Choose your survivors.
>Less than 24 hours for Ultimate Despair.
Choose your survivors.
>Less than 24 hours for Ultimate Despair.
Sayaka's a slut.
It's part of her job description.
8 survivors, 8 petals (9 if we count naegi that is holding the flower, meaning that he won't die)
Looking forward to the characters who died earlier on to get some more development maybe
Nice b8
You faggots are unironically discussing shipping and you think you're better than /drg/
>Only 6 people will die over 12 episodes
I'll believe it when I fucking see it
Count again
there are 5 petals
The smaller looking "petals" aren't petals
just ignore it, user
Sounds like someone isn't native to Sup Forums
Why you gotta put weedman up there, hes outside, we got a 16th guy inside we gotta be worrying about
And what are they pal?
>Implying both boys from DR1 will survive
Probably 1 boy will survive and one girl.
>You will never be that one autistic fuck that impersonates a fictional character.
Sup Forums is fine.
I know its the point of the black guy's voice but it really creeps me the fuck out
Why does no one fucking mention the panel that says 16 participants despite there being only 15? or is there a wheelchaired, muted, deaf, blind guy participants that's offcamera we aren't aware of?
I can't imagine Aoi living since she's most likely going to be the traitor (Awfully convenient that she's replacing Togami, and she'll probably be very unstable when she learns her brother died). As for Kirigiri I can see her sacrificing herself to save Naegi.
No bully.
Naegi, Hagakure, Asahina/Seiko, Kyousuke and Miaya/Seiko.
Maybe he'll be involved in some other way.
Weedman maybe still counts despite being outside
>posting saionji
That faggot bully kun will post again. She is one of my favorite girls in DR2 though.
Why would orlando bloom be the traitor, im thinking more like kyosuke is the traitor, fucker looks like hes bout to summon his persona and i dont trust him
Asahina still has room for development
Kirigiri is the traitor
Why doesnt Japan like Akane?
Don't bully the SHSL Disabled like that, guy has enough problems as is.
It's the Ultimate Unnoticeable Student. He's been there the entire time, he's just so unremarkable that people think he's furniture.
I think it's a given that the physically strong characters will undoubtedly die.
But they dont
I'm pretty sure its counting Hagakure since he's in the OP. And lets be honest, if they were really going to omit Weedman to the outside after introducing him during the first episode, why even bother putting him in the show at all?
Yeah, the really strong ones, the ones who are strong but not super buff usually live
It says remaining survivors aka people. Never said anything about having to be the people inside exclusively so Hagakure could still count.
Hell we didn't even see him after the others got gassed and given bracelets. Maybe Hagakure got sneaked up on, knocked out and thrown into the building with a bracelet on him.
She useless meat that serves no purpose.
I wish she died instead of Mahiru.
I would hate this trope, but it is hardly ever noticeable.
>Doesn't has a bracalet
Nope, he is out.
Fit chicks are never popular over there, they're always the least popular characters next to muscular guys in anime
to an extent it's the same over here too in a lot of our media
She's Aoi with everything that made Aoi good taken away to make her boobs bigger.
Mukuro, Mondo and Sakura died
Peko, Owari and Nidai died.
Blacksmith, Wrestler and Masked man will die.
>That heavy breathing sound she and Chiaki do
Perhaps a side story? Like, hes the reason to put in people like byakuya, komaru, touko, maybe the remnants? They needed someone to act as the catalyst, so why not use weedman, make him usefull for once
Her personality is the most fleshed out, dude. She's almost 3D.
Then why leave him outside? I'm sure him being outside has a purpose unless he tries to save everyone and ends up joining the game for jokes
I sincerly doubt they'll have a B plot of some episodes focusing on Hagakure, thats native to American television, not anime. But he's gonna be involved somehow, we just have no clue yet.
>She's Aoi with everything that made Aoi good taken away
She was basically a better Aoi to be honest. Akane atleast tried to help, and half the time her sense of smell or gut instinct did kick in. Aoi didn't even do that.
Mukuro is cute
>A side story
>On a 12 episode anime
>That is supposed to be another killing game with at least 15 participants
I guess they learned nothing from the that horrible adaptation. At this rate there's going to be at least one chapter were two or more characters die like disposable trash.
i don't trust that quiet bitch
V3 protag confirmed
If only you actually had that ahoge in game, you might have dodged those spears!
If the Despair Arc finishes and it turns out the DR2 cast had really shitty reasons for becoming Ultimate Despair, would you still like them?
She's Aoi with bigger boobs + muh fightan
At least when Akane did her Stupid Thing it was only supposed to kill one person and not everybody.
>Owari died
Yes pls
I liked how comically useless she was.
>They think the first girl killed is actually dead
So can someone spoil me the plots of DR:Hagakure and DR:Byakuya? I'm gonna read IF and Zero for the first time later tonight, but I'd like to cover all my bases before I start.
I liked Akane more, her backstory was memorable atleast and I can remember her having trouble being honest with her feelings or some shit (feeling remorse over Nidai's death but not understanding how to express it properly). The only thing I remember Asahina doing was her being absolutely infuriating during Case 4.
Well I mean she is Monaca after all.
Only the ones that are smiling in that image will survive.
>Chisa isn't actually dead
>Fedora guy
>Black guy
Also scarf girl is unknown.
You know what is secretly one of the good things about telling the story through an anime rather than a video game
we don't need stupid people to live so they can ask the player dumb questions
Is nobody curious about how in the intro the only two people to share the same "death" are Naegi and Munakata?
It seems very odd that everybody else is given their way to die but they share the same way
That depends how shitty, but no I'd never let something retroactively ruin my enjoyment of something. I'm not a child.
>They made a bone and flesh Chiaki clone.
Why do the japanese have such shit taste?
Sorry, my peabrain stopped working for a moment
We already had this character in DR Zero
>Both share the same death scene
>But Munakata still "falls" while Makoto is trying to help Kirigiri
What does this mean then?
The plot of Hagakure is that it isn't translated.
The plot of Byakuya is that it is horrible and not canon
>The plot of Hagakure is that it isn't translated.
uh what
it's in ultra despair girls
Good enough! Thanks.
Yeah Togami didn't show up because he's gonna survive to the end of this HPA story. Same with Toko and Hagakure is locked out for similar reasons so it ironically leaves the "nicer" DR1 survivors on the chopping block for the shocking death for DR3. Makoto will probably bullshit his way to the end somehow so it leaves Kyoko and Hina as the bigger targets for death.
No? They're both falling after shooting themselves in the head
Isn't that basically Kamishiro from DR Zero?
My hypothesis is that Junko somehow embedded herself in the comatose DR2 guys. Lead by Komaeda, the revived Remnants of Despair got the helicopter from Jabberwock island and came to HQ by following Naegi's ship. They're the main orchestrator of the whole thing. Hajime's group of redeemed Remnants of Despair will follow them to the HQ and save the day.
So we can all agree that Chisa's ghost is the real mastermind, right?
>The plot of Hagakure is that it isn't translated.
If they aren't on the official timeline then they don't matter. And they aren't. So they don't.
I don't know, but Munakata is underwhelming so far. I'm sort of attracted to him but I don't like him. He comes off as exaggerating his own emotional pain and no one understands me bullshit. Which is one reason I'm glad Chisa "died." She won't be his crutch. Putting her next to him was the only reason he seemed like maybe a decent, complex character. She was there to vouch for him while he brooded.
You do realize of course that would basically mean Hagakure is going to live AND be right when he inevitably says the mastermind is a ghost
What about Juzo?
And what masked man? Are you talking about Gozu the Wrestler?
And Owari dying?
So much fail in your post user kun.
>But Munakata still "falls" while Makoto is trying to help Kirigiri
That's a seperate scene
Also literally everyone is falling in that part, including Makoto
I Like your way of thinking user
Traitor is one of the guys in the game, but that doesn't exclude Naegi or Kirigiri from being implanted Junko's memories during the VR program.
Of course Hagakure is going to be right 30% of the time
>He comes off as exaggerating his own emotional pain and no one understands me bullshit.
I'm not seeing this at all.
It means that Naegi is looking out for his own and since Aoi is basically 'the other one', that is most easily communicated with Kyoko.
How would blacksmith feel if pastry was the traitor? What's their relationship anyway?
scarf girl is going to be the elementary school girl on top of nagito's shoulders isnt it
Because Naegi and Munakata are the "hopes" that will save the world and unlock their Persona.
Chisa said if they combined their hopes they will make a stronger hope.
Is he getting a boner because of that melon pan?
I confused Boxer with Wrestler
Stop I'm being incinerated
She's up to some shady shit with those candies.