiar way of writing.
10 things about me

>1. Yes, I'm giving everything 10.
2. I don't write reviews for YOUR amusement, I write them for MY amusement.
3. I don't particularly care about anyone else's opinion.
4. I'll kindly reply to your angry message.
5. I'm always possitive.
>6. I main a Death Knight in WoW.
7. I enjoy cooking.
8. Much like Saitama, I do things for fun, and not becuase I have to.
9. If I were an anime character I'd bee concidered a Kuudere (even though I'm quite social).
10. I don't question much, instead, I take things for what it is, and often at face value.

autism and newfags


Best sensei

You know if you're purposefully infecting Sup Forums with cancer as a 'protest' against people liking a show you don't like you're just shitting where you eat.

This thread is lost.

Guys, lets go back to the old thread for now.

Thread theme:

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is betelgeuse but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF sl0th!!!!!!!!!!!! u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _... im 402 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch himouto! umaru-chan w/ my cult (im weeb if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! they're random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!!! lol... neways i hope 2 make alot of friends here so give me lots of commentses!!!!!

He responded.

It is nowhere near bad as mobfag mods deleting opinions they don't like in mob threads

He's right though, noone gives a shit about your autism newfag. Go and falseflag somewhere else.

Bear with me here.

The plot of Steins;Gate.
The setting of Sword Art Online.
The artwork of No Game No Life.
The thrill of Attack on Titan.
The plot twist of Mirai Nikki.
The curiosity of Hypnotik.
The darkness of Madoka Magica.
The cries of Higurashi.

What do you get when you combine them all? Re:Zero. This is completely different than what you're used to, and I can guarantee it. Although I've only seen up until episode 8, this anime is like nothing other. The first episode alone is enough to hook you into watching every other episode. Not many other series have this gift, but this anime does. It definitely keeps you at the edge of your seat every episode, and will have you wanting more after each and every episode. 10/10

Yeah there's at least one buttmad meme psycho fag mod, he's been deleting re zero threads too.

Even Lelouch is clowning on you dawg

Can someone explain to me what Elsa's role in the story is? Why did Felt and Rom look so shocked when he said he was going to return the insignia (do you have a deathwish?). Who did Elsa mean by "you're with them"? Was she just there to show off the specs of his new time leap magic trick and the Reinhardt rapetrain?

This is my first time writing a review but i had to because this is the best anime i have seen in a long time. The thing i love about this anime is that the mc actually seems kind of real. Unlike other animes, the mc isn't over dramatizing everything.

Story: 9
The main character was transported to another world which he knows nothing about and has an ability to rewind time every time he dies. The pacing on the anime is perfect though. It takes everything on and puts a lot of detail with the story.
Art: 7
The art didn't stand out for me but it still gets it's job done.
Sound: 9
The op, ed, and ost of this anime are amazing. The voice actors suit their characters very nicely.
Characters: 10
This is where the anime really stands out. The mc doesn't over dramatize everything like others animes do. The other characters all have a personality that adds to the story.
Enjoyment: 10
There isn't a single thing I hate about this anime I love it so much.
This anime is fantastic, i recommend everybody to watch it.

>this level of delusion

Elsa was working for somebody a that time. You will find out in Arc 4.

So a mod has time to delete threads but not to ban someone spamming the same shit over a dozen times. Okay then, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the mod being so buttmad that he's spamming this shit.

Nice review Eric

I once got banned for avatarfagging even though I didn't use a picture for telling a Tomoko avatarfag that she smells.

Mods work in mysterious ways.

Mods are fags, news at 7.

>mods don't do what I want!
Do you know who makes the first bait on every Mob thread? This "child war" is ruinning the show for most of us. Keep doing it, then.

Yeah, I got banned for 3 months last year for reporting a Brazilian shitposter who kept ruining threads much worse than anything you see on rezero threads and apparently it was "false reporting". Fucking mods, man. I also made a post like this before explaining what happened and they deleted that too.

More like mods don't follow the rules because they're autistic fanboys

why is the magical negro so entertaining to watch?

This is the face of all 10 MAL reviews. This is the face of the people that ruin the anime community.

What's up with Japan and its obsession with the 7 original sins?

They are hot.

It's an easy way to make an OMG evil character's motivation known with no backstory

>Mods are x!
kek Tell your friends to stop spamming MP100 threads.


What did he mean by this?


What's with all the false flagging and copypastas in this thread?

Just a butthurt user, wait for the ban

Well apparently he just got it.

no shitty bait thread

The guy just got removed, this isn't a bait thread anymore.

Would the witches cult fuck her up?

Do you believe that someone (who is spamming) is just one guy?

She's just a mercenary who works for money. She's not connected to the cult as far as i'm aware, if they paid her to work for then, she'd do it though.

I meant power level wise. Would she get fucked up by them?

I'm not seeing Mob threads being spammed, currently only seeing this

Just go to the mob threads.There's one mad janny who keeps deleting posts that says anything other than mob being aoty.He acted like a 16 yo whenever I called his bullshit out
Jannies can't permaban

Bishops are genocide machines, Elsa's strong, but she's not THAT strong.

Fuck off meme psycho fag janny

>who makes the first bait
You know calling something aots after just the first eps definitely not baiting.

Janny in damage control

>mob psycho thread title
>reddit:0/10 fangay thinks the title is baiting him
>no, you!

Woah there, you can get banned for posting that round here


>at least 6 threads at all times
