How much disk space do you need for your anime?

How much disk space do you need for your anime?

enough to download the whole show, because I just delete them.
there's only 3 shows saved in my disk.

none because i'm not a faggot and i stream my anime instead

Says the faggot.

I delete them when I'm finished. Only a tard would waste storage space because of worthless internet points

Around 1TB

What about DVD or Blu-Ray rips for anime with bad encodes or no encode at all?

I delete everything. Why archive it if you can you redownload it later if you want to rewatch it?

Autists hoarding files are the only reason 90% of shows are even watchable today

You're faggot for streaming.

No more than ~50GB. I delete them at the end of every season



>It is the year 2020
>All torrents have been taken down by the FBI
>All illegal streams have been raided by Mossad
>TFW fagot OP asks me for Chinese cartoons

been here longer than you faggot and it has never made sense to be elitist about streaming

None, I always delete anime after I watch it because I never rewatch anything.

I won't be watching any Anime then

This. I torrent my anime, watch & then them, and then stream if I feel like rewatching. I only have a couple of top tier shows saved, like Champloo and Bebop.

Fuck off normalfags.

If you can't tell the difference, you're probably fucking retarded.

All me.

Oy vey! I heard you were downloading illegal content. I better shut those websites down.

Scenario 2:
>Want to download old anime
>0 seeders

>Want to download One piece batch
>Only 80GB Left

Thumbnail made me think she had huge breasts.

>h.266 video codec comes out
>figurative transparency with 90% compression
>plebs are stuck with their h.264 encodes while I batch encode my DVDs on my server

Like between 6 and 8 terrabutts you goddam nigger

I only save anime I like

I delete all the rest. It doesn't end up being much, excluding the huge backlog of course.

>Wanting to download One Piece's lame toei adaption
>Not reading the god-tier manga in colour with the soundtrack playing in the background

Wow this place sure has gone to shit. You can pretty much smell the "I don't watch anything older than 2010" from these posts

67.06 GB

I recently deleted some older stuff to make room for more, but then I realized there's nothing I want to watch.

I only need one tab of my browser

H.266 Will never happen.
The trend these days seem to be larger file size over processing power.

>2020 effective 20TB of RAID 5 Storage cost like 200-300$ and you couldn't care less

Just read the fucking manga. If you're going to waste that much disk space then at least download something good.

40 gb. Once the season is over I just erase everything.

by 2020 I will be fucking dead.

Good riddance.

>Have only like 400gb
>Anime occupies half of it

Life is suffering .

Maybe 10 gig or so. I keep new episodes for a few weeks then delete them. Old shows get deleted immediately.

Pic 1 of 2

2 of 2

I read that as dick space.


I do however have about 4 TB of eroge

who has two thumbs and couldnt figure out how to installl FSN
the 3rd hard drive is manga and VNs

There's probably less than 10 anime I actually want to rewatch, so around 200gb.

I've mostly stopped updating this directory though.

>Being american

I only need a few hundred GBs of storage for my anime. My manga on the other hand takes up over 1.6TB

Just a few GB.

Always download, watch and delete.

0. I either stream or buy what I watch.

>be murrikan
our police and shit care so little about anything that isnĀ“t local and murrika is so disliked here that nothing ever is gonna happen.
The only trouble i ever had was for downloading a local made movie.

I watch anime on my laptop and along with my visual novels it takes up about 100 gb of the 150 gb I have. I'm getting an external hard drive soon so I can stop deleting shows I finish.

Where do you download your manga?

The question of this thread isn't "how much of a fucking pleb you are streaming or deleting", the question is "how much do you store". If you don't fucking store it, you don't even count. No, your opinion on this matter doesn't count for shit if you don't even collect anime. You do not even qualify for this conversation.

Anime: 849GiB
Manga: 356GiB
The bulk of the rest is movies, music, games, ect

Where do you download you're manga

Mostly from the scanners websites as they release them. Sometimes BakaBT and other sources if I'm looking for older ones.


Where do you guys download it

I'd post my actual anime folder since it looks nice with icons on folders, but I haven't gone through to update seasonal shows and a few besides that with icons yet.

29TB for anime
21TB for manga

Naisho desu yo

There's also Madokami, but I try to avoid it since I'm looking for original files not reader rips or repacks.


Those where the good ol' days.

I'm running out of space, what's the best brand of external hard drives?


> Tfw trips of obsolescence


Get a NAS, load it up full of 6tb reds, and set up a RAID 1 (mirror) for each pair.
Hard-drives do eventually fail, why bother saving it if you're going to lose it all when it crashes?

The kami normally has the stuff right from scanlators unless it is a new or ongoing series. Even those end up with shit from scanlators at a later date when someone comes through and cleans it up. Kami is meant to be a community task, if it doesn't have the originals, you should really replace the files yourself for everyone else.

You know you're supposed to leave 5% of the drive empty so your files don't start getting fragmented as fuck right?

Google if you think I'm making shit up.

so thats why ny previous pc wouldnt let me defrag and exploded eventualy

I have like ~1.5 TB on my external HDDs. Not that I actually need to save anime since I never rewatch it.

>started watching anime in 2012
>going back and watching old 80s-90s anime
Its bretty good


What's a good NAS?

i think i have 4-8tb

>all these normalfag spics

Kill yourselves.

>urusei yatsura
It's 50gb for 20 episodes, how do I re-encode it?

You don't, accept your grain.

Any low power PC


I archive around 600 gigs, leaving me with around 300 to spare.

About 5TB according to AniDB.
Everything stored externally on HDDs.

15 TB.

So let me get this straight.

You're using 22 TB for 379 anime?

Is everything you have on there coalgirls rips of extremely long running shounen anime?

What the fuck?


Around 15 GB? I delete most anime after watching it, only keep BD files of my favorites, and eventually delete those I won't be rewatching anyways.

Uhm, are you retarded? If he has 7123 files that means each file is around 383 MB. That's perfectly normal.

Wew, just realized that's only a 2.6TB folder on a 26TB volume.

My mistake.

It's almost time for me to expand.

This one is dedicated to moe shit.
I have another array dedicated to porn.


I found a few torrents someone posted on here, and those make up the vast majority of it

I'm rapidly running out of space on two 3TB hard disks in my NAS Tower.

About 200GB.
I only keep what I find worth rewatching, everything else would be wasted space.

>my old HDD died
>lost over 1tb of anime, images and porn

I haven't recovered from that yet. Most of the shows I can get again for archiving purposes, but there was so much old hentai that I can't find anymore.

I'm currently using around ~2,5tb spread between several drives for my weeb needs.

I spread my shit out across multiple HDDs and back everything up so it takes up more room than it really should.
>1tb for the full collection
>1tb backup (mostly just for the sake of having a portable copy)
>600gb backup of my favourite series
>400gb for ongoing seasonal anime and backlog
>200gb for manga

I'm an autist about having nice icons for every single folder so it also takes up more time than it should.

My country might be a shithole, but just last year one of our courts BTFO'd the jews that wanted to force ISPs to ban torrents and said that's never happening.