>Look, I'm an overpowered, cocky and annoying whore but I'm still gonna win the MC over lovely childhood friend.
Aren't japanese studios tired of this fucking trope?
What's the point of creating a highly loveable childhood friend character only to make her lose?
It's a huge waste of resources.
>What's the point
It gives the illusion that the characters have some depth.
I hate the MC so much.
This fine piece of art wants to cook dinner for him yet he goes after the eternal-flat-chest shitty girl.
>he likes that annoying and boring as fuck childhood friend
Kill yourself.
You sound like a butthurt Kosakifag and Yoshidafag combined. I'm sorry for your abysmal taste.
I don't even know what this anime is and i'm already dropping it if the MC doesn't go for this dick magnet
Silver is a 30 year old unvirgin and the childhood friend dies brutally.
If anyone's winning this, it's Hime through some awfully weird turn of events or AU where Seigi doesn't want to eat her guts.
>Preferring the overused shitty flat tsundere.
It's people like you who are ruining this once good industry.
She's a slut that literally got fingered by the main villain right in front of the MC.
>rooting for childhood friend
you are only doing this to yourself