Rape Culture

*sips smoothie*

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she should shoot herself in the head to stop these terrible thoughts

lol @ this lady projecting her mental illness on "rape culture"

They are obsessed with being a victim. When no one is fucking with them and there aren't any problems - they will invent them and/or import them.

What the fuck is Rape Culture ? serious answer please

She comes across as disappointed it didn't happen to me.

you are lucky, you live in USA
There in Spain a girl can accuse you of rape her even when you don't fucking go out of your room in all day and destroy your life.

if someone wants to justificate their ideology and you are targeted, you are fucked
if you dislike some women you are fucked
if they are bored of their life without happenings you are fucked
event if you have the luck of not being punished for doing nothing just because that woman is a woman so they can't lie you entire life is ruined and you got to fly to another country or town because of them (and the social norm dictamines that those women who are in the social high ranks aka the most evil roaches of the city must be taken extremely seriously or you will be the next in their list
Those roasties use their privilege to destroy not only the life of those mens that are not feminist scumbags but other girls who they think are inferior to them ( because of they are not feminist or they are not roasties)

They go in their lives using their legal and social privilege of high rank womens in the society who they earn destroying everyone and getting everyone afraid of them for doing feminist activism aka destroying careers familys monogamous couples because they think that those things are more patriarchal than hit a women or rape a women.

How much you want to bet she's anti-gun?

Leftists WANT to be victims. They revel in it.

Poor girl, she must go through life permanently clenched. She should transition to male so that she no longer has to live in fear.

So... The problem is the people telling women "THAT MAN ON THE STREET WILL RAPE YOU", then?
What a great argument against feminism!

Good old Japan. Don't ever stop existing.

Japan is like the anti-burger
Rarely posts, but when they do it's quality bants

I actually thought she was making a valid point there, about how needlessly paranoid some women have become.

But apparently now it's out fault that women are constantly afraid of stuff that ends up not happening..
No sympathy whatsoever

Toronto women are damaged by Marxism and chronically underfucked. You need to be a shameless, smug, condescending, manipulative asshole (Dark Triad) when dealing with them.


It's the modern feminist concept that rape has become normalised and somewhat accepted among society these days, which is why rape jokes, sexual objectification, and catcalling is OK.
"Telling a woman she looks nice is rape culture"

So i'm technically a rapist.

Reminder this guy calls out central banks and Israel on TV but somehow didn't get elected as PM


>The New Constitution Party of Canada (NCP) is an all-inclusive federal party based on Libertarian doctrine, Christian values, and National Socialist ideology. Our political movement incorporates the intellect of Dr. Ron Paul, the heart of Chancellor Adolf Hitler, and the soul of Jesus Christ, into one powerful political Chimera that will crush the Marxist beast.

Literally psychotic paranoia. Absolutely delusional.

>Jingling keys

I bet at some point in everyone's past ancestry, even if thousands of years ago, there was some rape. Some rape, that created you! Precious sweet you!
And if it were not for that Duke having his cleaning wench as he pleased, and countless other examples, none of us would exist at all.
So you see, sometimes rape can be a good thing. Otherwise we wouldn't have each other.

>Delusional woman believes thay rape culture is a thing

Still haven't seen proof or a proper definition of what rape culture is. If she thinks she's going to get raped in a crowded area, she is, literally, schizophrenic levels of delusional

It's a hyperbole used to make it seem like "rape culture" exists, when of course no remotely sane man actively affirms a culture of rape.

It's a way for women to complain and get attention so that other people (men) will fix their problems. This is 90% of the female survival strategy.

Not technically, you're just a rapist

Paranoid cunt thinking everyone is out to rape her.

Honestly, these people deserve to be raped for being so retarded.

>men rape women
>woman prepares against possible rape

>blacks rob, rape, kill whites
>racist bigot only lives in white areas out of intolerance

>you are lucky, you live in the US
Unfortunately, it's everywhere

Rape culture is what they have in Muslim countries where women are considered objects


>but I don’t have my keys with me
How were you planning to get back into your house? Through the upstairs window?

a glimpse into leafbook

Here's looking at you paranoid schizophrenia

And look at this gem. These "people" are fucking sick.

Die skank whores

She is right. This is exactly what rape culture is. Female paranoia about random men. Feminists tell you that every man is a potential rapist and all of the sudden you see potential rapists everywhere. Still too stupid to figure out she has been scammed.

Maybe someone needs this turn down their sensitivity settings, stop drinking so much coffee, or start considering the liberal concept of "rape culture" as bad for your mental health.

>I'm a paranoid lunatic who has panic attacks when a man happens to walk by me, even though I've never been hurt by one or knew anyone who did, but clearly this all men's fault!

Japan is truly the anti-Canada

Why do these people always have to post non-stories and include *their* emotions? It's pathetic and a desperate cry for attention.
>hear someone running
>sipping smoothie, bored and lonely
>running person is man
>runs to baby and mother
>"sorry i am late guys"
>how can I make this about me to win friends that I will never meet in person?
>hurr dürr rape culture; was scared :'(

That guy should have his fucking balls chopped off and force fed to him.

I dated a girl who went to an all-girls private school from like 2005-2010 and this is literally how they're taught to think. Feminism/woman's studies classes teach women to be pathologically afraid of men they're not attracted to.

As usual, a leftist's thoughts read like satire.

Why the fuck am I not surprised. Literally Justin Trudeau in city form.

I say the self-hating groveling cuck takes one for the team. Someone should falsely accuse him of rape and then he can get convicted and do the time in the name of that social justice he champions.

> There's not really a message here
absolutely fucking nothing
the deranged delusions of an about-to-be cat lady

This is just severe paranoia. Its why I hardly go outside. Maybe she should try the hikki lifestyle.

I for one love our rape culture
Our kids go to rape school where they learn about our culture, they go to the various rape museums and see all the great history of rapine.
We sing rape songs at sporting events celebrating out rape culture.
The rape statues in the parks, the rape flags on our building always remind me of the great rape culture we have created .
Driving to work listening to the rape radio personalities bring the news of things going on in our glorious rape culture.
Truly a glorious culture

They can't accuse you of rape if you cut your dick off.

Of course it was a white """woman""". Free your mind from slavery, Sup Forums. Take the hapa pill.

>justifying spiteful assumptions and validating pointless fears by citing made up bullshit

Clearly she's not just paranoid.

>spamming this in every thread
Not subversive enough, too obvious

Where is this from? What the fuck? Did he lose the money?

I saw it circulated online a while back and grabbed ss.

Probably some ugly bitch you wouldnt even fuck with 4chans dick

The weak should fear the strong.

So basically she was lied to all her life about stranger danger and now she's a nervous wreck.

This is what shit parenting does to a person.

Rape culture is the fact that very few men WILL rape women.
Now consider that the words "very few" and "all" are more or less the same thing nowadays. I mean english is just a social contruct, its meaning changes all the time.

"Rape culture" is ridiculous. One thing feminists talk about is the "rape culture" going on in prisons or in schools or in daycare settings.

Feminists ignore the monsters within their own cadre. The only monsters in their minds are penised persons.

Until feminists admit that women are predators, too, they need to STFU about "rape culture".

ily nipkun

>tfw this hit really close to home

Why would I want to subvert people, when I can just show them the glory of the hapa lifestyle?

Well she's in denial like you are of your past

I'd kidnap her but it would probably take her a month to write a ransom note for proof of life.

Exactly what I wanted to say. She's been hammered for decades by people saying she's one hot minute from being kidnapped and tossed in a rape dungeon by a stranger (evne when most rapes are performed by family members and friends), and it's *rape culture* that's to blame? Not her parents or her own vapid lack of critical thinking skills? Obviously not. That kind of insight REQUIRES critical thinking skills, so in lieu of that just literally blame the entire world rather than own one bit of this dysphoria.

Based Nippon strikes again. Never change.

>feels the need to points out twice she's going to the Second Cup
>literally 6$ smoothies
Guaranteed pretentious Trudeau fan club member living in Ottawa

John Baxter is a desperate, thirsty little faggot. Women won't fuck you, John Baxter. They'll just accuse you of raping them, and then you'll what? Gladly go to jail and get raped for them? Call it unofficial justice? Eat shit and dicks, John Baxter, you fucking pussy.

Wtf is Second Cup anyway and why was it important for her to point that out anyway?

It's an expensive as fuck coffee shop that was Starbucks before Starbucks was even a thing


I never go raping without my rape keys.

Exactly how is it men's fault she has mental illness

>Shit, it sounds like I'm being followed!
>Better just wait to get fucked instead of glancing back and assessing the situation.
Consequently these are the ones that get bred the most, whilst the majority of rapists are coloured. The gene pool is fucked.

Holy fucking melodrama from a 5/10 at best.

This is like the "nigger killer death squad" MS Paint image. It's amazing that people will so readily believe lies that they themselves have made up.

>a 5/10 at best
She felt the need to mention the Second Cup smoothie twice, dollars to doughnuts she's a hamplanet compensating with overpriced hipster food


That shit has got a name, it's called paranoia, and she should seek medical help pronto.

Rape culture is retarded. Teach men not to rape is retarded. Women aren't taught to think his way though its because their whole lives they are grabbed at and touched and leered at by strangers from childhood to adulthood. You teach kids not to go with strangers and usually girls will experience stranger danger before they're teens and it's confusing.

All women hold their keys like weapons, even the ones who hate feminism. All women have specific survival plans (getting locked in a trunk etc) most have pepper spray or a weapon. It's experience from previous unwanted contact that teaches them not someone telling them if it was just being told the world was scary no one would pay attention. Women are just weaker, that's life.

This person wants my demographic locked up regardless of affiliation or criminal status. By all accounts he has declared himself a direct threat to me. Why am I not allowed to kill him again?

>If there’s no global rapism conspiracy, then why am I a paranoid bitch?
Checkmate, conservatives

Lol, if she punched me with her car keys in front of my famalam, as I'm running past her, my wife would litterally mae hadaka jime to knee strike her face until i had to pull her off.
I actually think this would make a great world star video.

And this is a perfect example of someone who should go through a background check before getting a gun. She'd shoot at the first male she sees thinking she'd get raped.


Some part of this story doesn't check out...

this reads like a SNL skit

She's paranoid and should be in a mental asylum

>his daily


Don't think she did

>his daily
Daily rape victim, obviously she was butthurt that his wife and kid get more rape than she does.

if she were alone in an alley it would have been more believable that she would have acted that way, but if the man's family was as close as she says in the story -- it's clearly a load of bullshit. What a dumb cunt