Sup Forums on suicide watch!!!

holy shit how will you faggots ever recover!!

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the worst political comic I’ve ever seen. Why did he label the bear as a bear?

can't tell if bait for (you)s or if worst share blue shill known to man


>labels bear a bear

is this the power of left memes?

Can it be? Yes, this... this is it! At last! Zrum-pum-pum-pumpf is FINISHED!

Jesus did this actually make it in the new Yorker?

>tfw if you shave a bear it has white skin
>tfw black bears have black hair and are smallest of bears meaning they are asian
>tfw brown bears have brown hair and are medium sized meaning they are meds
>tfw polar bears have white hair and are the largest meaning they are nordics
>tfw all africa has is cats

This is the beginning of the end for Drumpf
not only did it make it, he's being applauded

Such memes. So powerful.

Had to specify that it's a negroid bear, can't expect Urban Geniuses to know what bears live in Appalachia.
Black bears are of course easily scared off and would be no threat to a pair of rural/suburban retards

I fucking hate these Jews so God damn much. It's literally grade school tier name calling

Omfg are those kikes retarded.
That's a shit tier cartoon why they highlight it ?


Seems legit


I don't get it. What's the joke?

DRumpFfff is orange

is there supposed to be some commentary or joke here?
all I see is some shitty cartoons

Black bears just want to steal your food. They truly are the nigger bears.

>>tfw polar bears have white hair and are the largest meaning they are nordics
Polar bears are black.

0/5 fuck off

It's like a satire. Trump is scum and an embarasment, yet these assholes can't manage to make fun of him.

>It only appears white because it reflects visible light. They're nearly invisible under infrared photography. Polar bear skin, surprisingly however, is black! To humans and other creatures that see only in visible light, polar bears nearly blend in seamlessly with their snowy environment.Feb 27, 2014

Pit bulls are the inner-city niggers of the dog world.

>Trump is scum and an embarasment,
>fins are scum and an embarrassment

i actually laughed at this one.

Black bears are the shittiest bears. Make it a polar bear and it's something to be concerned about

So bad it's good?


he is a balding polar bear, clearly white skin with tuffs of gray hair


Sorry to trigger you

This is true, the polar bear's clear fur over their black skin acts like a mirror I have heard.

But why do they still appear white at the zoo or out of the snow?

Max par


wheres the shoe

Dorgunndle Bunnef is f-FINISHED

We literally can't.
Sup Forums is fucking done for.
It was an honor maymaying by your sides but I just don't think we can turn this back in our favor.

But seriously. A bear isn't sapient enough to even know what a white supremacist is. And there's variations of a bear's color even within it's own phenotype. And then bears don't fucking stalk people.


The really ironic thing about this picture is that it signals the belief of the author that black people are incpabale of non-violent discourse.


That's because your high


It means white supremacists are retard, they should get better venue for meeting than innawoods.

The "violating the NAP" part always gets me


>better venue than innawoods
What's wrong with nature? I thought leftists were supposed to like nature.

Please lurk more.

>no laughing allowed

Sup Forums btfo

>he's being applauded
More like he needs to explain his retarded line of thinking so someone might actually understand his convoluted leftist bullshit
Seinjew, The NewYorker Cartoon