Why is modern existence so unsatisfying? I'm in my early 20s

Why is modern existence so unsatisfying? I'm in my early 20s.

- I have a great job making above average salary
- A loving gf
- Decent social life
- Hobbies (rock climbing, fishing, reading, shitposting, etc.)
- House
- Car


I'm successful for my age and I've done everything right so far in my life, I've worked hard since I was 14 in school and my job but I still feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. It might be depression but I don't think it's that and I don't feel suicidal, it's just that I feel like I've been conned and been fed a lie. I'm not sure if humans were always like this.. Anyone else feel this way?

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Welcome my son, Welcome to the machine

Modernity is about rationalizing sexual misbehavior. Leading a healthy lifestyle is basically reactionary

Materialism is cancer. Things don't make you happy, consumption does not complete the man. Living for something great then yourself, being part of the hierarchy, and even dieing for that which is beyond all can help a man live a complete and "happy" life. You will never find what you seek as long as you cling to things.

Because ultimately you're just a well-oiled cog.

Do you smoke, indulge in sugary foods, caffeine and alcohol, or consume pornography? Your chemical reward systems might be out of whack

I'm in my mid 30's. relatively successful as well. feel the same feels. still confused about why, but i think it has something to do with the dissolution of community and lack of spiritual life in modern society due to our iphones, social media ect. i've been praying a lot lately. like actively trying to shut the fuck up and listen to what God has to tell me about what i should be doing. sounds kooky in modern society, but i think it was normal not too terribly long ago. seems to help.

Smoke - no
Sugary foods - not much
Caffeine - yes
Alcohol - on social occasions only
Pornography - very little

Why are you hiding your flag?

Look up Jean Baudrillard.

Reveal your flag at once.

Have children.

God damn I would hate to live in London.

Unless I had really nice digs, otherwise it's too loud, too many people, too much everything.

Find a way to be your own boss and make money by offering a service online. Move out of the city. Get a house on some acreage with some woods. Grow a garden, raise some chickens, cut your own trails in the woods. Stay out of the city and avoid going to an office every day.

having shit =/= happiness

I was like that until about a year ago, I even have kids. My lack of faith in God and the belief in the soul was it for me. I still am not into organized religion, because it's mostly subverted anyways, but IMO faith is huge. I used to think I was too smart to need "religion". College educated, make 6 figures, great with cars and have other hobbies etc.

I suggest reading Tolstoys A Confession but long story short science can theorize back to the big bang, but what's before that? What's the first cause? Both atheism and theism take their own forms of faith because we don't know exactly (although if you read good philosophers there are good arguments for a God), but atheism and even agnosticism are symptoms of nihilism and it is self destructive. Nihilism is probably one of the biggest threats we face today and it's been going on for over a few hundred years in it's current form (just read Dostoyevsky or research french revolution: read Edmund Burke), but people have been subjected to different forms throughout history.

If all of this sounds goofy I'm right there with you, and it's why nihilism has taken off but is belief in God and doing the right things for the right reasons such a bad thing if it brings you out of utter depression?

Get married and have children you absolute degenerate.

Life is not about living, it's about having a purpose. Do you have one? If you don't you're just killing time until death arrives.

This. This usually makes stupid drones happy for some reason. If you're unintelligent just have children and you'll probably feel fufilled or whatever low IQ people get out of having children. If one doesn't do it, just keep having them. It's bound to kick in at some point.

Because there has to be more to life than comfort and nice things. A higher purpose, a cause, as pretentious as it may sound.

>meme flag

Because you've already seen everything despite not leaving your room.

Meh you could try avoiding coffee for a few days and see if you experience less ennui. Fucks with cortisol and recently heard it has adverse effect and people with thyroid issues, common among meds. Tea is not so bad

Read more poetry, fiction, and philosophy. Have 2 children and a wife. Live in the city but a nice part.

Why is modern existence so unsatisfying? I'm 18 years old.

- I have a great job making above average salary
- A loving gf
- Decent social life
- Hobbies (rock climbing, fishing, reading, shitposting, etc.)
- House
- Car


I'm successful for my age and I've done everything right so far in my life, I've worked hard since I was 10 in school and my job but I still feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. It might be depression but I don't think it's that and I don't feel suicidal, it's just that I feel like I've been conned and been fed a lie. I'm not sure if humans were always like this.. Anyone else feel this way?

>dissolution of community and lack of spiritual life in modern society
This was gonna be my answer. 77 confirms.

I think you are gay OP, maybe a trans?

It's called depression, user. Maybe find new hobbies, or someone to talk to about it.

Within the population, it has been found that around 15% are prone to "exploration": taking high risks, being drawn to change and the unknown, being uncomfortable with routine and predictability.
This might be you.

With the rest of the losers.

Why is modern existence so unsatisfying? I'm 14 years old.

- I have a great job making above average salary
- A loving gf
- Decent social life
- Hobbies (rock climbing, fishing, reading, shitposting, etc.)
- House
- Car


I'm successful for my age and I've done everything right so far in my life, I've worked hard since I was 8 in school and my job but I still feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. It might be depression but I don't think it's that and I don't feel suicidal, it's just that I feel like I've been conned and been fed a lie. I'm not sure if humans were always like this.. Anyone else feel this way?

t. Athiest

welcome toooo thhheeee maaachhiiiiineeeeee

Because it's all a game. Your mind would rather have something real. A real society. A real struggle. A real frontier. As a man it's what you were made for.
But instead it's a game. None of it is real. You are a player. And you know there's game masters somewhere. Running it all.
And it doesn't feel real. And society seems tacky.
We are the middle children of history. All the reachable frontiers have been explored. And nothing we do really matters.

Having children is a temporary goal, not a purpose. When they become self sufficient you will lose purpose again, if you even feel it in the first place. I'm over 30 and have already gone through these phases. Read Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas. Actually research the societies around the revolutions and downfalls of countries. What do they have in common when it's not some kind of pure takeover? Faith in God, and in history gods, was social cohesion and the "purpose" and "embodiment" of thst society. When you lose it it's people become morally degenerate and start chasing whatever fad or try to enforce some bullshit law that makes them feel better, and it's different every week. Why do you guys think progressives and commie jews are more likely to be atheist?

>"If we add now the melancholy fact, that when Belief waxes uncertain. Practice too becomes unsound, and errors, injustices and miseries everywhere more and more prevail, we shall see material enough for revolution. At all turns, a man who will do faithfull, needs to believe firmly. If he have to ask at every turn the world's suffrage'; if he cannot dispense with the world's suffrage, and make his own suffrage serve, he is a poor eye- servant; the work committed to him will be misdone."

More or less the same.
I think it's because when I grew up, I had an image of what life was going to be. I was ready to make sacrifice, to endure pain etc etc, but the more you grow up, the more you realise that life doesn't require anything from you, there's no exploit, no sacrifice, no nothing. You just eat, drink, fuck.

In the end, I find my motivation in adrenalin rush, mostly through fight. At least it makes me feel alive.

Why is modern existence so unsatisfying? I'm 15 years old.

- I have a great job making above average salary
- A loving gf
- Decent social life
- Hobbies (rock climbing, fishing, reading, shitposting, etc.)
- House
- Car


I'm successful for my age and I've done everything right so far in my life, I've worked hard since I was 6 in school and my job but I still feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. It might be depression but I don't think it's that and I don't feel suicidal, it's just that I feel like I've been conned and been fed a lie. I'm not sure if humans were always like this.. Anyone else feel this way?

you need a spiritual path. either the Catholic Church or meditation - everything else is in between and not really worth the time.

this. living to be a better more moral man gives my life meaning. Also realizing that materialism/capitalism work to well at fullfilling our every want and desire that we loose meaning.

>I'm 15 years old.
reported lol :^)

seriously go outside

You need a long-term goal. Something that ties it together and keeps giving you cause to work hard. Cast your vision ahead of you. See if any opportunities are out there, and if not, plan your way to what might be a vantage point.

Because you obviously didn't earn any of those.

So read Nietzsche and embrace chaos?

It means you haven't found your true purpose in life.
Your soul is telling you this and you are refusing to listen.
You now need to really try to figure out what you were put on this earth for. There's still time to become the person you were meant to be.

Why is modern existence so unsatisfying? I'm 7 years old.
- I have a great job making above average salary
- A loving gf
- Decent social life
- Hobbies (rock climbing, fishing, reading, shitposting, etc.)
- House
- Car
I'm successful for my age and I've done everything right so far in my life, I've worked hard since I was 6 in school and my job but I still feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. It might be depression but I don't think it's that and I don't feel suicidal, it's just that I feel like I've been conned and been fed a lie. I'm not sure if humans were always like this.. Anyone else feel this way?

Said nothing about having children. There is no one catch-all solution for everyone. You determine what your purpose in life is.

You need something deeper, more spiritual to make you feel really fullfilled

Have you tried starting all of those things?

I find they help almost eliminate existential angst.

nietzsche is blue pilled atheism.


They want to be "free" from the commandments of God. They hate rules and limitations on what acts they can't do. That's also why they call themselves as "leftists", because they want to depart from what is universally perceived as "right" things/acts.
Liberalism is rooted from satanism. Satan's pride is what made him to be condemned to hell, away from heaven. That's also why liberals call gay parades as "pride parade". They're too prideful to have an opposite sex partner and build a family. All of what is happening now are acts against God. Satan doesn't want you to praise him nor build temples of him, as long as you're too selfish to pursue your own desires for the sake of other's rights/beliefs.
"Liberal art" is against classical art in a sense that the most hideous things are praised while classical has rules, limitations and guidance of what is beautiful.

Its really hard to pinpoint what exactly is bothering you because you're a nameless and faceless rando on Sup Forums, it takes a face to face conversation to really find out whats going on but I think you're depressed because even though you have a girlfriend, friends, money, etc they are probably inadequate.

what I mean is your gf is "loving" according to you, but maybe in reality she isn't listening to you and doesn't have any respect for you, you may have friends but they are probably more like acquaintances who only hang out with you for a little and don't care about you.

You can have all the money in the world but the truth is material things can't fulfill your companionship, spiritual or social needs entirely, it might give you a momentary thrill but again all these lusts such as drugs, sex, music, traveling, alcohol, these are all transient things.

In the West the leading cause of depression is a crappy or nonexistent social life, hatred of God, lack of female companionship, emasculation, suppression of emotions these apply to men, I don't really give a damn about women.

I'm not depressed, I'm just not content with my current situation, as of now I'm a NEET but hopefully when I get myself a job I'll be restored.


Tiny dick syndrome detected. Believe me, when you’re packing a girthy nine inches, life is VERY satisfying.

>embrace chaos

I can attest that Eris can be fun, but never be fooled. Most who encounter her think they are going to fuck but few realize she is the one who does the fucking. Although I always found it odd that for all the love of chaos and kek on this board I have not found more discordians.

happiness is not the key

Im 23, alone despite being in a LTR, and I make amazing money, have numerous side ventures, I have drank the nicest alcohol, been in the best villas and mansions, and drove the nicest cars

Realize to live is to struggle. Find happiness in God's Grace to you, and continue to build your empire.

Happiness is not the key of life

Because your so fucking shallow you can't fully experience the full range of human emotions. It's not your fault, most modern cultures don't really facilitate an environment that would allow you to realize yourself.

Nietzsche is good to read if you can handle it and already have a good base but again, that mindset is completely self destructive. It is "faith" in a "superman", building heaven and perfection here on earth which is utterly impossible obviously. Just look at communism and today's progressive movements. What do they have in common? Who pushes these movements? When your soul is damaged and/or empty you are ripe for control. Look at all the useful idiots fighting for what they think is right, but are really doing someone else's bidding.

Oh wah wah wah, fuck you.

kek, that graphic

you lack a purpose, since human have consciousness it's also a curse to realized that one day everything you do, the "you" that exist at this very moment will vanish into nothingness.
The whole society just meme you into thinking that having a decent job, marry, take part in "hobbies" is your life goal but eventually it's not fucking matter at all.

Religious fag will tell you it's because the lack of their spiritual nonsense. It's only because of their scriptural writing express a higher form of being, a "way" even after death to fill in the void of our existence. Well that's also a meme of course but since back in the day most people actually bought that so you found life less unsatisfying.

You have unrealistic expectations. Life is not satisfying. Never has been. You think some Greek rowing a bireme 18 hours a day every day, living on nothing but biscuits, thought to himself "I am so satisfied in my life?" No. That is why people have been inventing religions like Buddhism or christcuckoldry to find some way out. But as Aryan men, we face our fate head on and don't take the coward path of retreat.

Pressure to succeed, pressure
Pressures to succeed, depression
Pressures to assimilate, pressure to conform
Pressures that begin at nine and never end at five
Like a vice with a grip so tight we can scarcely breathe
With a weight so dense we can scarcely breathe

You are unhappy because you live in a materialistic social engineered world where a majority of the things you see induce fear and hatred. The world around you is designed to attack your self esteem and provide products to fix that attack on your self esteem.

You live in a walking advertisement lacking depth... a common cause... or purpose.... besides acquiring as much fiat as possible as easily as possible

I am pro capitalist anti materialism.

I included you because you were close to being right and I said more than just about children...

The desire for purpose is inherent in all. It always has been and always will be. Denying this is asking for sadness and lashing out. Again I have been through these phases, I thought the same as you and others in here. Do not deny thousands of years of wisdom just because "it's old".

>Under a pious predilection for those ancestors, your imaginations would have realized in them a standard of virtue and wisdom beyond the vulgar practice of the hour and you would have risen with the example to whose imitation you aspired

>burn at the stake those who impede the will of the church

Behold, the messenger of god and the ruler of the Catholic church. Have fun burning over racist maymays

yeah nigga you live in modernity

It's a joke picture did you even read what I said? I said I'm not for organized religion because it's subverted. Pope is obvious example. Best chance is orthodox.

Faggot all you have done is prepare for a job with a few hobbies to stop boredom and become a normie .
> be me join infantry
> kill haji's for a living 3 years
> catch round in chest hospital stay 48 days
> died come back everything else in life is gravy
> life is way better when you lose everything

who said those things are satisfying?

you don't have these things, you're a role-playing fatass and since you're a flagboy I'm gonna wager you're a roleplayer from the shithole that is east europe

I feel you man. I myself am fulfilling what I have always wanted to do, yet it brings me no satisfaction. That is, because deep inside me, the part of me that lives in fantasy land screeches, as it wants it's own satisfaction to explore the unknown, to be independent on our species and being completely out of the political loop. I was born in a wrong timeline, I just want to travel alone across the universe in my ship, explore it's wonders, be free from humanity and their web of stupidity.

There is an answer to your problem my boy. You are sick from the most common sickness in our time, but there is a cure.


Because you're an hedonist surrounded by hedonists.

nice user

Fake and gay.

1.) In my early twenties I had all of those things as well, but I was anxious for no reason and screwed up my relationship and started drinking like a mad man. When I got to my mid twenties I was a bit more mature, settled down, married and had kids. I'm 31 now, just sold my condo for a hot profit and now I'm moving the family into a nice house I got for a screaming deal. Now that I'm just a little bit older, I feel more focused and ambitious... I'm going to start building wealth as my legacy, turn my family into a real estate Empire and make sure my kids have something when I die... tl;dr your hormones are fucked because you're still a growing young man.

2.) You have everything else set, have some fucking kids already... Having kids dialed in my ambition and made me more productive... I am not satisfied with anything and I'm always aiming for more, but now I have a reason to feel unsatisfied, I have note created the best possible circumstances for my family to thrive.

So, you're a young guy that is naturally anxious... You feel unsatisfied because you feel like your life lacks direction. Give your life direction, senpai. Finish the job... Build a family and set goals professionally, financially and socially. It's what men are supposed to do.

It's because you know you aren't realizing your potential, dumbass.

Take shrooms by yourself in your room and listen to ambient music with your eyes closed.

You'll know what to do afterwards.

No really, dont listen to conformists. You have a comfortable life and that's fine. Having children is even better, but what you really need is purpose in your life. And only faith can give you purpose. Faith in your race, heritage, the future of your children, the glory of your ancestors and the beauty of your struggle for a better day. What did Reagan said about US Marines? That most people spend their days wondering if they made a difference, while the Marines dont have that problem. Well its the same. Did you made a difference? Did you contribute to the glorious history of your people? If not its time mate.

>you aren't realizing your potential
In a meaningful way, I'd add. Few people have the courage to do what they believe is most important.
Most people here know some of the things that need to be done, almost no one takes the risks associated with that.

Mix it up, change your routine. Find some sort of spirituality, eat some mushrooms take a walk in the park, go help out those in need. All of your basic necessities are filled. Health, family, financial stability. Get off this forum take a couple of weeks off and just explore the world. You have nothing holding you back

>tick all the boxes of modern life
>expect to be happy just like that

Well, you are vain, you think that happines comes automatically. No, you have to do the things you like and also educate yourself further. Happiness comes to you, if you are questioning yourself how it feels, well then you wont find any.

Also you are a dumb kid, read some more about how our bodychemistry works and some psychology books.

You are missing the 3 MAIN components of life that you will NEVER find satisfaction without.


In that order. Without these you are nothing but an empty soulless husk. Without purpose or direction. Material goods. Sex. Drugs and Alcohol. None of these are capable of filling the void in your life and soul.

Self-employed >>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEET >>> wagecuck

>having a GF
>done everything right

top kek


Because you expect too much!

Stupid wagekek.

I’m in my late 20s and don’t have most of those things and I’m satisfied and happy every day. Feels good to not fall for the trap. I bet you had people your whole life tell you to work hard to acquire the things you have now, and for what.

Tldr never listen to baby boomers.

it's been a thing for awhile.

Do you feel like you need people telling you how great you are? Maybe your ego is unsatisfied, like hey you worked hard to become normal and well balanced. Maybe try writing a self-help book and then making a bunch of social media to popularize your ebook. With that many people telling you how great you are or your book, your ego will be gorged.

copypasta faggit. sageddddddd!!

Gautama Buddha 500 BC: "all forms of phenomenal existence are inherently unsatisfying"

you can spend your entire life trying to disprove this fact, be my guest, advertisers spend billions trying to convince us it isnt true, to but the big house, fast car, trophy wife, smart kids, well paying job etc etc

I’ve listened to God do you know what he said to me? Hitler was right kill the juden

God confirmed

read some anthropology too, the old hunter gatherers were happier, read about the anthropologist who married one and she came to the west to live with him and became so depressed at the alienation and loneliness she had to go back to live naked in the dirt but happier

Time for the white man to reawaken conquer everything, destroy the jews and make our way into space.

You can also spend your entire life trying to mitigate it by practicing Buddhism. It won't solve shit.

Make babies