Poland is now officialy a developed country

>Global equity index provider FTSE Russell has reclassified Poland as a developed market starting in September next year, an upgrade from emerging market status.
>The decision means Poland “has joined the 25 most developed economies of the world,” including Germany, France, Japan, Australia and the United States, the Warsaw Stock Exchange said in a press release on Saturday.



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That's great. With country this developed, you can help us with all the refugees that came recently.

You call this gray depressing shithole developed?!

This. The more developed it is the less conservative its going to be.

There's your answer

Scheiß Polacken!

boland stronk

world power once can into spess

Oh and btw, Poland has not rescinded the rights to war reparations from Germany as was previously thought.
Here is the UN document:


Good job poland.

Those poo in loos must all be hardcore conservatives listening to poo country music and saying "yall don't coma back here now" whenever those dumbass liberal tourists show up in india flashing their iphones everywhere.

3/CN.4/1010 Snglish Page 35
!Original: 3nglish/ -27 September 1969
The Government of the Polish Feople's Republic believes that the question
of responsibility for war crimes and crimes against hl~anity cannot be limited
to regulation of the problem of the criminal liability alone of tIle persons
guilty of such crimes, and that the principles of civil liability for damage
caused as a consequence of war crimes and crimes against humanity should also
be defined in an appropriate United Nations document.
Liability arising out of war crimes and crimes against humanity involves
the following sets of elements:
(a) prosecution of the persons guilty of these crimes;
(b) compensation to the victims of these crimes.
The first ol these points - criminal responsibility for war crimes - has
been regulated by the enactments of international law, in particular by the United Nations Convention of 26 November 1968 on the Non-hpplicability of
8tatutory Limitations to War Crirees and Crimes against Humanity. ~he second, on
the other har.d - the question of compensation or material liability·· has yet
to be settled in sufficient detail by international la~.
The absence of detailed provisions relating to this matter in international
lavJ' has helped to create a situation preventing the satisfaction since the
Second Horld \'Jar of the civil claims of citizens of the Polish State i-rho i{ere
victims of the German Third Reich as an aggressor State and one which illegally
occupied Polish territory and employed criminal ferms of occupation terror against
Polish citizens. The acts of international la\·r - the Fourth Hague Convention of 1907 .- and the
legal acts con..'lected with the Second Horld "Jar provide legal gl~ounds for physical
persons to claim compensation for lJar crimes and crimes against humanity of which
they were victims.

E/CN.4/l0l0 English Page 36
The civil claims for compensation filed by Polish citizens as a consequence
of the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the Second World 1Jar
against citizens ef the Polish State have not yet been settled by the Government
of the German Federal Republic. The legislation in force in the GFR and its
interpretation by the administration and courts in that country have given rise
to a number of discriminatory barriers with the result that Polish citizens are
unable to press their civil claims arising out of the damage suffered as a
result of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The claims of Polish citizens who were victims of war crimes and crimes
against hlwanity embrace civil claims for compensation by:
(a) The widows, orphans and relatives - the heirs of victims whose death
was caused by the extermination policy and terror of the nazi invaders, by
persf;cution in nazi camps, prisons or other. places of detention, or outs:Lde the
camps and prisons as a result of wounds and injuries received or excessive labour.
(b) The widows,' orphans and relatives of victims who died in the
circumstances described in (a) above, where they suffered damage and privation
as a result of the loss of the family provider.
(c) Persons who suffered bodily injur'y or damage to health or damage to
their property as a result of criminal treatment by the nazi aggressors.
(d) Persons compulsorily deported to forced labour in the German Reich or
forced to perform slave labour anywhere, for unpaid or only partially paid
remuneration and benefits and for a lower level of earnings than those of German
employees in the same category of remuneration as Polish citizens.
(e) Persons who suffered damage as result of labour in excess of their age
or capacity, lack of welfare services, leave, or medical treatment, the employment
of children and juveniles, accidents at work.

(f) Persons v7ho suffered as a result of the loss of employment during the
period necessary to acquire professional skills and persons who WEre forced to
leave their hemes, workshops or places of employment. (g) Persons who suffered c~mplete or partial physical disability as a
result of the terror of the nazi invaders, together with the consequences of
experiments dangerous to health or life and the expenses connected with medical
care and treatment.

E/CN.4/1010 3nglish Page 37
In connexion with the regulations issued in the GFR which exclude the
possibility of inheriting claims for compensation, the necessity is emphasized
of introducing the principle of inheritability of claims for compensation for
damage suffered as a result of war crimes and crimes against humanity if the
persons entitled to it have died before obtaining compensation.
In her domestic legislation Pola~d includes the period of detention in
nazi camps as qualification for pensions and other social security benefits such
as free medical treatment, etc.
The legislation in force in the German Federal Republic concerning
compensation for the victims of nazi war crimes and crimes against humanity
discriminates against the citizens of certain States, Poland among them.
Although it admits liability for compensation, it also contains a number of
provisions which in effect deny Polish citizens all possibility of seeking
compensation from the GFR authorities. This discrimination against Polish
citizens among others in its laws on compensation is not only contrary to the
universal rules of international law but also the Constitution of the German Federal Republic (article 3, section 3, prohibiting worse treatment of foreign
nationals and article 25 on the equality of nations and races). These
provisions, and their judicial interpretation in particular, are a continuation
of the discrimination practised against other nations and races by the national
socialist regime.

Dismissing claims for compensation by Polish citizens the
courts in the GFR have frequently in their judgements employed an interpretation
of the law which, in essence, justifies the persecutions of the Poles by the nazi
occupation authorities. In this way the discriminatory nature of the GFR
legislation is aggravated still further by its judicial interpretation.
Claims by Polish citizens for compensation on the grounds specified in I
above have been dismissed by the GFR with the argument that they are subject to
prescription and in other cases that they have been filed prematurely.

'/er: II/1 r110 -~ t J i i\;. !,. _.....' i I;nglist "' Page 33
The defence of prescription is based in the la~s and court judgements of
the GFR on its domestic legislation, specifically on Bundesentschadigungsgesetz (E:::n). Em"lever, the question of compensation for war crimes and crimes against
humanity committed by the German Third Reich is not only a matter of the internal
law of the GFR. To the extent that it can be regulated by the legislation of
the GFR, it has been drafted in B~G in such terms as to prevent suits being
lcdged in due time and multiply procedural difficulties. The object of the
GFl~ Government is to see that actions for war compensation become subject to
prescription and so lapse. International lavr does not recognize application of
statutory limitations to war crimes and crimes against humanity and from this it
follows that there can be no prescription in the case of claims arising out of
The GFR Government maintains that claims for compensation on the part of
Polish citizens are premature. This putative "preEaturity is, according to the vievi
it takes, connected with the absence of a peace treaty with Germany which could
form the only legal basis for settling war compensations.

The point must
therefore be made that referring the question of compensation in the case of
civil claims to a future peace treaty with Germany cannot be regarded as acting
in goed faith. Fm: this reason the GFH Government bears the responsibility for
the lack of ~olitical decisions and appropriate legislation which would furnish
the grounds for a final regulation of the matter of indemnifying Polish citizens
vrho vlere victims of vTar crimes and crimes against humanity.
The claims of Polish citizens on the grounds specified in I above are
outstanding and are not subject to prescription regardless of all the relations
°betvleen the ;:jtates concerned and of the conclusion of a peace treaty.
In this field the GFR treats the States of Western ~urope in one way and
t,olose ef Eastern Burope in another. Despite the principle professed by the
GFJ"" Government that the question of compensation for war crimes and crimes
against hurranity can only be settled in a peace treaty, it has concluded a number
of agreements with the Governrnents of twelve Western States and with Israel. In
tl~es~ ~greements, concluded individually, various issues relating to
C'")l1lper...cation among ether things :for slave labour, have already been settled.
I· ..

3/CN.4/l0l0 English Page 39
The system of forcible deportation of Polish nationals to labour in the
German Reich has been recognized as a war crime within the meaning of both the
Statute of the International Milita~y Tribunal and of the Fourth Hague Convention
of 1907. From an analysis of the judgements delivered in trials arising from
the Second Horld Har it can be concluded that deportation to forced labour and
slave labour for the benefit of the German occupant forms grounds far t~o types
of compensation claims.

One is addressed to the German State and it springs from the Fourth Hague
Convention ~hich guaranteed the fundamental human rights of individuals on
the territory of a State occupied in time of war.
The second claim arises out of the performance of compulsory labour
obligations without just reward, above all in enemy establishments. The grounds
are also to be found in the Fourth Hague Convention, but the claim is made
against German industrial plants and companies. It is the right of individuals
although the legal basis is furnished by an act of international law• . 1..s regards Polish claims of compensation for slave labour adc.ressed to
industrial plants and companies based on the territory of the GFR, IG-Farben in
particular, the following needs to be said:
(a) The claims were filed with the competent GFR authorities and the
actions were heard in the GFR courts. They \fere conducted in such a "my as
to make a settlement impossible;
(b) The defendants included IG-Farben, in other words, a concern which
played a certain specific role in the preparation of the aggression againEt PolQLG
by the German rrhird Reich and during the Second \florld Tiar.
The J..llied Control Council in German;y- defined the status and liability of
IG-Farben in certain legal acts. In 1957 IG-Farben announced that as of 1 January 1968 it would discontinue payment ef compensation both to former
concentration camp prisoners and to all persons who had been deported and
performed slave labour in its plants. On ~he strength of this decision the
trustees of the IG-Farben estate dismissed, among others, over 5,CCO claims by
Polish citizens who had been prisoners at Auschwitz.
/ ...

E/CN.4/1010 English Page 40
Polish citizens have failed to receive compensation not only from IG-Farben
but also from all other business and farming concerns and institutions,

Love you, Polan

now that you're a developed country, you're required to take your mandatory quota of welfare niggers
Welcome to the club.

private persons who played a direct or indirect part in preparing the aggression
against Poland and the prosecution of the extermination policies of the Third
Reich with regard to citizens of Polish State.
In the light of the tragic experience of the Polish people during the
Second World v~r and the rules of international law regarding war crimes and
crimes against humanity, the Government of the Polish People's Republic submits
the following criteria for determining compensation to the victims of war crimes
and crimes against humanity:
(a) The legal principles of compensation for the victims of war crimes
and crimes against humanity should provide for:
the non-application of limitations to compensation for war crimes and
crimes against humanity co~mitted by an aggressor or occupying State;
material liability for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the from of compensation should be regulated by an appropriate act of general
international law in a manner ruling cut all discrimination;
an aggressor State is materially liable for war crimes and crimes
against humanity committ~d by its citizens;
(iv) war reparations do not include compensation for war crimes and crimes
. against humanity;
(v) claims on the grounds of damage of this kinj are hereditary and are transferred to the heirs of a claimant ~ho died before receiving
(vi) in judging these claims the requirements of equity and good faith should
be observed.
(b) The following persons are entitled to bring civil actions for
(i) the widows and orphans or relatives - the heirs of victims whose death
was caused by the extermination policy and terror of an occupa~t;

:sjcN.4jl010 English Page 41
(ii) persons persecuted in camps, prisons and places of detention illegally
organized by an occupying Statej
(iii) persons compulsorily deported to forced labour and performing slave

(iv) persons p0rforming forced or slave labour, required to work in excess
of their age and capacities, deprived of welfare services, leave and
medical treatmentj the employment of children, juveniles and disabled
persons who suffered damage as a result of the loss of employment
during the period necessary to acquire professional skills and persons
who were forced by an invader to leave their homes, workshops or places
of employment;
(vi) persons who have suffered complete or partial physical disability
caused by the terror of an invader, together with the consequences of
experiments dangerous to ~lealth and life;
(vii) persons who have suffered damage and physical and mental suffering
as a result of criminal treatment by an invader; (viii) prisoners of war who performed slave or forced labour contra~y to
the binding conventions relating to war prisonersj
survivors of persons "Who \'iere murdered or died as a result of inhuman
treatment by- an occupant, widOl'lS, orphans and relatives.
(c) Claims for compensation arising out of war crimes and crimes against
hmnanity may not be treated as lapsed or premature. For this reason they should
be regulated regardless of whether:
(i) the State which was occupied has or has not concluded a peace treaty
"\'rith the Dtate which invaded and occupied it or Yiith its successor; (ii) the State which was occupied does or does not maintain diplomatic

They wanna give you guys muslims and niggers.
Dont fall for it and keep making fucking guns, you'll be needing them once Mufti Merkel announces Jihad.

Hope we can be by your side on the day of battle against the goatsodomites.

I'm not reading these walls of text you autist.

Now maybe you will stop emigrate yourselves into england, one the main reason some ppl call eastern europe white nigger is that you come to the west like africans rats, and sometimes act like them.

This is a good new, we need a stronger europe, Poland has a good stance on refugees and EU, need your voice to be heard.

Just posting for those interested about the UN doc. If you're not reading these then those are not for you idiot.

And yet you still can't into space.

our goy got into space thanks to commies

I can cherry pick too you faggot

This probably belongs on Sup Forums or /biz/ rather than Sup Forums, t b h. I fail to see how this is politics related.

that has to be the nicest part of lodz
as far as i remember there has to be at least 2 meters of mud between the street and the walkway in lodz as is tradition.

the city is truly a shithole

Huge walls of texts
but little to no substance in the post itself

Instead of forcing us to go through this crap, just summarize what it says

go back to 9gag

Yeah we tried our best to imitate how your entire country will look like in a century.

100 bucks that there is Latvian flag behind this dixie shit

Is that all you got?
Well, Lodz is truly the Detroit of Poland.

This is a great success thanks to at least three industries in which Pooland beats others:
- Poland has almost a monopoly on european plumbing thus controls european shitters and can blackmail local populations

- Poland has also a great success in exporting people outside its borders who set up new colonies for future domination and with great prospects

- Car stealing businesses are BOOMING in Poland, adding to the general welfare

Hopefully we already have vigilant businessmen who already are developing new industries

PS. Poland is and will be a shithole, sorry

>EU wants to destroy this beautiful country

>beautiful country
Top kek!

It's time for Poland to accept little Jamal and his 18 brothas.

>this picture kills the germanic

>it can't be developed because it's gray

>factories in middle of city, right next to residential buildings
the fuck

Does that mean you're ready for the cultural enrichment now?

It seems communism is curable after all

Still 3rd world wages.

more like:
>the germanic kills this picture

>what is Łodz

Il never understand the Polish and Baltic infatuation with pickled fish, pickled eggs and pickled vegetables..which they like to eat raw and smothered in mayonnaise

The only thing I like about Poland is that all the women are cheap whores. Very easy to get laid if you're German, makes me almost not regret that we didn't kill them all in ww2.