>be american
>get shot
Be american
>be Croat
>be Chink, Arab, and Yuropoor fused into one
>be croatian
>get russian
i would gladly get shot if it means other people retain the right to get shot
"Get into this padded cage, goy. You don't want to get hurt now do you? How will you watch porn and eat Taco Bell if you're dead?"
>be croatia
>nothing to put here because I have literally never thought about croatia
>be american
>be dumb
>act like it's a good thing
I don't speak Hun, say it in English please.
>be polish
>kill yourself because you wish you were american
Sup Forums has jumped the shark.
I get it. I've lurked on Sup Forums. I've lurked on Something Awful. I've lurked on reddit. I've lurked on Usenet.
Trolling is funny. People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Memes are funny. Some ideas just catch on and spread like wild. Anonymity is funny. People do crazy stuff when they're unencumbered by their "everyday" identities.
I get it. We get it. Everyone gets it.
But here's the thing.
It's really getting to the point where it's not funny anymore. It feels less like satire and more like... a desperate attempt to cling to something that lost all its value, mojo, and influence years ago.
Almost exactly like, y'know, Shia LeBouf. Which is kind of my point. Sup Forums is the Shia LeBouf of the internet.
Shia fucking LeBouf.
And here's the kicker. At least Shia LeBouf has a message that isn't total shit. I mean, I get it; Trump and Pepe are edgy as fuck. Sup Forums being super edgy and triggering everyone with their edginess is the message. But it's a tired joke. And it costs people in the end.
It increases hatred in the universe. It increases chaos. It increases sadness and loss and intolerance and pain.
And sure, you have the right to make those jokes. You can troll from sunup to sundown and that's fine. That's your message.
But like I said: that's a shitty message. It's a shitty message that hurts people. And it's not funny anymore. Hurting people isn't funny.
If you think it's funny -- well, you've got problems. And that's fine. Be that shitty person.
But I'm not going to be a part of this anymore. I'm not going to be a part of your shitty, tired, formulaic Internet culture anymore. I want my message to be better than that. I want to be better than that.
Maybe it's time to pass the torch to a new generation user. Let this beast die so a new wave of anons can replace us.
It's time to go outside.
I like to wear a elaborate Jar Jar Binks costume and mask as part of my every day life. I went to the grocery store, and saw how depressed everyone was so I thought I would help. I started dancing in the aisles, and yelling at people, and running up to people and taking things out of their cart. It was great fun. Then when I went to check out, there was only one lane open and a long line. I screamed and screamed while in line and danced, bumping into other people. I opened a box of baking soda and threw it around. Finally I got to the checkout. I started making noises at the cashier, and I kept pressing buttons on the computer. Some people in line were groaning because the line was getting very long, but that gave me even more incentive to make them laugh. I climbed onto the table and started kicking peoples groceries on the floor and singing. The manager and one of his goons pulled me off and said I could never shop there again. Can I sue for harassment or possibly assault?
>be america
>shoot Americans
Witness me
>be muslim
>bend down ass up five times a day like a fag with other guys 1ft behind you
>be poor croat fag
If the USA had normal public healthcare and better laws in some cases like an actual net neutrality law, better anti monopoly laws
But it doesn't, if you don't earn a lot of money it's pretty hard to live there, at least electronics are cheap
>be american
>clap while getting shot
forgot pic
>be european
>some faggots shoot 150 people in Paris
>there are maybe two or three memes
>be american
>some faggot shoots 60 people In Las Vegas
>there is one million meme supreme extravaganza
Plenty of them.... country is full of corn fed targets. When a country is that big 100 or 200 does not really matter.. you're just thinning the herd and encouraging natural selection.
>Be Croatian
>Pretend to matter
i know a lot of us flags that dont matter
>be shot
>get drunk