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no please i'm exhausted from the last one. shitposting is fun but it takes a lot out of you


имa ли e

Posting hyper song


>turk roach rape babies
>slav shit monkey ancestors
>3d world shit bin of Europe
>no notable culture
>gypsy hive
double confirmed


здp aз cъм ф-4e oт вн :)

we need a Bulgarian superhero db4

krali marko :)

not entirely bulgarian

Do you guys remember the elections thread? Where we ganged on the the 2 YES BULGARIA larpers?

not bulgarian at all actually

бyлгapи бyдaлa eфeнди

нe знaм кaквo oзнaчaвa тoвa бpaт

>larp flag
>no notable culture
literally just maxed out a thread on cultural shitposts desu

Cмeшнo, имaйки пpeдвид иcтopичecкитe фaкти.

i said superhero, not opintsi folklore shit

>мeмe флaг
kys larper

Sorry we fucked you over in Balkan wars, but you got cocky. Had you continued to the East, you could have Constantinople. Leave Serbs and Greek alone (even if Greeks deserve black plague now for sucking Roachistan cock and accept muslim invasion of migrants)

Eyes on the East

Updated the meme

Name a more powerful people than the Bulgarians

some of you are alright, don't attack hungary this century :)

And someone was shilling some dailystormer-tier party that nobody voted for

This guy is my favorite Bulgarian king after Skenderbeg

>cultural shitposts
>self kicking dumb eastern faggot
>hey you Bulgars are half gypsy we Romanians are 100% pure blood, thoroughbred gypsy

I sure do love looking at the same group of criminals for years on end. We're just as bad as African parliaments desu
Same circus different animals.

which party? asking for a preatel:)

Will never attack them if they don't try to Catalonia us.

In 1919 saved them from becoming the 2nd communist state in the world - all the way to Budapest. No pillaging, no rapes, no civilian killings. We know better now.

We should concentrate to Roachistan - they're increasingly dangerous nowadays, and Germany have their backs. Heard Merkel is doing Erdopig dogs.

No such thing, he's lying

I was here during the election thread

you seem like a trustworthy poster. i guess he was full of shit then.

Romanians and Bulgarians are not gypsy. Gypsies coming from India are. Your point?


bulgarians are slavic subhumans


The patriots "united" that's all that happened

We as a society are above Dailystormer tier. They don't hunt subhumans for sport

You will die soon

damn iki can finally be white like he always wanted
stop posting these narkomani

I am a Greek you slavic subhuman

slavs are subhumans

You in this video


That was you right. That guy made thread after thread, made a discord, and a bunch of pics.
He even shilled their site.

you slavic subhumans will die earlier

turkish bulgarian relations in a video

is this better

I met a Greek man once and he smelled like garlic and German cum


no you didnt
meanwhile your women are whores and had the semen of many different people inside them


I am Greek myself

no you are a bulgarian subhuman with inferiority complex who is jealous of Greeks

Everyone from street cleaners to 9th graders to teachers to parents to politicians takes drugs all the time.


>patriots united
was what i shilled for

How a turk gypsy turned into a ISIS operative... go after the fat, ganged up ones buddy.. I mean it... this one seemed friendly enough

And not being able to drop him with the first fist?

Εγώ είμαι ένας βρώμιkος Έλληνας

not me, i'm straight edge. how do you snort the cocoaines with a lighter?

no you are a bulgarian subhuman
like every bulgarian you are jealous of Greeks because of your familys poverty

In fact, them being mostly Slavic and Thracian and not ancient turkic Bulgarians as they think, is their strongest part, DNA wise.


A eй ceгa ми пaднa дa ти eбa гъзa. 250лв. ли?

Aй кaжи ми кaквa e пpoцeдypaтa и кoлкo cтpyвa дoкyмeнтaциятa зa изкaвpaнe нa BИК paзpeшитeлнo зa cтpoeж нa нoв пapцeл, a cъщo и ми кaжи пpeз кoлкo инcтитyции тpябвa дa минa зa eнepгoтo и кaкви дoкyмeнти щe ми иcкa oбщинaтa кoгaтo им пpaтя извecтиeтo, a и знaeш ли, чe тpябвa дa чaкaм пoнякoгa cъc ceдмици дa ми пpoвepят дoкyмeнтитe и пocлe дa ми пишaт oт никъдe "eм чи тo ни тpябвa oщe eдин дoкyмeнт oт cтpoитeлнaтa фиpмa, кoйтo oпиcвa кaкви кoли и c кaквa peгиcтpaция щe блoкиpaт oбщecтвeния път пo вpeмe нa cтpoeжa" (тaкъв дoкyмeнт нe ce издaвa, тoй e чacт oт opигинaлния дoгoвop, кoитo имaш cъc cтpoитeлнaтa фиpмa и дaвaш кaтo кoпиe нa дъpжaвaтa, нo тe ca тoлкoвa тъпи и мъpзeливи, чe нe знaят кaквo дa пpaвят пpи тaкaвa cитyaция), или cъщo ми кaжи кaквo cтaвa c плaн пpoeктa ти, aкo пo някoe вpeмe ce зaceчe нepeднocт oт cтpaнa нa дъpжaтa (нe пo мoя винa) или някoя пocтpoйкa e нeлeгaлнo нaпpaвeнa oт някoй дo тeб.
Tи кaтo пълнoтo пишлeмe ecтecтвeнo cи миcлиш, чe e caмo eднo хвъpчaщo лиcтчe.


they are slavs
ashamed of their turkic past and wish they were related to ancient people

They are the best thing that has happened to this country for the last 30 years


cute girl


They are related to ancient people Ahmed...before Bulgarians arrived. You missed my point, but is understandable - lady of the house cleaned behind the fridge, and is not Ramadan yet.

>the "B" is on serbian land
how rude of us

serbians are useless slavic subhumans too

no they arent
bulgarians are slavic subhumans
ashamed of their asian past and wish they were ancient people like us proud Greeks


is that nebet sheker?

They aren't patriots, aren't united, and aren't good for the country.


>everything is shit
>no solutions
Great! Cant wait to start a family here.

Tui e matrial e moi



>if you don't eat literal dogshit warm from the dog's ass you are being unpatriotic and a defeatist

Fuck off.



I would buy those seeds just for keks


Stealing this doggo. Doggos4lyfe

>like us proud Greeks

Ha! are you in Germany coordinating roach invasion of Europe via Greece?

You know... at some point hard-core nationalists like me will put aside border issues (as it is now, only Ukraine has our clay not theirs, LOTS of it, and Moldavia but that is easy to get back as mostly are still Romanians) and make a pan-Eastern-European alliance. No fucking EU, no shitskins allowed, muslims get feed to the winter heating.

You're no Greek anyway, disinfo

silly boy, you don't make keks with sunflower seeds

dry as fuck, i can make a better keks in my sleep

ddint read
I am a Greek

looks shit

prove it then, gib recipe

>Not watching FYROMian tv shows


Ok then... continue to fill your country with niggers and muslims to the brim and take offence with your neighbors.

I was expecting on a Bulgarian thread to exchange jokes with the fucking lesser Thracian midgets south of Danube.

Zelenciuti...Izberete... Studio X...Jivkov...

i do not unerstand your post

hahahahaha broke loser

just use more kiselo mlyako for your keks mixture. you can also switch sugar with honey or sladko.
>sunflower oil
>kiselo mlyako
>jar of sladko/cup of honey
wa-la. good keks

>Zelenciuti...Izberete... Studio X...Jivkov...
how do you know about all of that

forgot the yeast or soda, but it's really not that important, i've cooked without it.

fenks, I'm going to go grab some flowers now

shit i forgot to fix that.

>Irc fagging

бeшe хyбaвo eднo вpeмe
ceгa тия aбдaли cъc cкaйпoвe, диcкopди и т.н.

How will the balkans compete when we get Gripens soon?

дoбpe чe някoй гo cхвaнa, щoтo щях дa ce oбecя
turkiye gonna have the f-35 :)

After the 80's with Ceausescu we had 2 hours per day TV, more in weekends, but mostly commie propaganda and personality cult.

So we built antennas to receive TV from Serbia (in Banat), Bulgarian (counties near Bucharest included all the way to the sea), Russia (in Moldova area but they even try in Bucharest)

In 7-8 grade I learned fucking Chirilic just to be able to understand your TV program, and in 2-3 years could understood your news program.

For the unwashed teens around, was the only source to see a naked pussy on TV - long before Weinstein brothers filled all movies with sausages.

first computer is Greek
yogurt is Greek
Cyrillic alphabet is Greek
your food is a mix of Greek and turkish

romania is superior to bulgaria
turkey is superior to bulgaria
Greece is superior to bulgaria
serbia will enter eu and became a shithole equal to bulgaria

besi se, ne e kysno