Toriko 379

It's out.

> it wasn't the poison clones trick
> Those 3 really got beaten offscreen easily

After eating parts of Acacia's full course, I expected the 4 heavenly kings to get a huge power up, but they're jobbing like crazy, even worst than Don and Jiro.

What the living fuck did I just read I am visablly up set right now

holy fug

Deer king ;_;

Teppei looks so fucking bored.

Teppei a shit

I hope he just leaves sky deer alone

Cmon. Teppei was the focus of the manga's best spread page. You know the one.

(s)he fucked up hard with the time technique, but doesn't seems like Acacia attacked him/her after getting out.

I forgot the blue nitro were supposed to be fairly strong after Jiro completely destroyed most of them easily.

The one where it looks like he got turned into a meal? Fake things are worse than nothing.