>Oh shit, Theresa May just banned anime. You can only save three series from her Sharia tolerance police .
What series should be saved Sup Forums
>Oh shit, Theresa May just banned anime. You can only save three series from her Sharia tolerance police .
What series should be saved Sup Forums
>combined Sup Forums and rec thread
God damn. Twice the cancer, half the price.
My three favorite series.
As a consolation, could I get her to only ban the works of Studio Gokumi?
Fuck you
Will Karen be deported under a May government?
Only if she refuses to do the tolerant thing and convert to Islam
dragon ball z naruto and one piece
My favorite animes consist of:
Toy story 2
Cory in the house
Airplane instruction videos from the 80's
I'm an anime fan as well.
But you guys have a problem. If you woulden't save these three.
how Sup Forumsacks lose more sleep over theresa may being an islamic agent than what the tories have actually done over the past six years
on that note, what are jeremy "Based God" corbyn's three favorite animu?