Guns don't kill people, men do

so why not just stop granting firearms licences to male persons?

Other urls found in this thread:

she's not wrong

men are the niggers of gender

Okay so let’s as the question: what is causing all these men to lose their minds and go out in a blaze of bloody fury?


If gender is a social construct then i have no problem with that
Just proves laws and social mores are for suckers

how is that okay ? you arent allowed to say anything about nigs spics women jews fags but loser is allowed in a politically correct world ?


>Guns don't kill people, men do
But who gave birth to those men?

That's because women who are loser, loner, and lunatics kill themselves for attention.



Paddock was getting divorceraped.

So it again was womens and societies fault.

Good one cuckboy

That's sexist, transphobic and misgendering.
As far as I know, all those killers could have identified themselves as females.

>American men
In a perfect world Jews such as yourself would gas themselves

Your neighbours sucks.

Say it with me, Tougher legislation on american men; actually lets ban them outright

Ah... Australian media at its best

Feminism (marxism) is a mental illness.

>a mass shooting done by a rich 60yo boomer who had an asian a gf
>it's losers and loners!

yes yes all according to the plan Abraham and Aaron! lets get rid white males of firearms so niggers can take over the goyim

I want to know too.
Perhaps because it's not 'racial' but more like a fact of life, some are losers and there'll be losers no matter what in any society.
But there will also be niggers no matter what in any society with blacks in it.

You just got fucking destroyed cunt

>asian gf
It checks out.

The smell of burning leaves reminds me of autumn, warm apple cider, candy corn, caramel apples and dead Canadians.

How have I never heard of this


>40 million babies murdered every year
>men are the niggers

I see the Australians are getting back to bringing their A game bait. Enjoy your 300 posts of (you)s

>paying all the taxes
Roasty plz.

so instead of banning guns, theyre going to ban males?
thats fucking brilliant why did nobody think of this before!?

Because men are also the creators of firearms. Stop granting us firearms licenses, we will just manufacture our own.

You faggots tried this shit before with banning Alcohol, remember how that worked out. Bathtube booze.

Men go on psychopathic rage kills because of the constant barrage of misandry from people like OP's articles's author Candace Sutton. The blood of innocents is on their hands.

Hey Candace, you got Trump elected and you will help re-elect him or someone even more reactionary.

I think it's a good thing that the news is now openly anti-white male.

With what little credibility they have left gone they will just lose viewers/readers and sooner or later go out of business.

>so why not just stop granting firearms licences to male persons?
I now identify as female and they have to respect my choice to do so.

I'll be at the gun store if you need me.

In all seriousness Americans really need to do something about their gun problem. Military rifles and pistols should not be available to the public The 2nd amendment was meant for muskets, not machine guns.

Right, she's a dumb cunt just like the cunt who wrote that piece of shit excuse for an article
>paying all the taxes
u fuckin w0t
I get ass raped not just every payday, but at the end of the year too for the "privilege" of working outside of my home state while watching Tyrone on welfare get tax refunds. Fuck. this. Fucking fuck this. It's a cash job or nothing from now on. So fucking triggered right now.

Fix your font rendering mate, that looks terrible.

>so why not just stop granting firearms licences to male persons?

Only If we can stop granting the right to abortion to female persons.


Does that mean that men are not women anymore?


Whether it's a white mass shooter, a black or Latino gang murder, an Islamic Jihadist, it's always the MALES of the group that are the problem.

Single mothers.

I think Holmes is the exception so far.
Lanza, single mother.
Paddock, single mother.

Who else?

Black men to be exact...